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Fall Of The Temple – Crux Illustrated Story

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The scourging has concluded …

The Roman custom was that pre-crucifixion scourging was limited to 38 strokes. But here on the battlefield, the Legionaries showed no such restraint. The pain Leah endured was incomprehensible and she was surprised she did not pass out.

Shocked by the ferocity of the scourging, Leah awaited the next stage of this horrific ordeal. She hoped that her comrades had completed their work on the counter-offensive so her sacrifice was not in vain.

Fall of the Temple--Scourged 4 LR.jpg
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The scourging has concluded …

The Roman custom was that pre-crucifixion scourging was limited to 38 strokes. But here on the battlefield, the Legionaries showed no such restraint. The pain Leah endured was incomprehensible and she was surprised she did not pass out.

Shocked by the ferocity of the scourging, Leah awaited the next stage of this horrific ordeal. She hoped that her comrades had completed their work on the counter-offensive so her sacrifice was not in vain.

View attachment 1478942
Beautiful. I'm as stunned as she is!
As Leah lay on the ground, gripped by agony and exhaustion from the scourging, the Legionaries were prepared to drag her to the upright and her place of crucifixion. But she summoned her fleeting strength and stood up defiantly.

One Legionary locked an iron collar around her neck and another brought the crossbeam along with the instruments of crucifixion. Leah would carry the crossbeam like so many of her forbearers.

Fall of the Temple--Defiant LR.jpg
As Leah lay on the ground, gripped by agony and exhaustion from the scourging, the Legionaries were prepared to drag her to the upright and her place of crucifixion. But she summoned her fleeting strength and stood up defiantly.

One Legionary locked an iron collar around her neck and another brought the crossbeam along with the instruments of crucifixion. Leah would carry the crossbeam like so many of her forbearers.

View attachment 1480311
so I was looking forward to this, and my desire is growing!! great drawing, great story, and excellent processing!!

thanks, and I look forward to the sequel!
Thank you again, everyone, for your likes and comments.

As thousands of Legionaries prepared for their assault on the Antonia Fortress, two Legionaries led Leah to her place of execution.

Despite projecting a brave front, Leah was gripped by terror as her eyes locked on the upright in the distance. She was willingly giving her life to save the Temple, but she dreaded such an excruciating end.

Fall of the Temple--Procession LR.jpg
Thank you again, everyone, for your likes and comments.

As thousands of Legionaries prepared for their assault on the Antonia Fortress, two Legionaries led Leah to her place of execution.

Despite projecting a brave front, Leah was gripped by terror as her eyes locked on the upright in the distance. She was willingly giving her life to save the Temple, but she dreaded such an excruciating end.

View attachment 1483030
better just got better!!
wow I really enjoy your pictures!!
Thank you again, everyone, for your likes and comments.

As thousands of Legionaries prepared for their assault on the Antonia Fortress, two Legionaries led Leah to her place of execution.

Despite projecting a brave front, Leah was gripped by terror as her eyes locked on the upright in the distance. She was willingly giving her life to save the Temple, but she dreaded such an excruciating end.

View attachment 1483030
Most evocative image so far, I’m loving this thread, Steve
As Leah lay on the ground, gripped by agony and exhaustion from the scourging, the Legionaries were prepared to drag her to the upright and her place of crucifixion. But she summoned her fleeting strength and stood up defiantly.

One Legionary locked an iron collar around her neck and another brought the crossbeam along with the instruments of crucifixion. Leah would carry the crossbeam like so many of her forbearers.

View attachment 1480311
This pose is magnificent.. :bdsm-heart:

Thank you again, everyone, for your likes and comments.

As thousands of Legionaries prepared for their assault on the Antonia Fortress, two Legionaries led Leah to her place of execution.

Despite projecting a brave front, Leah was gripped by terror as her eyes locked on the upright in the distance. She was willingly giving her life to save the Temple, but she dreaded such an excruciating end.

