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Crime and Punishment in Modern Singapore

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..Barb reaches for dictionary.. :doh:
Monty, that isn't really fair. Barbara Moore holds an important not very important, senior very junior position at a major third-rate University in Minneapolis. The University is actually in Brooklyn Center, the best worst suburb of Minneapolis.
Moore achieved her current position by cleverly employing certain positions, coveted by senior administrators (male and female).
She never would have gotten so far academically without knowing how to use a dictionary as a support in certain difficult postures, or to kneel on when doing "that" for a very tall University President.
Monty, that isn't really fair. Barbara Moore holds an important not very important, senior very junior position at a major third-rate University in Minneapolis. The University is actually in Brooklyn Center, the best worst suburb of Minneapolis.
Moore achieved her current position by cleverly employing certain positions, coveted by senior administrators (male and female).
She never would have gotten so far academically without knowing how to use a dictionary as a support in certain difficult postures, or to kneel on when doing "that" for a very tall University President.

Not fair ... the administrators I bend over are none of your business, and I resent that bit about a third rate institution. :flipa:
Not fair ... the administrators I bend over are none of your business, and I resent that bit about a third rate institution. :flipa:
You have a point about third-rate. The problem I faced when writing that is that there are no recognized lists of fourth-rate universities.
Cell. Central Station Holding Facility 11:20 PM SST

They entered the half-darkened cell and asked Barb if she wanted anything before going to bed. Moore only grunted, “No.” So, they laid her, face down on her cot. Carrie left and Dao gently covered Barb with a light sheet and stroked her hair softly. “Try to sleep,” she said. Then she left and locked the door.

Barbara lay still, with the pain and heat radiating from her rear, gently sobbing. Only after a long time did she remember that she’d had nothing to eat. But, in the quiet cell, she knew she’d have to wait until morning.

Eventually, sometime, around 1 AM, she drifted off to a fitful sleep


Guard Break Room, Central Station Holding Facility, 11:45 PM SST

Carrie and Dao sat across a small table from each other sipping Teh Tarik [a Malaysian hot milk tea] from tall mugs.
shutterstock_1044594316.jpgTheir shift ended at midnight and they always tried to wind down a few minutes before leaving. The constant stress of the job, dealing with prisoners with problems and trying to be polite and helpful, was very wearing. And the caning of inmate Moor had been especially stressful so late in their shift.

“Are you OK, Daoie?” asked Carrie, using her pet name for her partner. She had strong maternal feeling for her petite, shy partner.

“Yeah. But caning Moore seems to have disturbed me.”

“Why? You know she deserved it. You are too sympathetic to troublemakers.”

“She did deserve it and she is a troublemaker, but there was so much pain in her face.”

“See, that’s your trouble. You chose to be the recorder and look at the inmate’s face. I get to enjoy watching the cane slice into their soft rear. And I have to tell you, Moore’s was one of the best. By the third stroke, her tight little ass was writhing and pumping like a cheap chicken [Singapore slang for whore] at Club De Emperor on Geylang Road!” [Geylang Road is the heart of Singapore’s red-light district]

Dao blushed and lowered her eyes. But then she asked, in a shy voice, “Really? It was that sexy?’

“That and better. Next caning, you get to wield the weapon. Maybe you’ll get to beat Moore’s ass, Daoie”

“Oh, she won’t be here long enough to get another caning, will she?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Said Carrie, with a wink.


Cell. Central Station Holding Facility, Saturday, March 1, 2019 5:30 AM SST

Barbara seemed to have just settled into a sound sleep when the lights in her cell came on bright and a buzzer sounded on the intercom. Fighting to remain asleep, she was roused a few minutes later by the cell door slamming open and a short, stocky matron calling in, “Up NOW, ladies! Inspection in 20 minutes.” When Barb pulled the sheet over her head, the matron strode in and ripped away the cover.

“That means you too, sleeping beauty. Up and to your toilet. If you’re not ready for inspection when I return, you’ll be sorry. I heard you were a troublemaker. I warn you, making trouble on my watch is a BAD idea!” With that she patted Barb lightly on the butt, drawing a cry. And left the cell.

Slowly, Barb dragged herself from the cot to her knees on the floor. She had no interest in sitting on anything. She got to her feet and went to the simple, but clean commode on her side of the cell. Lowering her pants and holding herself just off the seat, she relieved herself. She stole a glance over at her cellmate, Rose, who was quietly attending to her morning toilet. Barb made a mental note to apologize to Rose for taking her candy and accusing her.

As Barb finished her abbreviated ritual, the buzzer sounded. Rose stood up and said in a soft voice. “Inspection buzzer. Matron will be here in a minute. Stand at ease at the foot of your cot. Barb took up the position and turned to thank Rose for the advice. As she did, the small girl drove her fist into Barb’s belly, doubling her over.

“That’s for stealing my candy and trying to get me in trouble. Try something like that again and I have friends here with razor blades to cut your face with.”

Rose resumed her position just as the matron entered. Barb was still doubled over holding her middle.

The matron grabbed Barb roughly by the hair and jerked her upright. “Faking stomach problems now, inmate Moore?” The matron showed her clenched fist. "I can give you real stomach problems!"

“No...no,” stammered Barb, “It was…" and she looked over at Rose who had an angelic look of innocence on her face.

“What was, Moore?” the matron asked with sneer. “Out with it. I hear you are free with accusations and lies. Try that on me and I’ll have you back in the correction room for a dozen of the best!”

Terrified by the threat, Barb backtracked, “Nothing. Nothing. Everything’s fine.”

“Good. You don’t want to miss breakfast, do you?”

Barb shook her head. She hadn’t eaten anything except the candy bar since lunch yesterday. She felt famished.

After spending a good ten minutes meticulously inspecting every inch of the cell, the matron left saying, “Breakfast in forty minutes at 7 AM. A buzzer will sound and proceed down the hall to the refectory. Rose will show you that way.”

Barb lay back on her stomach. Lack of sleep and food was starting to get to her. She daydreamed of a hearty breakfast.

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