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FILMS !!!!!

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Got the raw footage from Anna Luna's next Memory Test. I'm still downloading, but here is a preliminary sequence of one of Anna's spankings. There were so many spanks that even Teresa tried her hand at punishing Anna Luna for a mistake. This has to be one of the best films in the Memory Test series! I'll post some more examples as I go through the footage.

I love Teresa's reaction to joining the action. After all, who wouldn't enjoy giving that pert bottom a spank?

Also filmed was a crucifixion video with Anna Luna as a slave crucified by her mistress. More on that later.

Now back to spanking that tight little ass.


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Got the raw footage from Anna Luna's next Memory Test. I'm still downloading, but here is a preliminary sequence of one of Anna's spankings. There were so many spanks that even Teresa tried her hand at punishing Anna Luna for a mistake.
Magnificent pictures! Anna's face goes from beauty to real pain. One doubts she (or Teresa!) are just acting!!! Please send my thanks to the actresses!
I have been working with Alex in his studio for a long time. And I know what models the audience likes the most. Everyone likes a flat stomach and a wasp waist.
I personally like a natural women with a little chubby tummy. The ladies I entertain are all ages and sizes, except for the college lesbian club. The are 18-22 mostly and cute. Some are virgins and Nieve about sex but want to learn in a safe environment. They keep me feeling young
Do you think Teresa likes her new role as an evil assistant?
Magnificent pictures! Anna's face goes from beauty to real pain. One doubts she (or Teresa!) are just acting!!! Please send my thanks to the actresses!

I will! I plan to congratulate all of them on a very entertaining video. I love how Teresa is getting into the act and teasing the specimen being tested. No more long periods of contemplation! If the subject takes too long to answer.... release the Kraken!


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Получил сырые кадры из следующего теста на память Анны Луны. Я все еще скачиваю, но вот предварительная последовательность одного из шлепков Анны. Было так много шлепков, что даже Тереза попыталась наказать Анну Луну за ошибку. Это должен быть один из лучших фильмов в серии тестов на память! Я выложу еще несколько примеров, когда буду просматривать кадры.

Мне нравится реакция Терезы на присоединение к действию. В конце концов, кто бы не хотел отшлепать эту дерзкую задницу?

Также было снято видео распятия Анны Луны в роли рабыни, распятой ее госпожой. Подробнее об этом позже.

А теперь вернемся к шлепкам по этой маленькой упругой попке.
Великолепные фотографии! Лицо Анны переходит от красоты к настоящей боли. Сомневаюсь, что она (или Тереза!) просто играет!!! Пожалуйста, передайте мою благодарность актрисам!

This brought great pleasure to each of us! There is almost no acting in this video, everything is for real! with real emotions!
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Как вы думаете, Терезе нравится ее новая роль злой помощницы?

Я сделаю это! Я планирую поздравить их всех с очень интересным видео. Мне нравится, как Тереза включается в действие и дразнит испытуемый образец. Больше никаких долгих периодов раздумий! Если испытуемый слишком долго отвечает... выпустите Кракена!
She really likes it! I haven't translated the movie yet, but I can make a spoiler!: razz: Teresa threatens the doctor that she will make Squalus pass the Memory Test herself! And Teresa punished her personally. She's evil..:eek: :D
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Мне лично нравятся естественные женщины с небольшим пухлым животиком. Женщины, которых я развлекаю, всех возрастов и размеров, за исключением студенческого лесбийского клуба. В основном им 18-22 года, и они симпатичные. Некоторые из них девственницы и не понимают секса, но хотят учиться в безопасной обстановке. Они помогают мне чувствовать себя молодой
Yes, naturalness is wonderful. I myself like girls without tattoos and silicone, where everything is natural.
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Тереза радовалась, как ребенок конфете, когда я давала ей возможность шлепнуть Луну. Это очень мило. ей это правда нравилось!

Translated: "Teresa was as happy as a child with candy when I gave her the opportunity to spank Luna. This is very nice. she really liked it!"


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Каждой из нас это доставило большое удовольствие! Актерской игры в этом видео почти нет, все по настоящему! с самыми настоящими эмоциями!

Translated: "This brought great pleasure to each of us! There is almost no acting in this video, everything is for real! with real emotions!"

I can confirm. Most of my Dr. Squalus films are scripted, but for the Memory Test films I wanted to try something different. What if the girl actually had to take a memory test based on Dr. Stanley Milgrim's experiment in the 1960s? So I wrote the experiment parameters, replacing fake electric shocks with real spanking. I told Alex and White Rose that the girls should take the test for real, to see how well they could score. The outcome was unknown; maybe they would miss half of the questions or get a perfect score. They could face a lot of pain, or none at all. It was up to the actor's ability to memorize. So when you see the girl struggling to remember, she really is struggling. And she is really suffering the penalty of her failure. In the early films, the punishment schedule was:

1 mistake = 1 spank
2 mistakes = 2 spanks
3 mistakes = 3 spanks
4 mistakes = 5 spanks and a spray of salt water
5 mistakes = 10 spanks and a spray of salt water
6 mistakes = 15 spanks and a spray of salt water
7 mistakes or more = 20 spanks and a spray of salt water

The first 3 mistakes were sort of a warm-up period, since none of the girls had taken the test before. For the first round of testing, the worst score was 9 mistakes by Teresa. Marie, Demonica, and Anna Luna each missed 7 on their first attempt. On the second and third attempts, the scores improved until Wahlberg only missed 1 out of 20. So, I increased the number of questions and made the punishment more severe, to see what would happen. How would the girls respond to the extra work and the extra risk?

