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Taken captive!
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Pssst … what do you think he meant when he said they were from the “NailusMartyrs blue state mail order brides procurement service”?

I don’t know. Never heard of it.

Isn’t what just happened here known as a home invasion?

I think so.

And what did they mean when they said “Arkansas is going to love you two”?

I don’t know, but it can’t be good!

Do you think it will do any harm if we tell them we think abducting us like this may be illegal ?

I think we should keep quiet.
Pssst … what do you think he meant when he said they were from the “NailusMartyrs blue state mail order brides procurement service”?

And what did they mean when they said “Arkansas is going to love you two”?

Do you think it will do any harm if we tell them we think abducting us like this may be illegal ?
Didn't your moms tell you to stay away from Black Vans? :eek:
Pssst … what do you think he meant when he said they were from the “NailusMartyrs blue state mail order brides procurement service”?

I don’t know. Never heard of it.

Isn’t what just happened here known as a home invasion?

I think so.

And what did they mean when they said “Arkansas is going to love you two”?

I don’t know, but it can’t be good!

Do you think it will do any harm if we tell them we think abducting us like this may be illegal ?

I think we should keep quiet.
There’s a moonshine distillery that needs two workers. It gets real hot inside so the workers are also naked, whether they’re men or women you’ll find out soon enough ;)
Some captives...
#1: artist unknown to me
#2, 3 and 4: Bazzell
#5: Ehliasys

View attachment 1522562View attachment 1522563
#1 : Alone into her cellar ... Suddenly, a strong man is entering ...

#2 : She's conducted to a torture chamber ... She dont know what could be her torture ... It's not her little loincloth which will protect her intimity ... Anyway, it will be certainly removed when they will begin the torture ...
Freshly captured...

View attachment 1522816
She has received the whip ... a long time ago she has twisted her body, trying to escape the bites of the harsh lashes, but she couldn't ...
Currently, she's here, panting, half aware, her body burning and marked by long and bloody streaks ...
That is our fate at CruxForums, us, the cruxgirls ...
She has received the whip ... a long time ago she has twisted her body, trying to escape the bites of the harsh lashes, but she couldn't ...
Currently, she's here, panting, half aware, her body burning and marked by long and bloody streaks ...
That is our fate at CruxForums, us, the cruxgirls ...
That is one of my favourite photos ever, the bondage, the whip draped over her bare shoulders, the white long skirt, it is just petfect

The long wait is over. At last, a door is opened and light enters, I’m no longer hanging naked in total darkness. All that’s remains is the uncertainty and fear.

“About my Mustang,” he drawls as the air around me fills with his Seagrams tainted breath, and he lights up a Marlboro.

“Is that what this is all about, Tree?”

“This time you totaled it Barb!”

“Alright, so I did. What’s it going to be? A dozen … twenty … thirty lashes?”


“What then?”

He didn’t answer. Instead he held something up. My eyes adjusted to the light streaming through the open door, and the silhouetted object dangling from his outstretched hand … it was a noose!!!

“Oh Shit!” I exclaimed.

“Most do when they’re hanged,” he replied nonchalantly.

“When?” I said, barely audibly.

“Soon,” he replied as he abruptly left, slamming the door behind him.
“Oh Shit!” I exclaimed.

“Most do when they’re hanged,” he replied nonchalantly.

“When?” I said, barely audibly.

“Soon,” he replied as he abruptly left, slamming the door behind him.
There is protocol to be followed when hanging a woman for wrecking your car. It isn't a lynching after. Tree brings Barbara out to the Tree Estate Gallows. The crowd approves she attired properly for an Arkansas hanging. The crowd hoots cheers of approval about Barb's naked body as Tree ties her hand behind her back. Seeing the noose dangling before her, Barb asks "Is this really necessary?"
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She was referring to being hanged for wrecking Tree's car but Tree replies "Yes, if your hands aren't tied you will tear up your neck trying to escape the noose you'll hang by."
A good crowd of Tree's friends have shown up to see him hang Barbara. A pretty woman named Messaline yells from the man's shoulders she sits on "It is OK, Barbara! I gave him a one of my premium French nooses to hang you with. You'll look divine while you strangle as you hang from it!"
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And Barbara indeed looked wonderful as she hanged. Tree even forgave her for peeing as she tried to get that breath that she could not draw past the tightening noose.
barb hang 37.jpg
'They all do that' he thinks. 'I guess her mind was elsewhere...'
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