OK, so all the moderators have evidently formed a cabal of secrecy concerning Melissa.
How 'bout this, mods: If you won't reveal the details of Melissa's leaving, at least tell us WHY you won't reveal it. To do otherwise is, frankly, insulting to the intelligence and devotion of the members of the Forum. And you might regain our rapidly disappearing trust if you would at least give us that much info.
This is all I will have to say on this matter.
Your rep--
Tribunus Plebis poem21045 (That's "tribune of the people," BTW.)
Personally I don't feel the need to know all the gory details of what happened. Whatever issue there was has apparently been resolved as best it could be, and the forum is getting back to it's usual fun place to hang out. Maybe I'm different than most folks here, but I don't feel insulted or disrespected and deceived by the mods not revealing everything. In this case it's likely none of my business anyway. Don't forget there were other members involved and perhaps giving out the full story would be unfair to them. I think it's time to put it to rest, and move on.