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a few vignettes from comic number 4 by Jolanka, an Italian fumetti comic. The protagonist is marked with fire.


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An Italian fumetti comic. Walalla. She is whipped.

I love these erotic and porn comics. Heroines are brave, but they are also tortured at times. Some have been adapted to the cinema. Isabella, for example.

As a reminder I put photos of the sequence where Isabella is whipped.



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... and as I said in these comics there are a good assortment of torments for their heroines. Here is an example of Walalla and the torment of a cross on the ground suffering the torment of the scorching sun.

And I had and read a long time ago a western pocket novel, in which the female protagonist, and all the characters in the novel are bad and end up killing each other. They kill her by hanging her between three logs exposing her to the desert sun, and after her, when her skin is very sensitive, she is whipped with a long leather whip. After her they leave her there all bleeding and cut for the sun to do the rest of her. She dies like this. And then the other characters shoot each other.

The bad thing is that I do not remember the title of the novel.


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... and another torment to Walalla taken from his comics. This time from number 3. She is raped, and whipped with a kind of branch or whip with thorns. Some cartoons of my favorites in this comic.


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There is also a friend who posted the ordered panels of the comic. Christian Isnardi in his Tortured women post. But now I hang here a text that accompanies the images, and so it is more enriched. I also put it in Spanish.

The text is made in deviantart courtesy of ....


"Claria es empujada a la fuerza por una escalera oscura mientras está inmovilizada, con los brazos atados detrás de ella mientras un trío de guardias reidinianos la empuja hacia adelante. Llegan a un torreón más bajo de la torre del castillo, solo débilmente iluminado por una única antorcha mientras Claria está encadenada a cadenas que cuelgan en medio de la mazmorra, luchando por liberarse de sus esposas de metal en una reacción inútil a su situación. Claria resopla profundamente y ordena. "Por favor. Déjame ir "manteniéndome firme con su demanda, pero finalmente es rechazada por el guardia a la vista.
Solo responde con" Qué, tonterías ". Sacando una pequeña hoja que sobresalta a Claria mientras viaja detrás de ella. Cortando los cierres de su blusa antes de arrancarlo del torso de Claria. "ah ..." deja escapar mientras mira hacia abajo a sus pechos desnudos, ahora vulnerables a sus agresores de piel oscura donde un miembro del trío de guardias no pierde el tiempo estirando la mano y acariciando sus pecho de prisionera con un puñado generoso. Claria mira hacia abajo al guardia con una mueca de odio, en el momento casi olvidando que está sujeta con grilletes debido a su rabia, que rápidamente se desvanece cuando el guardia feliz que agarra la agarra la golpea en la taza. !? ", siguiendo mientras ataca a Claria por segunda vez." No ", le ordena el guardia de su superior mientras se aleja del prisionero rubio." Esta es una espada fina ", inspecciona la hoja de arriba abajo. sus ojos, casi maravillados por su pura brillantez mientras Claria sale. "Recibí eso de la Reina Vivian del Reino Auroria. Soy Claria y estoy bajo las órdenes de la misma Reina Vivian". ocultando el hecho de que ella en realidad es la misma reina que menciona. pero no perturba en absoluto al hombre de piel oscura. "para asesinar, incluso?" respondiendo audazmente sorprendiendo a Claria. aprieta los dientes "... no. Yo no ... eso es ..." luchando por componerse mientras la realidad de su situación se asienta mientras trata de pensar en una respuesta que no ponga en peligro su identidad. "Entonces, ¿por qué un enviado especial como usted camina por nuestro dominio sin siquiera un saludo?" pregunte es el guardia reidiniano. Claria finalmente no responde. "Parece que no se puede decir", añade. El terror golpea profundamente a Claria, ya que es imposible para ella reclamar su inocencia sin revelar quién es realmente. "si eres tú quien esparció el veneno que es". observa el guardia. Claria no pudo hacer nada más que soltar.
"¡No fui yo! ¡Estoy persiguiendo al que esparció el veneno!" sus palabras caen en los oídos del hombre, que no siente ningún remordimiento por los gritos de inocencia de la chica rubia. "Uno puede reclamar lo que quiera". afirma mientras levanta la espada de Claria hacia ella. "incluso su identidad es sospechosa". agrega mientras corta las correas de los pantalones de Claria con su propia espada, dejándolos caer hasta sus tobillos exponiéndose.
"ugh" Claria gime mientras el resto de sus lujosos atuendos son despojados de su persona mientras se cuelga sujeta del techo de arriba. sus botas son arrojadas a un lado mientras un guardia usa su fuerza para romper su ropa interior blanca con volantes en dos. un guardia hunde sus dedos en las trenzas de cabello fino de Claria, arruinando su contorno mientras tira de las trenzas sueltas, dejando fluir sus rizos llenos de su melena dorada mientras prepara su látigo. Sin esperanza, Claria se niega a frustrarse mientras se resiste a la atadura de sus grilletes, ahora también completamente desnuda y desnuda para las miradas indiscretas del trío de hombres. "Aquí están el resto de sus pertenencias que clasificamos en la posada". el superior entrega un saco considerable de las posesiones de Claria al guardia desprevenido. "Inspeccione todo a fondo ...", le ordena a su suplente. luego comienzan el castigo del criminal acusado ...

