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Fit, Lovely Ladies Crucified

Go to CruxDreams.com
This image goes far beyond just a photograph of a young woman being crucified!
Let's start from the top: the hydraulic clamp that tightens her mouth completely open certainly causes dryness of the mouth and tongue: thirst and difficulty swallowing the saliva which will fall abundantly on the breasts and belly creating an annoying itch. Let's look at the arms: they are hyperesthesia towards the back and this produces pain in the shoulder joints. The pain goes towards the neck and then to the brain. The wooden bar, very square, will act on the arms causing pain in the skin, crushes the arterial and venous vessels causing pain and poor circulation: cramps, bruises. The forearms are already darker due to tissue hypoxia and the hands are purple due to poor circulation. Surely your fingers are already cold and cramping. The almost absolute immobility of the trunk will soon cause intense and continuous discomfort and pain in the abdominal muscles. Going down to the lower part of the photograph: the feet are forced to support the body to unload the arms but are supported only by the tips of the fingers. Soon the body will sink down increasing the pain all over. The fact that he is in maximum tension with difficulty in maintaining an upright position is indicated by the leg muscles: they are tense to the maximum and this can be seen clearly in the drawing under the skin of the left gastrocnemius muscle. In short, a crucifixion that did not neglect any detail. After an hour in that position the girl will have shown some problems... if she gets wet or windy, it's worse than ever!
That's an honour to follow my sisters into their long agony ... :rolleyes:flower2
Oh! What? :shocked: As the captain of this garrison (in the centre of the picture), I have great respect for you and therefore wanted to have you taken down from the cross at midnight out of pity and let you escape safely abroad via the famous "rat line" (Switzerland, Vatican, South Tyrol, Genoa, Spain to Argentina; the route I myself will take at the end of the war :lol: ).
But as I read it now, I obviously wouldn't be doing you any favours, would I? Do you really want to suffer and die on the cross with the other three traitorous bitches?
Messa, Messa, Messa, you're driving me to despair! What am I going to do with you?
I crave to be her, carrying my cross and then being crucified so high

Oh you will, Veronika, YOU WILL!
Today, through my connections with members of the magistrate's office, I learnt inofficially what they have planned for you; the fat governor has orderedthe worst things.

Poor you! My thoughts are with you (no wonder: after all, I'm writing all this down... :lol: )
A question for all friends of the fascinating BDSM artist "MARCUS"

We owe Marcus, among other things, breathtaking crucifixion picture stories such as

- "Real Reel Crucifixion"
- "Last Day In China"
- "Gaia The Crazy Empress"

- "Christina's Choice" ("Green Hell") and others
as well as the stories of
- "Giulia
- "Lisa-Marie"
- "Maggie"

- "Adelaide" etc.

I only have "Adelaide" in low resolution and in poor quality, but recently I came across another picture story by Macus, of which I have unfortunately only been able to find 3 unconnected pages.
Drawings: black and white, language: Italian!
An intensive google search and an online image search (even on the usual darknet sites) didn't help.

The title is "Agata" (without the "h"), see the picture bar with Marcus' typical logo:

Agata - Marcus.JPG

My question: does anyone have the story "Agata" or "Adelaide "or can anyone give me a hint?

Thank you very much in advance, I'm always happy to help in return!
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