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Fall Of The Temple – Crux Illustrated Story

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As part of my personal celebration of the 20th Anniversary of my PETRA series, I knew I had to do crux illustrations (obviously!). I committed to do something new and was inspired by @mp5stab ’s great thread and @Livia Crux Dove ’s intriguing fantasy. Here are a few illustrations from FALL OF THE TEMPLE. I’ll do more if there is interest.

The story -

It is 70 CE. General Titus and his Roman forces have breached the third and second walls of Jerusalem and launched their final assault on the Second Temple. The Antonia Fortress is the last line of defense for the Zealots guarding the Temple.

To buy the Zealots more time to mount a counter-offensive, a rebel commander named Leah bat Rafael and her small band of rebels launch a daring nighttime sortie on the unsuspecting Roman forces. They sabotage siege weaponry and engineering equipment, and kill many legionaries before they meet their end.

Leah is the rebel saboteurs’ sole survivor. Realizing that the Zealots need even more time, she surrenders to preoccupy the Romans until the morning. She is interrogated, ravaged, scourged, and crucified.

The sacrifice of Leah and her small band of rebels is not in vain. As she hangs on the cross, the Zealots have completed underground tunnels and set fire to the siege ramps along the walls of the Antonia Fortress, ultimately causing them to collapse.

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Being sound asleep when Leah and her band of rebels attacked, the Romans didn’t have time to don their full armor as they sought to fend off the surprise sortie.

The saboteurs did optimum damage before being felled. To buy the Zealots more time, Leah, the saboteurs’ sole survivor, surrendered and was brought before the Centurion. He asked her, “Do you speak Greek?” Leah nodded, glaring at him. “Good,” the Centurion continued. “That was a very brave and very foolish thing you and your dead comrades did. You will never stop us. Only delay the inevitable.”

“What should we do with her, sir?” asked the Legionary holding Leah.

“She will be scourged and crucified at dawn,” the Centurion replied. “In the meantime, clean her up and interrogate her to find out what she knows. When that is finished, you can have your enjoyment of her.”

“Yes, sir! Thank you, sir.”

Leah steeled herself for the horrors to come. She would never betray her comrades and knew her sacrifice was what they needed to succeed.

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Following the Centurion’s orders to clean Leah up before interrogating her, the Legionaries nearly drowned her in the mikveh of a nearby house of a family they slaughtered.

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An absolute pleasure to see even more art from you. This is a fully featured series, rivaling the quality of your Petra pieces in both style and story. Love the braids; very practical for a soldier like her. And beautiful on her cross. And those pictures of the rape, the torture, each one is so well thought out in angle and composition. You have become so prolific recently without losing a single ounce of quality. Every detail in these illustrations sing. Even the photo stuff in the background flows cleanly and is blurred just right. I’ll be returning to these ones for sure! Also that water effect is great.
She looks amazing, eager to read the full story/see more pics you made of her.
An absolute pleasure to see even more art from you. This is a fully featured series, rivaling the quality of your Petra pieces in both style and story. Love the braids; very practical for a soldier like her. And beautiful on her cross. And those pictures of the rape, the torture, each one is so well thought out in angle and composition. You have become so prolific recently without losing a single ounce of quality. Every detail in these illustrations sing. Even the photo stuff in the background flows cleanly and is blurred just right. I’ll be returning to these ones for sure! Also that water effect is great.
Very well said, by an excellent artist herself. But I would have PAID to make the wait less than 20 years!
Steve, you remind me how long it's been since I discovered this subject matter online. And to this day I still return to the "Petra" series at least a couple of times a month.
This story shows equal potential!
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