View attachment 1483030
Her fate is like Jeddak 's Sabina...and me by Mobieus ..
I like this way of carrying a cross beam :)
Another of Steve's artistic trademarks: when the victim first gains sight of the stipes from which she will soon be hanging and realizes her gruesome fate is sealed.....

Nynia (1). Petra (2,3). And now Leah (4).


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Thank you again, everyone.

Yes, @Yupar , I did the patibulum carrying style in homage of Jeddak, and like Mobieus’s great illustration of you. For this series, I am paying homage to several artists who have done crux illustrations in the past or present.

I’m glad you recognize that @robn13 . I also did a similar illustration in THE WITCH when poor Agnes sees the gallows for the first time. I think its such an important moment in the stories for my protagonists. Despite how brave are defiant they are, an instinctual, visceral fear overcomes them at the moment when they first see the instruments of their demise. These stories are both a physical and emotional journey.

The Witch-Gallows01-LR.jpg

In a diabolically effective strategy, one Legionary chained Leah’s collar to the upright while the other prepared to yank her back by her ankle shackles. This would cause Leah to grab the collar with one hand and brace her fall with the other.

As a result, Leah would instinctively fight against getting strangled and not against having her wrist pinned and nailed to the crossbeam.

Fall of the Temple--Preparation LR.jpg

In a diabolically effective strategy, one Legionary chained Leah’s collar to the upright while the other prepared to yank her back by her ankle shackles. This would cause Leah to grab the collar with one hand and brace her fall with the other.

As a result, Leah would instinctively fight against getting strangled and not against having her wrist pinned and nailed to the crossbeam.

View attachment 1486130
Excellent beautiful work Steve!

I just want to be there; just want to see hear smell and experience it all. As terrifying as it would be!

And if not as Leah-then as a devout elderly Jewish matron who bribes a few denarii to the vengeful guards to be allowed to offer Leah the relief of a drink of hyssop, myrrh, and wine, a bit of relief in the midst of her suffering~
And if not as Leah-then as a devout elderly Jewish matron who bribes a few denarii to the vengeful guards to be allowed to offer Leah the relief of a drink of hyssop, myrrh, and wine, a bit of relief in the midst of her suffering~

“Where’s that old hag who always comes around every time we put a bitch up on a cross? She’s usually waiting here before the procession’s halfway here! Hey, there she is—you, old woman! Yes, you. You’re late today! No, no, no, stay there. You’ll have to wait until we raise the cross to give her that potion of yours. What’s that? It’s not my fault you’re late. You should apologize to this bitch when we let you up here. Just wait and I’ll tell you when you can approach her.”
As part of my personal celebration of the 20th Anniversary of my PETRA series, I knew I had to do crux illustrations (obviously!). I committed to do something new and was inspired by @mp5stab ’s great thread and @Livia Crux Dove ’s intriguing fantasy. Here are a few illustrations from FALL OF THE TEMPLE. I’ll do more if there is interest.

The story -

It is 70 CE. General Titus and his Roman forces have breached the third and second walls of Jerusalem and launched their final assault on the Second Temple. The Antonia Fortress is the last line of defense for the Zealots guarding the Temple.

To buy the Zealots more time to mount a counter-offensive, a rebel commander named Leah bat Rafael and her small band of rebels launch a daring nighttime sortie on the unsuspecting Roman forces. They sabotage siege weaponry and engineering equipment, and kill many legionaries before they meet their end.

Leah is the rebel saboteurs’ sole survivor. Realizing that the Zealots need even more time, she surrenders to preoccupy the Romans until the morning. She is interrogated, ravaged, scourged, and crucified.

The sacrifice of Leah and her small band of rebels is not in vain. As she hangs on the cross, the Zealots have completed underground tunnels and set fire to the siege ramps along the walls of the Antonia Fortress, ultimately causing them to collapse.

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Will this "Fall of the Temple" series end up as a resource in the Archives section as an illustrated story?
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