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Some Gary Roberts samples, found on the net...

Wow, Roberts certainly has a way with these pics. #3, I can feel that clamp myself, and I don't even have the relevant bits!
#4, there is a whole story in this pic, which I would love to see told. The poses, the expressions, the official badge, the casually clamped labia . . .
#6 that expression again. There is something powerful about that electrified clamp siting between widely spread thighs. Her poor tender flesh, x3, the air of long term endurance, an ordeal with no obvious end . . . she can't tell them anything, her mouth is gagged!
There is a passage in a novel by Jill Patton Walsh, where a woman is tortured on an electrified bed in some eastern european communist state. A witness is told the woman has a problem with her memory. "She can't remember?" "No, she can't forget"
Careful there. We all have our own limits, our own preferences, be happy with yours but remember you have no right of judgement over another's limits and preferences.
you are completely right RR .........................but also those who don't like it have their right to say they didn't like it.
Those look like pretty accurate portrayals of the kind of methods used by CIA-trained torturers in Latin America in the 1970s-80s.
Using a cattle-prod to fire a current that leaps to the terminals fitted on my sensitive parts
is more painful than simply running it through the latter,
it tortures a different set of nerves each time it touches.
The steel bed would of course earth me, becoming live every time I take a shock.
The gag ensures I don't bite my tongue off.
I think my body would have been swabbed with water, to spread the shock over it,
and my wrists and ankles tied with high-conduction wire rather than cuffs like those.
Otherwise, they give a good idea of what was involved.​
Those look like pretty accurate portrayals of the kind of methods used by CIA-trained torturers in Latin America in the 1970s-80s.
Using a cattle-prod to fire a current that leaps to the terminals fitted on my sensitive parts
is more painful than simply running it through the latter,
it tortures a different set of nerves each time it touches.
The steel bed would of course earth me, becoming live every time I take a shock.
The gag ensures I don't bite my tongue off.
I think my body would have been swabbed with water, to spread the shock over it,
and my wrists and ankles tied with high-conduction wire rather than cuffs like those.
Otherwise, they give a good idea of what was involved.​
Eulalia! I'm not quite sure what to think of something that was a c t u a l l y used on political victims in recent times... what were they, I wonder, after finally 'talking' ..? Gang raped? Made to dig their own graves and shot in the back of the head leaping over them?! (nude no doubt!) Sometimes atrocities and kink become unpleasently hard to distinguish from each other, dont they?!
I am sure though, they would have had a hard time making you and me 'talk'!
Eulalia! I'm not quite sure what to think of something that was a c t u a l l y used on political victims in recent times... what were they, I wonder, after finally 'talking' ..? Gang raped? Made to dig their own graves and shot in the back of the head leaping over them?! (nude no doubt!) Sometimes atrocities and kink become unpleasently hard to distinguish from each other, dont they?!
I am sure though, they would have had a hard time making you and me 'talk'!

Maybe I'm a little fucked up, maybe we all are, but for me, that's part of it for me. One of the things I love about crucifixion and other similar things is this idea of the world being against you. If you're in the hands of the Romans, the inquisition, the CIA or KGB, there is no one who's going to help you. That is ultimate hopelessness and submission, and I feel it every time my government lies and gets away with it. Won't get too political here. ;)
Of course we are all 'a little fucked up' - why else would we be here?? :)

I for one could be turned on by the image of myself 'digging my own grave' - naked ... sweating ... getting lashed now and again to move faster... What a kinky work out! - but I cant say I would like to have it end with a bullet in the back of my head! - if thats what you mean by 'ultimate hopelessness' ?!
If I rationalise my kink at all, I think it's a way of coming to terms with being, basically, just an organism that's evolved to struggle to survive and reproduce in a pretty harsh, unfeeling universe where suffering is the condition of all life - the cross, the rack, the electro-torture bed, just bring into sharp focus my experience of being a woman, arousing the forces in me that drive me to face and keep on with that struggle. Dunno if that makes any sense?
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