"Aunque tiene una voluntad fuerte, Claria ha estado encarcelada durante más de un mes después de ingresar a la ciudad de Reidin. Un mes antes, está acusada de envenenar la fuente de agua de la ciudad, donde rápidamente es dominada y restringida por los guardias locales de Reidin después de intentar defenderse. llevada a una fortaleza oscura donde la registran, la desnudan y luego la castigan duramente por el delito acusado:

más tarde la arrojan a una celda con un anciano pervertido que intenta y logra tocarla, lo que alerta al guardia cercano. Claria intenta escapar durante la conmoción con una patada rápida a la guardia, pero finalmente falla y es disciplinada rápidamente como una niña malcriada en su trasero por su decisión apresurada de intentar correr. Claria es despojada de sus trozos de tela recién dados y enviada de regreso para otra ronda de azotes como castigo, donde el guardia al que intentó jugar como un tonto desata su látigo más fuerte y más feroz en la piel del criminal por su imprudente engaño ... Después de enfrentar el látigo una vez más, Claria es arrojada a su celda de la anterior, ignorando su desnudez y dejándola sin ningún atuendo esta vez. Claria yace desnuda en su celda entre los ojos escrutadores del anciano pervertido de antes, que se da cuenta de que su compañero de celda ahora está desnudo en el suelo de piedra. indiferente y encerada, Claria no hace ningún esfuerzo por resistirse mientras el anciano le toca los pechos mientras ella yace tendida en el suelo de la celda. De pie frente a los barrotes de la celda, el guardia que maneja el látigo que le infligió el castigo ahora observa la desgracia de Claria mientras disfruta de las animadas palmas del anciano ...


