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Crime and Punishment in Modern Singapore

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In the meantime, we are very fortunate that The International Red Cross has an undercover agent on the case (no, not Barbara from Nude Nurse - thank goodness - but a competent agent:
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This might just be the most disturbing kinky picture I have seen on this deparaved site!

But, to make up for it, this is one of the hottest. Barb really does look gorgeous there
“Look Carrie, Dao” said Barb. “Just between us girls, can’t we forget about this? Take me back to my cell and I’ll swear you caned me. OK? Please!"

The let's be friends ploy ... always worth a try .... :rolleyes:

“It’s not fair,” said Barb as she bent forward as instructed.

One of my favorite lines ... ;)

“Standard procedure for all caning is a totally bare rear, inmate Moore. You heard the matron’s orders. Besides these jail clothes are expensive. We are told to be careful not to damage them.”

Singapore is always conscious of not ruining things paid for with taxpayer's money ... :)

"Please no," whined Barb softly.

I can whine almost as well as I can complain ... :p

"That's definitely not fair!" said Moore. "Show me where it says that!"

Invoking the let me see the fine print gambit ... :devil:

Carrie was an expert at this. She rubbed the cane lengthwise on the exposed butt, letting Barb feel the hardness and the raised nodes. The Singapore justice system used only the finest canes from Sumatra, which lay just across the Straits of Malacca from the city.

Nothing but the best ... :confused:

The delay only served to raise Barb's fear to an unbearable level. Her heart was pounding hard, her breath quick and shallow, and her skin glowed with preparation. How could she endure this??

Oh, I will and probably a lot worse before PrPr is finished with this tale .... :facepalm::popcorn:

Just....erm...wondering: is this only for the benefit of the prisoner, or could other interested parties request access to this important evidence? Purely for the purposes of comparing and constrasting disciplinary measures in correctional institutions worldwide that I have been carrying out for the last few decades.

The HangingTree has already negotiated exclusive rights to RR Productions, with marketing and distribution by NailusMartyrs.com. Be sure to check their fall sale for special package deals. ;)

I understand the new streaming site Cruxflix is negotiating an exclusive deal with the Republic of Singapore for punishment content. Subscriptions will soon be available. I suggest however, that you immediately send me a postal money order for your first 6 months subscription ($55.99, a significant savings off the $9.99 monthly rate) so you won't miss out on any of the ahem, "educational" content!

Uh oh, Tree ... looks like there's going to be a bidding war for video of my tight little shaking and quivering with each stroke of that cane. Better raise the ante ... does this qualify by any chance as the beginning of a trade war. Tariffs of 50% or Moore on the import of images of my reddened tight little? :doh::rolleyes:
They are full capable of entering the jail, overcoming any resistance and rescuing Barb from the inhumane and brutal punishment planned.
(Anyway, Trump has business interests in Singapore.
Where was her American Embassy? Why didn’t the Cavalry ride to the last-minute rescue??
Once more a shutdown, probably?
I'm afraid that I have bad news for Barb. It appears that the Hostage Rescue team was away from Singapore at the time of her arrest. They had earned a much-deserved R&R in Scotland at Trump Turnberry, for a weekend of golfing.

The CIA station chief in Singapore, a semi-retired senior agent (86 years old) named Jewels, had sworn when he heard of Barbara Moore's predicament, that he would rescue her. But that was right before his daily six-hour nap.:sleeping:

So rescue seems unlikely :oops:
I'm afraid that I have bad news for Barb. It appears that the Hostage Rescue team was away from Singapore at the time of her arrest. They had earned a much-deserved R&R in Scotland at Trump Turnberry, for a weekend of golfing.

The CIA station chief in Singapore, a semi-retired senior agent (86 years old) named Jewels, had sworn when he heard of Barbara Moore's predicament, that he would rescue her. But that was right before his daily six-hour nap.:sleeping:

So rescue seems unlikely :oops:

Woe is me ...:oops::facepalm:

"Use your wood often!"
"Grip the shaft firmly!"
"Don't choke near the hole!"

Geeeze :spank::spank:
Correction Room. Central Station Holding Facility 10:20 PM SST

Barb trembled with fear, having no idea exactly what to expect. Please, she prayed for the first time in a long while, stop this!

Carrie Long drew back and brought the cane forward with a slight snap of the wrist. The crisp “snap” sound of it connecting with tightened skin and Barb’s yelp of pain showed how effective the instrument was. Carrie had held back a little and had not delivered the cane with her full strength.

Barb’s head snapped up and tossed her luxuriant hair in the air. God!! That hurt!!! She hadn’t thought it would be THAT painful! It was much too much; she couldn’t take another one, she thought.

