Such a great question with so many key points in my life. For me it was never about jesus althougth i went to a christian school C of E. Its not just crux but sacrifice and punishment in general.
The first thing I remember is conan and flash gordon. The topless women fed to the snake. Conan tied to the tree. Flash Gordon "executed" in the gas chair wearing only tiny pants.
I remember playing conan games with my cousin when i was young around 8 years old, sorcerors and warriors. He was a bit older and would ask me to be the prisoner.
I remeber i would tell him that a prisoner should always be naked and i would get so excited as I stripped and lay there wating to be saved. To be naked as part of a game was exciting then to be tied up hoping we wouldnt get caught. Sometimes i would tell him he was to late to save me and now he had to be the bad guy and kill me or throw me to the snake.
I remember 1 particular time vividly we were playing. I was trapped in the "desert" and had to wait to be saved. I remember stripping and being tied to the metal bed frame. Just like conan to the tree i was the hero so tough and strong. It was all just a part of the game at the time and i loved the excitment i didnt know what i was doing, but i knew it was wrong and that i liked it.
Then came the film twins of evil. I was like 13 when i saw it. The innocent witch burnt alive at the beginning by the good guys. I remember the curved pointy breasts of the sexy twins with there huge sized dark pink coloured areola surrounding there nipples (a must for all the women i like today). The twist was amazing too, with the evil twin throwing her good twin to be executed only to be found out and killed herself later. Sooo sexual sooo influential.
Then lorna doon when i was 14. She was a whore played by alex kingston who fucked her way to the top. The show had so much sex and boobs lol. Then at the end she was to be hung. The trial the tension. Her leading up to the event her being led out. Put in the noose. Then she was saved i remember being happy in my mind but I remember being disapointted in my loins i wanted to see her hung and punished
Then finally i discovered the website haffnium at 15. Boy did i love those stories. Where women and men took the punishment and sometimes were not saved......
So theres my journey into this world of kink. I find it amazing how similar a lot of these jouneys are. Especially the notion formed at a young age before we even understood how or why or even what sex was.