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Love No 2.
At Cruxton Abbey, chambermaid Barbara Moore has been demoted to scullery maid after another series of expensive breakages. Mrs. Brown, the cook, is determined to succeed in taming the girl where Her Ladyship and the upstairs staff have failed.
At the first hint of rebellion, she has had Moore stripped and secured to the kitchen fireplace and she has three freshly cut birch rods soaking in brine ready to administer some severe discipline. It is her intention to flog the impudent trollop into submission and then, when she has achieved this end, give her a final dozen with the heavy leather belt she wears around her waist.
Love No 2.
At Cruxton Abbey, chambermaid Barbara Moore has been demoted to scullery maid after another series of expensive breakages. Mrs. Brown, the cook, is determined to succeed in taming the girl where Her Ladyship and the upstairs staff have failed.
At the first hint of rebellion, she has had Moore stripped and secured to the kitchen fireplace and she has three freshly cut birch rods soaking in brine ready to administer some severe discipline. It is her intention to flog the impudent trollop into submission and then, when she has achieved this end, give her a final dozen with the heavy leather belt she wears around her waist.
All the servants should be required to trim birches from the surroundings for constant fresh supplies to be used on their very skin in the future.
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