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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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I really like that middle pic - I love the humiliation aspect as she's stripped naked before being hanged - the hood also adds to her sense of helplessness.

I've added a pic that could be part of a preceding scene - the woman's body shape is very similar and, again, she's been stripped and hooded.

Does anyone know if these are from the same production?


  • 001.jpg
    137.3 KB · Views: 342
  • hood0.jpg
    96.5 KB · Views: 317
Ivanart, I love your work! Be sure to add those zip files in the "Impaled" thread, and the "Burned at the Stake" thread. Fans of impaling will love it, and fans of witch burning will also love it. I hope you get some new fans and new subscribers!
Thanks for your work!
I really like that middle pic - I love the humiliation aspect as she's stripped naked before being hanged - the hood also adds to her sense of helplessness.

I've added a pic that could be part of a preceding scene - the woman's body shape is very similar and, again, she's been stripped and hooded.

Does anyone know if these are from the same production?
I cannot confirm or deny that the second image is from a preceding scene, but images i have seen of the second scene only showed her being walked clothed to the hanging room and being prepared to be hanged, the lady in the first image is definitely different than the second unless they epilated her before hanging, the hoods worn are very much different materials, and the second image actually has the studio name in bottom left corner.
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