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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

Go to CruxDreams.com
When I finish it, I was quite happy about it. But the next day when I take a look on it with fresh eye, I was very disapointed because I found it very bad and ugly.
So I just forget it. Later I use the same background to do my "the noose is for you" picture. So you can see the change I made about the windows.
At the end of the day, it is just what it is. Hope you like it and have a good time.

02 Angela hanged at nowhere street in a misty morning.jpg
Zelda's Unpleasant drop (lmao)


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art by Frotz4
Dear Mr. @thehangingtree
I inform you that your French loop that you recommended to us works perfectly and shows excellent results.
I am very pleased.
Dear Mr. Doom,

Glad you are satisfied with the Premium French Noose and it has performed to you expectations. Please be informed we at Nailus Martyrs are catalogue distributors for the product.

I wish to mention several customers have noticed the condemned women's faces still discolor when the women are hanged. This a attributed to the lack of oxygen and circulation of blood to the condemned person's head and does affect the noose's performance. Please be assured we are researching a solution for this situation.


T.H. Tree

hang 1019 F.jpg
does anyone know where i can purchase the following two videos:
the first one is called "University Execution"--it is a red-headed college student hanged in front of what appears to be a bunch of faculty members of some college. the man doing the hanging is in army clothing. here are two still photos of it:
(and if this is too big a picture--SORRY--i have no idea when i cut and pasted if this is over the limits of byte size allowed here...so if these two pictures ARE too big of byte size, please have a moderator let me know!)


the other one is called "DO IT YOURSELF JUSTICE 6" and it says at the beginning it is produced by "Cruel World" productions. it is a woman being executed nude in a prison, for drug crimes. the video has these words at the beginning:

"The executioner knew she was selling drugs. he knew that the mafia-bribed jury acquitted her. and he decided to take the law into his own hands. on the day she was supposed to be released, he deceived the guards and brought the criminal to the place of execution"
do you know where i can buy the full videos of these two??
does anyone know where i can purchase the following two videos:
the first one is called "University Execution"--it is a red-headed college student hanged in front of what appears to be a bunch of faculty members of some college. the man doing the hanging is in army clothing. here are two still photos of it:
(and if this is too big a picture--SORRY--i have no idea when i cut and pasted if this is over the limits of byte size allowed here...so if these two pictures ARE too big of byte size, please have a moderator let me know!)

View attachment 1509448

the other one is called "DO IT YOURSELF JUSTICE 6" and it says at the beginning it is produced by "Cruel World" productions. it is a woman being executed nude in a prison, for drug crimes. the video has these words at the beginning:

"The executioner knew she was selling drugs. he knew that the mafia-bribed jury acquitted her. and he decided to take the law into his own hands. on the day she was supposed to be released, he deceived the guards and brought the criminal to the place of execution"
do you know where i can buy the full videos of these two??
Try here;
Hey guys,

I have created and published a new story with 354 pages and 293 pictures. If you are interested and want to support me, here is the link:


It contains several hangings. Of course I also have some pictures from the story here!

Unfortunately, my Gumroad site suffered the same fate as the nice lady in this picture.

I have therefore set up a new shop on Ko-Fi. My two visualised stories are online there.
One contains 177 pages with 170 pictures and the other 354 pages with 293 pictures. Both contain several hanging scenes (2x and 5x) and belong to a trilogy (the 3rd part is still to come).

So I wanted to share not only the picture but also the new link.
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