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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

Go to CruxDreams.com
5 pics per day per thread. Please follow the rules at the bottom of every page!!!
Here are some more by the same artist. If you know who she/he is please pass the information on.
And all pics under 400 kb. Most of these exceed the limit. Those that were excessively so were deleted. Please resize and re-post.
This link gets the closest to the full experience of being hung. There are others in this series which I have seen but at the moment I can't seem to source them.
Does anyone know who this cartoonist is?
The artist posted on The Dark Spot (the old site) called "The Couples' Guide to Hanging". Artist is NHComm. Some of their art can be found on this thread at:

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Is Finality3D still posting out there? I'm a bit behind the times

hang milf16.jpgGirl Hanged 2 Eremitaporcello.jpghood0.jpghaundimage0.jpghang 3F4B39A.jpg
Sigh … another blue state tourist girl caught in a traffic speed trap somewhere in Arkansas.
Because of some damn 'civil rights' lawsuit, Arkansas hangs the condemned women wearing a hood to protect their privacy...
hang done 012.jpg
Of course they don't put the hood over the woman's head until right before they put the noose around their necks and hoist them up...
barb hang 34.jpg
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