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041DE2D5-045A-42D9-A1BC-C1649D9F7515.jpeg He has a license to catch girls
After the rebellious students are arrested, photos of the girls are taken.
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After the rebellious students are arrested, photos of the girls are taken.
View attachment 1510992 <gif>
Go ahead! Take your sleazy cheap photos! Mark my words. This is the last time me and my friend here will book our spring break holiday in your crappy shithole country!!!
"Of course it is, you insolent slut, you`re getting two dozen with the cane and then you`ll be deported, and permanently denied future entry to our glorious country."
And then snuck back in so that she can serve at table to a gracious Peer of the Realm malicious bastard who's got the dirty on her and can shop her to Border Force any time he chooses. :devil:
I have grown quite weary of seeing this overused 'bra tie' done by everyone in the business. I normally don't complain about such things, but this has really become annoying. Come on people..... just stop, ok?
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