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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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In a public execution by hanging, the woman's hair is cut or tied back.
If everything is done correctly, then immediately after hanging,
viewers can watch as the noose begins to tighten around her neck.
And if the hair is long, it will get in the way and the audience may not see job noose
Here's another. You can see the face and see how the noose is tightening. The hair does not cover anything and we see not only the work of the noose, but we also see what sensations the girl experiences when she receives fair justice.
Hence the conclusion.
If you hang women in public, always cut their hair. Or tie them at the back.
To be clearly visible.
Thought of another possible idea for your star knight hanging series:
While the two female guards are prepping her by tying her hair back, right after that, and before they leave the room, they could also stuff her anus with Cotton balls— The purpose being that it prevents her from defecating in public, and gives the public a better show.
“ everyone has come to see you hang; so we want to make sure everyone gets to see what they came for: to see a Beautiful woman hanged in public”
the "classic" hanging is too short a show. The audience must be able to savor the changes in the face of the condemned woman who slowly loses the ability to breathe. So hanging could have this variant. The condemned woman is naked. A dildo in the ass prevents any rear leakage that is not pleasing to the eye. The pubis must be carefully shaved to allow the urine stream to be viewed in every detail. The condemned woman's hair will be cut with scissors shortly before being hanged to prevent it from hiding the rope tied around her neck. Instead of the usual platform, a cube with sand inside. The condemned woman rests her feet on the sand contained in the cube. The rope of her noose is tight. The executioner opens a small door at the base of the cube and the sand begins to flow out. The moment after moment of constraint has less support in the feet which desperately seek a point of support. She becomes agitated and leaks urine. The sand descends inexorably and the rope slowly tightens around her neck. The slow death will be visible moment after moment in the change in color of her face, from the desperate expression of her eyes, from the wide open mouth seeking air, from the animalistic grunts that spontaneously emerge from the victim's throat. She will leak more urine and this will be further humiliation. Eventually her tongue will hang out of her mouth, her eyes seem to pop out of their sockets, her face is swollen and bluish. It's the end!
Thought of another possible idea for your star knight hanging series:
While the two female guards are prepping her by tying her hair back, right after that, and before they leave the room, they could also stuff her anus with Cotton balls— The purpose being that it prevents her from defecating in public, and gives the public a better show.
“ everyone has come to see you hang; so we want to make sure everyone gets to see what they came for: to see a Beautiful woman hanged in public”
This has already been implemented in the works of Enhjorning. Mobius simply allowed the victim to visit the toilet.
the "classic" hanging is too short a show. The audience must be able to savor the changes in the face of the condemned woman who slowly loses the ability to breathe. So hanging could have this variant. The condemned woman is naked. A dildo in the ass prevents any rear leakage that is not pleasing to the eye. The pubis must be carefully shaved to allow the urine stream to be viewed in every detail. The condemned woman's hair will be cut with scissors shortly before being hanged to prevent it from hiding the rope tied around her neck. Instead of the usual platform, a cube with sand inside. The condemned woman rests her feet on the sand contained in the cube. The rope of her noose is tight. The executioner opens a small door at the base of the cube and the sand begins to flow out. The moment after moment of constraint has less support in the feet which desperately seek a point of support. She becomes agitated and leaks urine. The sand descends inexorably and the rope slowly tightens around her neck. The slow death will be visible moment after moment in the change in color of her face, from the desperate expression of her eyes, from the wide open mouth seeking air, from the animalistic grunts that spontaneously emerge from the victim's throat. She will leak more urine and this will be further humiliation. Eventually her tongue will hang out of her mouth, her eyes seem to pop out of their sockets, her face is swollen and bluish. It's the end!
I have seen that. Only there an ice cube is used
Thought of another possible idea for your star knight hanging series:
While the two female guards are prepping her by tying her hair back, right after that, and before they leave the room, they could also stuff her anus with Cotton balls— The purpose being that it prevents her from defecating in public, and gives the public a better show.
“ everyone has come to see you hang; so we want to make sure everyone gets to see what they came for: to see a Beautiful woman hanged in public”
It makes sense. But balls are not quite the same. This doesn't guarantee anything You need to use mounting adhesive. Insert the hose. Using a mounting gun, apply glue. It's more reliable. Perhaps this is worth thinking about. There is a table to put her on her stomach. May be.
It makes sense. But balls are not quite the same. This doesn't guarantee anything You need to use mounting adhesive. Insert the hose. Using a mounting gun, apply glue. It's more reliable. Perhaps this is worth thinking about. There is a table to put her on her stomach. May be.

I think that it would be easier and simpler to just give her an enema before her bathroom visit but given how scared Star Knight is I not sure that would be necessary.
"I am sorry, Fräulein, but the Geneva Convention only covers uniformed soldiers and you don't seem to be in one" the officer says "and you don't seem to be wearing one."
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She died gallantly when they hanged her. They took pictures with her hanged body and her country's intelligence agency issued no protests over her hanging...
hang 132 f.jpg
In a public execution by hanging, the woman's hair is cut or tied back.
If everything is done correctly, then immediately after hanging,
viewers can watch as the noose begins to tighten around her neck.
And if the hair is long, it will get in the way and the audience may not see job noose
hey Doom,

here's another possible story angle for your Star Knight series: have the two female guards have to do a required shaving of her pubic area back in that little prep room. You could have Star Knight have a little bush that needs to be shaved, but it needs to be shaved in order to meet the "requirements" of a nude public hanging.

Eg something like this:

Female Guard: "Next, we have to shave your pussy"
Star Knight: "Why do you have to shave me?"
“Quiet! You know the rules: anyone who is sentenced to hang nude must be shaved; now if you don’t cooperate, we will have to forcibly tie you up on this examination table, and shave you while you are tied down--would you like us to have to do that?”

....something like that. just an idea to play around with; just because it's fun to thing of things to add to this already awesome series
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