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Crime and Punishment in Modern Singapore

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By the third stroke, her tight little ass was writhing and pumping like a cheap chicken [Singapore slang for whore] at Club De Emperor on Geylang Road!” [Geylang Road is the heart of Singapore’s red-light district]

Like a cheap chicken?????? :confused:

I heard you were a troublemaker. I warn you, making trouble on my watch is a BAD idea!”

Forewarned... :eek:

“That’s for stealing my candy and trying to get me in trouble. Try something like that again and I have friends here with razor blades to cut your face with.”

Holy shit! The inmates are scarier than the matrons!!!! :eek::eek::eek::facepalm:

Well written transition episode. Moore to come ... :popcorn:
Hot off the presses! Just written by PrPr:

Crime and Punishment in Modern Singapore

Barb Needs Another Rest, Minneapolis, Winter 2019

Barbara Moore was worn down. All Fall, work and daunting family responsibilities had been constant and unrelenting. Then the winter of 2018-19 hit. The harshest in Minneapolis in 25 years. It seemed that every moment Barb wasn’t working or traveling, she was shoveling snow! Even though she was a native of the North, this weather tested her endurance. By January, she was feeling the most intense cabin fever of her life.
While she was surfing YouTube, she saw an ad for Singapore. Looking it up she liked what she saw: almost on the Equator with year-round warmth, exceptionally clean, and one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
On a whim, she had hopped on the internet travel sites and found a nicely priced package for a 5-day getaway to Singapore in late February when the average temperature was 88°/76°. She almost maxed out her credit cards, but she told herself, she needed another rest.
Very early the morning of February, 23rd, Barb found herself driving through a near blinding snowstorm to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Narrowly avoiding several close calls with other cars, she arrived on time. She checked her three suitcases, obtained her boarding pass and by 7 AM was seated on United Airlines Flight 5620/29 to Singapore with one stop at SFO. She got out her “plane, light reading, book” The History of the Medieval World, by Susan Wise Bauer. In a little less than 24 hours, she would be in Singapore.

On a whim, she had hopped on the internet travel sites and found a nicely priced package for a 5-day getaway to Singapore in late February when the average temperature was 88°/76°. She almost maxed out her credit cards, but she told herself, she needed another rest.
A Magical Place: Friday, February 28, 2019

Barbara Moore was really enjoying her trip to Singapore.
Barb was very impressed by how clean and well-kept the urban areas were. Reading that street crime was almost non-existent, she felt comfortable walking anywhere at any hour. In the five days she’d spent here, she had fallen in love with Singapore with its fascinating blend of South Asian, Chinese and Cosmopolitan culture as well as British Colonial History.
She was charmed by the decadent Colonial style of Raffles Hotel, where she stayed. The second evening she had felt obligated to visit the “Long Bar” and sample the official drink of the City-State, the “Singapore Sling”, invented right there. Fortunately, it was in her hotel. For, after enjoying three, Barb, who couldn’t handle a lot of liquor, was barely upright.
Barbara had wandered for hours one evening in the “Gardens by the Bay”, mesmerized by the “Supertree Grove” with its dazzling lights. Another day she had explored Windsor Nature Park’s Hanguana Trail, named after Hanguana rubinea, a plant found only in Singapore.
The gleaming downtown towers and the upscale marinas of this island city were fascinating to explore. Of course, she had spent some quality time in the museums learning the history of the place. And the broad choices of wonderful cuisine at the restaurants had pleased her palate while damaging her credit cards.
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Barbara Makes Moore Mistakes. Friday, February 28, 2019, 4:20 PM SST

Barbara heard someone shout something like Gerombolan! Gerombolan! [Malay for Swarm]. Instantly police whistles blew and, in a few seconds, she was surrounded by four Singapore officers. They hustled her back to a bench near the ice cream vendor and one pointed at a piece of gum on the back of the top rail and said, in perfect British English.

“Did you place this here, Miss?”

“No! Of Course not! How dare you accuse me with no evidence!”

He stared at her.

“I, uh. Well maybe. Yes, I guess I did. So what?”

“Miss, I’m afraid that is a serious offence in Singapore,” the officer replied. He seemed to be the one in charge. He, like the others wore the white, short-sleeved shirt with gold buttons and trim and the dark blue beret of the Vigilante Corps, the elite of the Singapore Police. While Barb was unaware of this distinction, she did notice that all four were noticeably shorter than her; it made it hard for her to take them seriously – smirking, she thought they looked like overage boy scouts). Barb did see the three chevrons on his shoulder epaulets, indicating a full sergeant.

“Well, SORRY!” Barb said as dismissively as possible. “How the hell do you expect a tourist to know that? I bet it’s a scam to get money for fines. Like a speed trap in some hick town!”

