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Fall Of The Temple – Crux Illustrated Story

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Thank you again, everyone, for the likes and comments.

Don’t be too hasty in doubting the soundness of Leah’s plan just yet, @crumera . We’ll see how it plays out in the illustrations to conclude THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE. I have 6 more illustrations planned after this one. Chronologically, we are now in the point of the story right before the first illustration I posted in this thread.

As you requested, @Aluafaen et Rimmon Ra , here is the other foot nailing.

In THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE, the Legionary delivered the final strike of the hammer. The crucifixion of the brave rebel commander, Leah bat Rafael, who hoped that her sacrifice would lead her comrades to victory, was now complete.

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The proud warrior woman reduced to a naked, bleeding, sweating, screaming wreck. Seeing that muscled female body ruined on the cross is so erotic. Well done!
Thank you again, everyone, for the likes and comments. A special holiday treat: back-to-back postings!

An agonized Leah braced herself to rise on the cross to steal some breaths. She heard screaming behind her and looked back. The siege ramps were on fire!

The plan had worked!

While the Romans were preoccupied with salvaging the equipment the rebel saboteurs had destroyed and subjecting Leah to her horrific ordeal, her comrades in the Antonia Fortress had dug tunnels under the siege ramps and set flaming pitch. The siege ramps were made of wood and dried dirt, which caught fire like a candelabra.

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As the siege ramps crumbled and hundreds of Legionaries met their doom, an unexpected feeling broke through Leah’s agony—joy.

Next up will be the final four illustrations in THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE.

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As the siege ramps crumbled and hundreds of Legionaries met their doom, an unexpected feeling broke through Leah’s agony—joy.

Next up will be the final four illustrations in THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE.

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I enjoy your stories the hell out of it!
I like this!

but I think the Romans will eventually destroy the temple as revenge...
Thank you, @mp5stab and @Aluafaen et Rimmon Ra . Yes, I'm going to close out the story in style.

Given all that what Leah has endured, the rush of exhilaration at the realization that her plan worked and her sacrifice was not in vain would cause her to smile so broadly, at least briefly. It was a rush of endorphins. We know from anecdotes that other severely injured people have experienced the same. I wanted to depict that.

Also, the Romans losing this battle (but not the war) is a true story. During the siege of Jerusalem, the Jewish rebels did destroy the siege ramps and kill hundreds of legionaries as a result. It was a huge humiliation for General Titus, which caused him to withdraw his army and develop a new plan of attack. There have been questions throughout history on how Titus could let this military disaster happen. I created a fictional reason why: Leah.

And, yes, the Romans do ultimately prevail in real life and destroy the Temple. But that's through no fault of Leah's.
Thank you, @mp5stab and @Aluafaen et Rimmon Ra . Yes, I'm going to close out the story in style.

Given all that what Leah has endured, the rush of exhilaration at the realization that her plan worked and her sacrifice was not in vain would cause her to smile so broadly, at least briefly. It was a rush of endorphins. We know from anecdotes that other severely injured people have experienced the same. I wanted to depict that.

Also, the Romans losing this battle (but not the war) is a true story. During the siege of Jerusalem, the Jewish rebels did destroy the siege ramps and kill hundreds of legionaries as a result. It was a huge humiliation for General Titus, which caused him to withdraw his army and develop a new plan of attack. There have been questions throughout history on how Titus could let this military disaster happen. I created a fictional reason why: Leah.

And, yes, the Romans do ultimately prevail in real life and destroy the Temple. But that's through no fault of Leah's.
yes and we all know where the temple is! its remains are in jerusalem...specifically the jewish wailing wall?

After this defeat, the Romans dealt with the Jews, followed by repression, raids, and also the revenge of the Romans by razing the temple to the ground...

it's super rendered!!
Thank you everyone for taking this journey. Here are the penultimate illustrations in THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE …

The sweet taste of victory did not assuage Leah’s suffering, and the vengeance-filled Centurion sought to make it worse.

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Well yes she made a heroic sacrifice,
a successful ruse that brought a heavy set back to the roman siegeworks.
Leah however will be slowly and painfully defeated by the roman nails, cross and cornu.
There will be no victory for herself, no relief from the agony.
Only death's victory over her will release her,
even then her unburied corpse will hang there,
while the romans are busy rebuilding the part of the siege effort that was destroyed.

I wonder if Leah still kept her sense of achievement in the excruciating days that remained to her.
Thank you again, everyone, for your likes and comments. I’m gratified by you all who remember my PETRA series from so long ago and those who have found my work in recent years.

Before we get to the end of THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE, I wanted to do two flash-back illustrations. The first is Leah in more peaceful times.

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Now, the conclusion of THE FALL OF THE TEMPLE …

Before departing, the Centurion nailed a titulus to the top of Leah’s cross with the inscription written in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew as a threat and a promise: “Judaea will be captured”.

For Leah bat Rafael, it didn’t matter what horrors the Romans inflicted on her. She willingly gave her life to defend the Temple. Winning battles was for soldiers. Winning wars was for generals and kings. She was a soldier and today she was victorious.

Her sacrifice and those of her small band of rebel saboteurs won the battle this day. They did not live to see their comrades-at-arms lose the war.


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This one is especially for you, @Shoshana Crux Dove


The Romans retreated from the Antonia Fortress to regroup after their stunning defeat. Leah’s comrades feared that the Romans would use her as bait. The Centurion had purposely orientated her cross so her back was to the Antonio Fortress and no marksman archer could deliver a mercy kill from its crenelated walls. So Leah’s comrades left her on the cross to die alone. Given all that she endured it was not likely that she would last through the following day.

At night in Leah’s final hours, an old woman snuck out of the fortification. The old woman thanked Leah for her sacrifice to secure victory this day. She gave her a cup with hyssop, myrrh, and wine to ease Leah’s journey to Heaven.


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This one is especially for you, @Shoshana Crux Dove


The Romans retreated from the Antonia Fortress to regroup after their stunning defeat. Leah’s comrades feared that the Romans would use her as bait. The Centurion had purposely orientated her cross so her back was to the Antonio Fortress and no marksman archer could deliver a mercy kill from its crenelated walls. So Leah’s comrades left her on the cross to die alone. Given all that she endured it was not likely that she would last through the following day.

At night in Leah’s final hours, an old woman snuck out of the fortification. The old woman thanked Leah for her sacrifice to secure victory this day. She gave her a cup with hyssop, myrrh, and wine to ease Leah’s journey to Heaven.


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if I understood it correctly, at the end she made her drink something like morphine... because myrrh (Myrrh contains chemicals that might reduce pain and kill bacteria)

well damn steve your story is something amazing!! and I thank you!
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