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Crucified males

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where you found this?
I think it is his own artwork. Very talented. His other works are just as great. Love this one, three condemned men marched to the place of crucifixion. Their stypes waiting to receive them. The style of their physiques here reminds me of ‘battle of the nude men’ an all time favourite of mine. Really wonderful picture that has so much detail. Thank you Vlad.
2nd post of the two new condemned are executed outside the roman fortress


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I totally love this images, although the bodies of the two crucified are too muscular for my taste. Especially I like the image "roman_punishments_2_010.jpg"! The black-haired crucified reminds me a lot of Christ on my absolutely favorite painting of the crucifixion of Christ "Lamentation Beneath The Cross" of Lucas Cranach the Elder from 1503. All I can say is: just continue in this way!
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I totally love this images, although the bodies of the two crucified are too muscular for my taste. Especially I like the image "roman_punishments_2_010.jpg"! The black-haired crucified reminds me a lot of Christ on my absolutely favorite painting of the crucifixion of Christ "Lamentation Beneath The Cross" of Lucas Cranach the Elder from 1503. All I can say is: just continue in this way!
Happy you liked it. I didn´t know the Cranach picture, but it´s really a beautiful one. And keep looking, I´m working now in a series with less muscular models.
Я думаю, что это его собственное произведение. Очень талантливый. Другие его работы не менее великолепны. Люблю этого, трое осужденных прошли маршем к месту распятия. Их типы ждут, чтобы получить их. Стиль их телосложений напоминает мне «битву обнаженных мужчин», мою самую любимую на все времена. Действительно замечательная картина, в которой столько деталей. Спасибо Влад.
Спасибо друг за отзыв
I believe putting a man on display for minor offences wouldn't be a bad Idea. LIKE if you agree !
Sure, also because we all know, that the current judical system (such as for traffic offenses) has the only rule to bring in money for the state. A display punishment clearly does not bring in money, except the audience has to pay, the crucified will have a loincloth with adds like a formula 1 pilot and the punishment is aired on TV interruped with commercials (for example for penis growth or muscle relaxation,,,,)
Sure, also because we all know, that the current judical system (such as for traffic offenses) has the only rule to bring in money for the state. A display punishment clearly does not bring in money, except the audience has to pay, the crucified will have a loincloth with adds like a formula 1 pilot and the punishment is aired on TV interruped with commercials (for example for penis growth or muscle relaxation,,,,)
I believe this would be a total WIN/WIN/WIN - The State makes more $ / TV makes more $ and the Viewers get great entertainment.
He can choose between a lollipop or a cornu

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Shared a crayfish salad lunch with him once ... back in 1990-91.

There are about a million Greeks in my home town who would have loved to take my place.

It was all over a treatment that never got produced ... as he died a year or so later.
I believe putting a man on display for minor offences wouldn't be a bad Idea. LIKE if you agree !

Absolutely, nothing like a little public humiliation to make a point. I'm sure it would be popular with the ladies voters, and keep those young men in line . . . . . unless some of them found that they liked it!

Sure, also because we all know, that the current judical system (such as for traffic offenses) has the only rule to bring in money for the state. A display punishment clearly does not bring in money, except the audience has to pay, the crucified will have a loincloth with adds like a formula 1 pilot and the punishment is aired on TV interruped with commercials (for example for penis growth or muscle relaxation,,,,)

With a titulus like this one you could alternate between warning messages and advertising


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Absolutely, nothing like a little public humiliation to make a point. I'm sure it would be popular with the ladies voters, and keep those young men in line . . . . . unless some of them found that they liked it!

With a titulus like this one you could alternate between warning messages and advertising
Yes, but we know before public display, that males with sports cars have to compensate their micro-penis with a sport car. I weven ask the health insurance to take over the leasing rates for my car....
Absolutely, nothing like a little public humiliation to make a point. I'm sure it would be popular with the ladies voters, and keep those young men in line . . . . . unless some of them found that they liked it!

With a titulus like this one you could alternate between warning messages and advertising
From the audience it seems to be a female defined justice....
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