"Claria is forcibly pushed down a dark stairway as she's restrained, her arms bound behind her as she's pushed forward by a trio of Reidinian guardsmen. they reach a lower keep of the castle spire, only faintly lit by a sole torch as Claria is shackled to chains hanging in the middle of the dungeon, struggling to free herself of her metal cuffs in a futile reaction to her situation. Claria huffs deeply and orders. "Please. Let me go" standing firm with her demand, but is ultimately brushed off by the guard in view. only responding with "What, nonsense." pulling out a tiny blade which startles Claria as he travels behind her. cutting the fasteners of her blouse before ripping it clean from Claria's torso. "ah..." she lets out as she stares down at her bare breasts, now vulnerable to her dark-skinned aggressors where a member of the trio of guards wastes no time reaching up and fondling their prisoner's breast with a generous handful. Claria stares down the guard with a hateful sneer, in moment almost forgetting she's restrained in shackles due to her rage where it's quickly dashed as she's smacked across her mug by the grab happy guard. "what's with that look!?" following through as he decks Claria for a second time.
"Don't" the guard is ordered from his superior as he backs off from the blonde prisoner.
"This is a fine sword" he inspects the blade up and down with his eyes, almost marveled by it's sheer brilliance as Claria let's out. "I received that from Queen Vivian of the Auroria Kingdom. I am Claria and I'm under orders from Queen Vivian herself." hiding the fact that she actually is the same Queen she mentions. but it doesn't faze the dark skinned man at all. "to murder, even?" responding boldly surprising Claria. she clenches her teeth "...no. I'm not... that's..." struggling to compose herself as the reality of her predicament settles as she tries to think of a response that won't jeopardize her identity. "then why is a special envoy such as yourself walking our domain without so much as a greeting?" ask's the Reidinian guard. Claria ultimately fails to answer. "it seems you can't say" he adds. dread strikes Claria deep as it's impossible for her to claim her innocence without revealing who she truly is. "if you're the one that spread the poison that is." remarks the guard. Claria could do nothing but blurt out. "it wasn't me! I'm chasing after the one who spread the poison!" her words fall on the man's ears, who holds no trusting remorse to the blonde girl's cries of innocence. "One can claim whatever they want." he states as he raises Claria's sword at her. "even your identity is suspect." he adds as he cuts strapping on Claria's breeches with her own sword, letting them fall to her ankles exposing herself. "ugh" Claria whimpers as the rest of her lavish garbs are stripped from her person as she hangs restrained from the ceiling above. her boots tossed aside as a guard uses his force to tear her frilly white undergarments in two. a guard sinks his fingers into Claria's finely hair braids, ruining it's contour as he pulls the braids loose, letting flow her full locks of her golden mane as he readies his whip. hopeless, Claria refuses to foil as she resists the bind of her shackles, now also completely naked and bare to the prying eyes to the trio of men. "here are the rest of her belongings we sized from the Inn." the superior hands a sizable sack of Claria's possessions to the offhand guard. "inspect in all thoroughly..." he orders his understudy.

they then commence their accused criminal's punishment...

"Though strong willed, Claria has been imprisoned for more than month after entering the city of Reidin. a month prior, she's accused of poisoning the town's water source where she is quickly overpowered and restrained by local Reidin guardsman after trying to defend herself. she's brought to a dark keep where she's searched, stripped and then harshly punished for her accused crime:

she's later thrown into a cell with a perverted old man who attempts and succeeds to feel her up, which alerts the nearby guard. Claria attempts to escape during the commotion with a swift kick to the gaurd, but ultimately fails and is disciplined promptly like a spoiled child on her backside for her hastily decision to try and run. Claria is stripped out of her freshly given cloth scraps and sent back for another round of whipping as punishment, where the guard who she tried to play for a fool unleashes his whip harder and fiercer into the criminal's skin for her unwise deceit...

after facing the whip once more, Claria is returned tossed into her cell from previous, disregarding her nudity and leaving her without any attire this time. Claria lays naked in her cell among the peering eyes of the perverted old man from before, who notices his cellmate is now bare-skinned along the stone floor. uncaring and waxing, Claria makes no effort to resist as the old man gropes her breasts as she lies sprawled out on the cell floor. standing opposite the cell's bars, the whip handling guard who the dealt her punishment now watches at Claria's misfortune as she's enjoyed by the old man's lively palms...
The Franco-Belgian comic Vae Victis. The very bdsm last cover and the last vignette of the last volume. I don't know this comic ends like this at the moment, but in my opinion it is a sad ending. The young protagonist chained behind Vercingetorix crying and with an anguished face- A brave young woman. I hope this comic continues. But for the most bdsm fans they would turn this scene more or less like this: The young woman was also chained, but totally naked and they would add a few bruises, traces of male semen and of course a few whip marks.
I add a couple of vignettes to this entry also with the last volume of the comic. Scenes where the protagonist is chained naked with her lover. In them it is guessed that she is groped and harassed for days by the barbarian auxiliaries of the Romans.


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The Eye of Ozirios. Outstanding, the classics do a lot for me… I can read about half the Spanish, slowly learning… mmmm, perhaps I should download a few Spanish BDSm comics to improve my learning. Between you and @sifax I’ll get there!
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