1 mistake = 5 spanks and a spray of salt water
2 mistakes = 10 spanks and a spray of salt water
3 mistakes = 15 spanks and a spray of salt water
4 mistakes or more = 20 spanks and a spray of salt water

I predicted that Anna Luna would miss 4 out of 30. I won't tell you how good (or bad) she did. That would spoil the drama!

This is one of my favorites of the Memory Test series. The others are Anna Luna's first test, and Wahlberg's second test.

Maybe it is time for Dr. Squalus to take her own test. All in favor say "Aye!"
Ей очень нравится! Я еще не сделала перевод фильма, но могу сделать спойлер!:разз: Тереза угрожает доктору, что она добьется, что бы Сквалус сама прошла Тест на Память! И Тереза лично ее наказала. Злая она..:ой::большая улыбка:

Translated: "She really likes it! I haven't translated the film yet, but I can make a spoiler!: razz: Teresa threatens the doctor that she will make Squalus pass the Memory Test herself! And Teresa punished her personally. She's evil..:eek:h::big smile:"

White Rose provides me with translations of the interviews and key parts of the experiment, so that I can understand the inner workings of what's going on. It helps me to refine the experiment with each new film. I don't want to keep repeating mistakes or sloppy structures. Squalus Labs is all about continuous improvement!

Readers, do you think Teresa would be a good evil doctor? Should Dr. Squalus get a taste of her own medicine? Who do you want to see as the assistant if Teresa is the lead doctor on an experiment? Marie? Wahlberg? Anna Luna? Armida or Demonica? Or someone else?
Да, естественность - это замечательно. Мне самой нравятся девушки без тату и силикона, где все натуральное.

Translated: "Yes, naturalness is wonderful. I myself like girls without tattoos and silicone, where everything is natural."

You'll notice that I tend to cast based on natural appearance. I chose White Rose as my evil doctor because she is a natural blonde with pale skin and blue eyes. Very Aryan. Very "Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS". I deliberately chose actors who were not blonde to be the victims; mostly brunettes and two redheads. The only exception is Armida, who I cast with Demonica because they make a great pairing; the slender raven-haired actor and the voluptuous blonde. Very salt and pepper.

With the exception of Cry/Petra, who has a small tattoo on her ankle, and Demonica, who has a small tattoo on the back of her neck, none of the other actors have visible tattoos. For me, tattoos are a distraction from a woman's true beauty. I prefer the audience to focus on the woman and not the ink. It is the woman who is telling the story.

I prefer natural breasts and body. I love to see the skin stretch and move as arms are raised or lowered, or the woman is hung upside down, or stretched on the rack. Breast size does not matter - I've cast Anna Luna and Wahlberg, two completely different body types, in several of my films. It is all about what position looks best on a particular body. Cry/Petra, Wahlberg, and Armida look amazing with their arms up. Adri looks great on her back or with her arms down. Anna Luna looks great in any position that emphasizes her legs. Demonica is beautiful upside down.

So who I cast depends on what the story will be. Sometimes I will write a story for a particular actor because I know she will look good in the role. Sometimes I will change actors due to scheduling. Cry and Wahlberg are interchangeable - they both look very much alike. Teresa is a smaller version of both of them, so she is always an option. Anastasia and Anna Luna are also interchangeable, so for them it is an issue of schedule and availability. Marie is taller than all of them and could have a commanding presence in a story, but it does not suit her ability.

So, now you know my thought process in my scripts. Maybe some of the readers would like to see a story with a particular actor? Maybe you will write your own script?
Каждой из нас это доставило большое удовольствие! Актерской игры в этом видео почти нет, все по настоящему! с самыми настоящими эмоциями!
@WhiteRose - please post in English, and use a translator if needed. English is the language of Cruxforums for public threads like this one.
Any posting in other languages is likely to be deleted. Thanks for your attention. :)
Attention! It was decided to give the opportunity to watch several films with my participation for free. The link below leads to my cloud. where you can download excerpts from films where I play the role of a victim for free. Maybe someone will like it. And I will be glad to hear your comments.

P.S. The link is valid for 7 days.


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Attention! It was decided to give the opportunity to watch several films with my participation for free. The link below leads to my cloud. where you can download excerpts from films where I play the role of a victim for free. Maybe someone will like it. And I will be glad to hear your comments.

P.S. The link is valid for 7 days.
Very good
Translated: "Teresa was as happy as a child with candy when I gave her the opportunity to spank Luna. This is very nice. she really liked it!"

A few more from the series where Teresa expresses her joy at being given a chance to spank the specimen.


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