“It is a well-known law here. You should have read the sign.” He pointed to a nearby sign with a graphic prohibiting gum and the warning of a $1,000 fine.
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“What the fuck?” exclaimed Barb. “A Thousand Dollars? Are you out of your fucking minds.”

“Please, Miss. I must request you use proper language and show respect to the constabulary.” His calm voice showed clear annoyance, but Barb ignored that.

“Shit, this is a bad fucking joke. Look, little man, call off your boy scout buddies here and let me go before I get all you losers into a shitload of trouble.”

“This is a serious matter, Miss,” said the Sergeant in a more strained, but still level voice. “A major fine and other punishments if you continue to be non-cooperative and disrespectful.”

Moore was beginning to realize that bluster wasn’t succeeding, so she switched to her usual backup plan with male authority figures. Falling back on her experience with traffic stops in rural Minnesota, she played with the top button on her blouse, accidentally undoing it, and put on her best little girl lost voice,

“I’m sorry officer, Sir. I’ll be a good girl from now on.” Damn, she thought, the runt’s too short to look down my blouse. “What if I give each of you $10 and another for your pension fund. I’m sure you underpaid civil servants deserve some extra pocket money.”

“I regret you said that, Miss. That’s attempted bribery of a law officer. I’m placing you under arrest.”

“NO! you can’t do this,” she cried, as another officer quickly drew her hands behind her back and applied a tight set of handcuffs.

“Ow! Come on! This is not necessary! You are going to be sorry! This is police brutality! You fucking Neanderthals will be sorry!”

“Miss, you are charged with violating the gum ordinance, defacing public property, insulting and demeaning police officers and four counts of attempted bribery of an officer. I suggest you not make this worse.”

“Worse! This is a chicken-shit joke! And so are you, you dwarf boy scouts with girly berets! Now take off these cuffs or I’ll have your badge, all your badges!” Barb just then noticed the sergeant’s name tag. “Mr. Chua. Hey, is that name a joke too? Mr. Chew? Officer in charge of the “Gum Patrol?” What the hell are you doing?” Is two policemen grabbed her arms, she kicked out at the men around her and hit one and then another in the shin with the toe of her shoe.

Quickly, the two knelt and fastened ankle cuffs with a short chain between them.

“You should address me as Sergeant Chua! And my name is not a joke!” The sergeant raised his voice for the first time and flushed slightly. Then he took a deep breath and brought his emotions back under control. “Bring her along to the van, please’

An officer on each arm guided and half dragged Barb from the square to a waiting police van. The ankle shackles forced her to take baby steps and wiggle her tight little in a particularly erotic way, appreciatively observed by the onlookers who had gather to watch a rare disturbance of The usual Singapore tranquility. It is unlikely that Barb was aware of that.

Barbara Makes Moore Mistakes. Friday, February 28, 2019, 4:20 PM SST

Barbara heard someone shout something like Gerombolan! Gerombolan! [Malay for Swarm]. Instantly police whistles blew and, in a few seconds, she was surrounded by four Singapore officers. They hustled her back to a bench near the ice cream vendor and one pointed at a piece of gum on the back of the top rail and said, in perfect British English.
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“Did you place this here, Miss?”
Central Police Division, Booking Desk: 5:55 PM SST

The ride in the van was uneventful and surprisingly comfortable. The officers were completely respectful of their bound prisoner – no groping, not even leering. Totally professional. Barb however, kept up a constant stream of complaints and questions, ranging from naked threats to filthy curses to flirtatious begging. Not one seemed to pay any notice.

