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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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Guys I just changed my phone after 6 years with a new one and now
The dark spot two is not opening the same way as dolecettish is this a problem with you all or it's just my new phone ?
Art by The Generator
When the hanging is carried out indoors, very often the women's legs are tied before the procedure itself. This is done to limit their convulsions. But it is not at all necessary to tie the women's legs. After the noose is put on and tightened around the woman's neck, it is enough to simply lower her trousers or skirt below the knees. This is enough. Then you can calmly begin the execution. Everything will go well. And there is less work.
Here is an example of execution.


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Art by The Generator
Before Execution
Today, three female criminals convicted of prostitution and adultery will be hanged at the Gallowston County Prison, namely Mary, 26, Lisa, 19, and Zoe, 18. According to local law, women convicted of sexual offenses and sentenced to death by hanging are required to be stripped of their clothes before being hanged. They are also required to wear a sign around their necks with their name and the words "I am a whore." The hanging of whores takes place either publicly in the square (90%) or by way of mercy in the prison yard broadcast on television (10%).
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