Dao counted out loud while marking the register, “One.”

“No! please! No More! It hurts too much! I can’t take it!” Barbara cried.

“I think you can and will,” laughed Long. Measuring the cane across the upper buttock, she drew a long backswing and delivered another slash, noticeably harder than the first.

“Ahhhggg! Stop! Please!!!” Barb shouted.

Dao said, “Two.” And marked the register.

Carrie noted with interest the way Barb’s butt danced and showed her open sex. The matron lowered her mark to just above the crease at the thighs. This time she used a slight uppercut and checked her swing even less than the second. She was rewarded by a tremble of pain in her victim and a louder cry.

“ARRGGGGHH!! Stop! Please! I can’t take anymore! It’s too much! I want to go home!”

Dao’s pen scratched on the register, “Three.”

“Dao…matron Sing! Please stop it. It is SO bad! How can you let this happen?”

“I’m sorry inmate Moore,” Dao said in a voice with real sympathy. “But we must carry out the punishment you agreed to. We are already halfway through.”

“Halfway? Oh my God! I’ll die!”

“You won’t die, inmate Moore,” said Long. “But perhaps you will learn a lesson to respect the jail and the guards.”

“I will. I will!! No More, Please!!!”

Long gently tapped the cane across the center of Barb’s butt where the first stripe was turning a dark pink. Barb moaned at the touch. Wong drew back her farthest yet and landed her hardest blast crossing the first welt at a slight angle.

“CRRRRIIIISSSTTTTTT!” screamed Barb as her body surged against her restraints. The pain clouded her vision for a moment. She kept screaming for almost half a minute.

When her scream finally died down, Dao said, “Four,” methodically marking the register.

Barb was panting hard and her body was sheened with sweat as Carrie measured the cane for the fifth blow.

Smiling broadly, the blonde matron was pleased at her success in “getting through to” the recalcitrant inmate. She had taken a dislike to Barb’s complaining and condescending attitude from the moment she’d escorted her from the intake office. Her instincts were always right. This one would be trouble. Though even she was shocked when Barb extended an accusations to Dao. Long liked Dao, but judged her far too soft and sympathetic to the inmates. The thought that Barb had accused the sweet, gentle matron increased Long’s anger.

Well, the answer to all this was to give her more trouble than she could stand. Carrie would love an excuse to extend the strokes. But she had a strong sense of integrity and Barb had yet to violate the rules here.

Long watched the butt tremble with pain and Barb's muscles contracting in futile efforts to free herself. Yes, she was learning a lesson. Long drew back the cane with a full, low backswing and drove it with all her might up into the lower crease of the buttcheeks – right on top of the previous welt.

Barb exploded, her body spasming and a deep throated wail tore from her mouth, “GGAAWWWWWDDD!!”

“Five,” said Sing with a catch in her voice as she saw the agony on Barb’s face.

As Barb’s scream died, she caught her breath and lashed out like a wounded animal.

“Fuck you all!” screamed Barb. “Fuck that bitch head matron and the gay prosecutor!!! Fuck it all. It’s not fair. Stop it. I can’t take another!!”

“Yes you can. In fact, you will take two. Please record the addition of a discretionary stroke for gross language and hate-speech," said Carrie.

Dao wrote in the register, repeating Long’s words but in a very sad tone. “Five – two more to go.”

Long returned to the upper buttocks and landed the hardest blow she could strike, almost directly on top of the earlier welt.

“AAAAIIIIIEEEE!!!!!!!!” Barb’s scream tore from her throat. Even with the tight bonds, her body seemed to surge from the table as her long hair whipped about. Her head was spinning and her body was drenched in sweat.

“Six. This completes assigned punishment; one extra discretionary to come.” Dao dutifully wrote in the register.

Barb was now slumped across the table, breathing hard, moaning softly.

Long steadied her stance and measured the cane across the middle of the elevated and exposed ass, right where two deep-red welts crisscrossed each other. This is for my friend Dao, thought Carrie as she drew back. With every ounce of her strength, she drove the cane into the writhing asscheeks, crossing the two previous lines.

The pain rocketed to Barb’s brain like a firecracker. “AAAUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!” Barb thrashed wildly in her bonds for the long time, before slowly settling and finally lying, drained on the table.

“Seven strokes. punishment completed as agreed,” said Sing with relief as she finished writing and signed the register. While Barb continued to pant and cry, Wong stepped over and co-signed it. Dao closed the register and replaced it in the desk drawer. The two untied the inmate and helped her on with her pants, which served to further irritate her rear. Then they escorted, actually half-carried, Barb back to her cell.

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