They entered the modern and immaculate Central Police Division building and the soaring lobby with hanging works of glass art by Dale Chihuly, and continued to the main booking area. This more resembled an upscale corporate lobby, then a usual police station.
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Barbara was seated, uncuffed, in a brightly lit cubical, in a comfortable, easy chair facing a modern, steel and glass desk, behind which was a trim young woman in a dark navy uniform. She smiled at Barbara and introduced herself as Mai Tang, Corporal of the Singapore police.
“Miss Moore,” she said, looking at Barbara’s passport, “I am so sorry for the inconvenience here. I shall attempt to resolve this situation as expeditiously as possible.” If you didn’t know better, you’d have believed Barb was simply there to discuss her latest bank overdraft.
When Barb began rapidly stating her case, Mai held up her hand.
“Please, Miss Moore, it would be wise of you to say nothing until I have seen the report of the officers. Then we can discuss what is to be done. Right now, they are entering their report in the computer system which will process all four statements and prepare a single charge sheet which I will access on my station here.”
“Well, I want to be able to lodge a formal complaint! Those…” Mai again held up her hand.
“You will be able to do so when it’s appropriate. I shall have the charge sheet within five minutes. We strive for efficiency and quality service here in the Singapore Police Force.”
Five minutes, right! thought Barb. As she waited, silently, Barb seethed inside. She now began to worry about missing her flight. About four minutes later, Mai Tang’s screen beeped and she scrolled through a document. Now, she looked concerned.
“I am afraid that these charges are quite serious, Miss Moore. You are charged under Chapter 57 of the Singapore penal code, defacing of public property and public chewing of gum. In addition, your disrespectful comments toward the arresting officers bring charges under Chapter 52, slandering the Singapore Police Force. I must tell you that there is also a very serious charge under the Prevention of Corruption Act Section 5 with attempted bribing of four public officials. And, most serious of all, you are charged under penal code §332 ‘Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty!’ Miss Moore, you could be looking at very great trouble.”
Barb had been seething during the wait, anxious to file her many complaints. The recitation of these charges caused her temper to boil over.
“You’ve got to be fucking crazy. You Keystone Cops can’t arrest an American citizen for chewing gum. None of those charges are true. I’m innocent! I’ll have all your badges, you moron! Let me go at once you dumbass clerk, or I’ll see you lose your fucking job. I demand you contact the American Embassy!” She continued on for a couple of minutes, voice raised and using rude language. She was too excited to notice heads around the room turning in wonder at the loud rant.
Mai Tang sat patiently, waiting for Barb to stop. Her sympathetic, concerned look and friendly smile changed little. However, after listening for several minutes to Barb’s profanity-laced insults that included her personally, there was the slightest icy tone added in her voice when she spoke. “There are body-cam recordings supporting all the charges. Therefore, we have to take this incident seriously. I can tell you that your Embassy was contacted even before you arrived here. However, the U.S. Ambassador is out with most of the staff at their box at the HSBC Women’s World championship at the Sentosa Golf Club. It is the biggest athletic event of the year here. That apparently left only a skeleton staff at the Embassy and most of those, being it’s after 5PM on a Friday, have gone for the weekend. We have been told that the earliest a representative will be able to see you is tomorrow morning.”
“Tomorrow?” Barb almost choked with anger as she heard that. “That is unacceptable! I will have those Embassy morons fired too! I will file complaints! You, little girl, will be in a shitload of trouble if you don’t fix this right now! I insist that you take me back to my hotel. I have a plane to catch just after midnight!”
“I am afraid that will be impossible. Since you have formally requested your Embassy representative be present, we cannot have you appear before a magistrate until then. You will be housed in our facility until morning and then we will wait for your representative.”
“But my tickets are not exchangeable or refundable!” At that Barbara lost all control and began screaming invectives at Mai Tang, the arresting officers, the Singapore police in general and the whole Republic of Singapore. For an educated, professional woman, she showed an astonishing range of gutter vocabulary.
Three large, khaki-uniformed jail matrons appeared and lifted Barbara from the seat and dragged her, still shouting, across the room and through a heavy security door. Everyone in the staid, dignified booking department looked in astonishment at the strident display.

The ride in the van was uneventful and surprisingly comfortable. The officers were completely respectful of their bound prisoner – no groping, not even leering. Totally professional. Barb however, kept up a constant stream of complaints and questions, ranging from naked threats to filthy curses to flirtatious begging. Not one seemed to pay any notice.
Madiosi-2019-255-Barb Singapore.jpg
They entered the modern and immaculate Central Police Division building and the soaring lobby with hanging works of glass art by Dale Chihuly, and continued to the main booking area. This more resembled an upscale corporate lobby, then a usual police station.
On a whim, she had hopped on the internet travel sites and found a nicely priced package for a 5-day getaway to Singapore in late February when the average temperature was 88°/76°. She almost maxed out her credit cards, but she told herself, she needed another rest.
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Barbara Makes Moore Mistakes. Friday, February 28, 2019, 4:20 PM SST

Barbara heard someone shout something like Gerombolan! Gerombolan! [Malay for Swarm]. Instantly police whistles blew and, in a few seconds, she was surrounded by four Singapore officers. They hustled her back to a bench near the ice cream vendor and one pointed at a piece of gum on the back of the top rail and said, in perfect British English.
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“Did you place this here, Miss?”
The ride in the van was uneventful and surprisingly comfortable. The officers were completely respectful of their bound prisoner – no groping, not even leering. Totally professional. Barb however, kept up a constant stream of complaints and questions, ranging from naked threats to filthy curses to flirtatious begging. Not one seemed to pay any notice.
View attachment 755019
They entered the modern and immaculate Central Police Division building and the soaring lobby with hanging works of glass art by Dale Chihuly, and continued to the main booking area. This more resembled an upscale corporate lobby, then a usual police station.

Great manips, Madi :popcorn:

Please feel free to insert (assuming PrPr has no objection to that?)
Please feel free to insert (assuming PrPr has no objection to that?)
How come I never get a proposition like that ??
Wonderful work Madi.

There will be NO inserting in Barbara in this story! At the beginning I said, NO SEX, and I meant it. Just a whole lot of discomfort, worry and PAIN!
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