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Maybe I'm a little fucked up, maybe we all are, but for me, that's part of it for me. One of the things I love about crucifixion and other similar things is this idea of the world being against you. If you're in the hands of the Romans, the inquisition, the CIA or KGB, there is no one who's going to help you. That is ultimate hopelessness and submission, and I feel it every time my government lies and gets away with it. Won't get too political here. ;)

Of course we are all 'a little fucked up' - why else would we be here?? :)

I for one could be turned on by the image of myself 'digging my own grave' - naked ... sweating ... getting lashed now and again to move faster... What a kinky work out! - but I cant say I would like to have it end with a bullet in the back of my head! - if thats what you mean by 'ultimate hopelessness' ?!

If I rationalise my kink at all, I think it's a way of coming to terms with being, basically, just an organism that's evolved to struggle to survive and reproduce in a pretty harsh, unfeeling universe where suffering is the condition of all life - the cross, the rack, the electro-torture bed, just bring into sharp focus my experience of being a woman, arousing the forces in me that drive me to face and keep on with that struggle. Dunno if that makes any sense?

Yes Eul, it does make sense...perfect sense to me...in fact, I can relate to all three of these statements....feelings of hopelessness and submission, of struggle to fight on even when everything is against us ... all these things can be arousing in our fantasies of crux, or any other kind of peril.
If I rationalise my kink at all, I think it's a way of coming to terms with being, basically, just an organism that's evolved to struggle to survive ... Dunno if that makes any sense?
Yes Eul, it does make sense...perfect sense to me...in fact, I can relate to all three of these statements....feelings of hopelessness and submission, of struggle to fight on even when everything is against us ... all these things can be arousing in our fantasies of crux, or any other kind of peril.

I have argued pretty much the same before such as here Why?

"Well as to why I tend to regard these impulses as in part an evolutionary throwback. My ancestors, your ancestors and everybody elses had to compete for resources, survive competitors and predators on top of natural disasters for generation upon generation. That history of conflict leaves a mark.

Yet one of the fruits of progress has been that in large portions of the world, the great majority of the population live without experiencing much in the way of life threatening challenges. Yet those deep impulse that are hardwired into our systems remain. Without some expression they could drive us mad and yet to act on them when there is no real threat and no real need would be counter-productive. Hence fantasy, these allows us to explore and enjoy and release those aspects of our psyches that are not nearly so vital these days but were once an intrinsic part of our forebears survival."


(always worried when gets to quote oneself)
I have argued pretty much the same before such as here Why?

"Well as to why I tend to regard these impulses as in part an evolutionary throwback. My ancestors, your ancestors and everybody elses had to compete for resources, survive competitors and predators on top of natural disasters for generation upon generation. That history of conflict leaves a mark.

Yet one of the fruits of progress has been that in large portions of the world, the great majority of the population live without experiencing much in the way of life threatening challenges. Yet those deep impulse that are hardwired into our systems remain. Without some expression they could drive us mad and yet to act on them when there is no real threat and no real need would be counter-productive. Hence fantasy, these allows us to explore and enjoy and release those aspects of our psyches that are not nearly so vital these days but were once an intrinsic part of our forebears survival."


(always worried when gets to quote oneself)

That explains it all in a rather neat package that I like very much. Thanks for saying it again RR!
If I rationalise my kink at all, I think it's a way of coming to terms with being, basically, just an organism that's evolved to struggle to survive and reproduce in a pretty harsh, unfeeling universe where suffering is the condition of all life - the cross, the rack, the electro-torture bed, just bring into sharp focus my experience of being a woman, arousing the forces in me that drive me to face and keep on with that struggle. Dunno if that makes any sense?
I guess it does make sense in its own twisted way! :) But maybe I would like to add that such kink has such appeal because we as western women generally no longer face all the calamities and dangers we used to in bygone ages?!
I guess it does make sense in its own twisted way! :) But maybe I would like to add that such kink has such appeal because we as western women generally no longer face all the calamities and dangers we used to in bygone ages?!

Something to that too....yes.
"fucked up" is relative.... my feeling is that I just am what I am... we are all a little bit of this and a little bit of that... The modern age and "confessionalism" pushes us to some set of "norms" (I guess Foucault would say all this better)... but that doesn't/shouldn't and probably can't take away the individual. Or something like that. Anyway, I enjoy being me and liking the things that I like and I don't worry about where in the spectrum of humanity that puts me or whether I am odd or whether others are simply not letting on.... It's a wheeze isn't it? The feelings I have for the involuntary victims of torture or martyrdom are so so deep... I could never do this to myself, but I just dream of being in that situation where events made it inevitable and something to be suffered with as much desire to experience the pain as possible.
In a way, my current 'lassie-hunting' story is playing with the tension between millions of years encoded in our genes as female mammals being hunted down and mated by males, and the rules and formalities of human societies that try to 'domesticate' those instincts through laws, norms and traditions.
In a way, my current 'lassie-hunting' story is playing with the tension between millions of years encoded in our genes as female mammals being hunted down and mated by males, and the rules and formalities of human societies that try to 'domesticate' those instincts through laws, norms and traditions.
but Eve with her apple wasn't that old:p:doh:
I may have posted it elsewhere ( the clip below has a nice opera in it..:))



The officer's cap and uniform look suspiciously German....are ex-Nazis the instructors at this military college?
South America was the shelter for the nazis
The officer's cap and uniform look suspiciously German....are ex-Nazis the instructors at this military college?
Many German officers settled in Argentina.
For example, Otto Skorzeny
He took part in the Argentine army in training.
and .... the insignia on the collar is not German.

Yes it looks an interesting fusion between Reichswher and US insignia styles...probably a nod to both main influences....
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