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Hammerlock's crux pictures

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apostate630 said:
cmeinsen said:
Hammerlock said:
Here's another one:
Did the Romans leave the victums hanging on the cross after death?

I repeat the chorus, Cmeinsen, "Nobody Really Knows."

And it probably depended on the When and Where. For a once-off mass crucifixion such as that done to the followers of Spartacus, they were probably left to rot in place. For crucifixions near an urban area, the Romans were keen on hygiene, and to mitigate nose pollution and spread of disease might have taken down the crucified and thrown them into garbage dumps.

Then there are cases like the capital-C Crucifixion, in which the followers of Jesus requested and got permission to take him down and give him a proper burial.

How common was that? Again, Nobody Knows. The circumstances of capital punishment in the Roman World are sufficiently vague that thee and me and anyone who wants to can just Make Stuff Up. Within limits, mostly dictated by physics.

For instance, Jedakk recently convinced me that nailing anybody through the heels almost certainly never happened. The nail would shatter the heel bone, the remaining tissues could not take the weight of the victim, and the feet would simply tear away from the nails, a "yuck" moment even by the standards of most of us crux pervs.

That's too bad. A scene in a story I'm working on now has to be re-worked.

When I was crucified only my hands were nailed,my feet were tied...maybe you can do your story that way?!connie.
cmeinsen said:
When I was crucified only my hands were nailed,my feet were tied...maybe you can do your story that way?!connie.

Afraid not, Connie. My story ideas involve young women going to a wood, sweat, blood, nails and nudity doom.

About your own experience, as a boy (aged six or seven) I accidentally put I rusty nail through my hand. I most clearly remember four details.

Blood. Lots of it.

Hysterical screaming. (I tended toward hysterics as a child).

Tetanus shots.

And that it hurt. Lots.

I would not willingly submit to such. I'm glad you came out on the other side of your experience relatively undamaged.
apostate630 said:
cmeinsen said:
When I was crucified only my hands were nailed,my feet were tied...maybe you can do your story that way?!connie.

Afraid not, Connie. My story ideas involve young women going to a wood, sweat, blood, nails and nudity doom.

About your own experience, as a boy (aged six or seven) I accidentally put I rusty nail through my hand. I most clearly remember four details.

Blood. Lots of it.

Hysterical screaming. (I tended toward hysterics as a child).

Tetanus shots.

And that it hurt. Lots.

I would not willingly submit to such. I'm glad you came out on the other side of your experience relatively undamaged.
Lucky for me there was a doctor standing by at my crucifixon,after they took me down and detactached me from the cross he took charge of me and took good care of me till I was healed!
Great work, Hammerlock. Thanks for posting the continuation of this series (as well as the Boudica bit).

The one with the skeletal remains in the foreground is a grand piece, it shows so well her recognition of the inevitable outcome of her well-deserved fate... and how she will stay there, as a reminder likewise for the next delinquent to go to the cross.
Here's a quick-and-dirty rendition of a scene from a story I wrote about a princess whose mother, the queen, has her crucified for treason on the advice of her scheming prime minister, only to find that the prime minister, in fact, was the one plotting treason. A caravan pulls up in front of the crucified princess, struggling in the burning desert sun, and the queen gets out of her carriage to explain the situation to her crucified daughter. Sadly, her daughter's wounds are too serious for her to be rescued from the cross, the queen explains, but at least you'll get to see justice meted out to the traitor. The cart containing the bound prime minister is oiled with flammable oil as the crucified princess and her mother watch.
Here's an unfinished drawing of Karyn, on her way to her public crucifixion as part of the Harvest Festival, passing a handbill advertising the coming attractions.
The infamous female pirate Black Tess is led out into the courtyard of the castle, carrying the beam across her shoulder upon which she will be crucified. She is defiant in the face of impending death. There will be no quick and merciful hanging for this pirate; she is going to struggle for days in the burning Caribbean sun.
Love is strange. Even after he has nailed her to a cross and left her to die in the burning sun, she can still feel a thrill of sexual ecstasy as he mounts a ladder next to her and caresses her sweating breasts.
Hammerlock, I wish you'd position your suffering ladies more like Makar or Jedakk, but no matter. I like your stuff. Thanks once more for posting your pics in this forum.
apostate630 said:
Hammerlock, I wish you'd position your suffering ladies more like Makar or Jedakk, but no matter. I like your stuff. Thanks once more for posting your pics in this forum.
You are a very artist hammerlock,I love your pics!!!
Here's an interesting profile of a crucified lady--for some reason, I just really like the breasts on this one.

P.S.--Connie, I got your private message and then managed to lose it (computer illiterate that I am!). It would be best to contact me through this forum rather than private e-mail, though--I have snooping eyes here in this house that don't share my interests, and life is a lot easier when they're kept in the dark! Thanks!
Hammerlock said:
Here's an interesting profile of a crucified lady--for some reason, I just really like the breasts on this one.

P.S.--Connie, I got your private message and then managed to lose it (computer illiterate that I am!). It would be best to contact me through this forum rather than private e-mail, though--I have snooping eyes here in this house that don't share my interests, and life is a lot easier when they're kept in the dark! Thanks!
Hi,I was just wanting if you could a pic of my ordeal on the cross?If so I can give you all the details about myself.connie
I probably could, Connie. You'd have to get me the details, such as a rough idea of how you look, what body type you have, what the person who crucified you looked like, whether ropes were used, what the setting was, etc.etc.etc.--the more details the better. And I'd probably have to post the results here on this forum--like I said, there are prying eyes in this house who wouldn't like my fantasies or my artwork in that direction.

And thank you so much, everyone, for your positive comments--and, yes, the criticisms, too. I'll continue submitting what I can when I can.
Hammerlock said:
I probably could, Connie. You'd have to get me the details, such as a rough idea of how you look, what body type you have, what the person who crucified you looked like, whether ropes were used, what the setting was, etc.etc.etc.--the more details the better. And I'd probably have to post the results here on this forum--like I said, there are prying eyes in this house who wouldn't like my fantasies or my artwork in that direction.

And thank you so much, everyone, for your positive comments--and, yes, the criticisms, too. I'll continue submitting what I can when I can.
Im sorry,I dont want to get you in to trouble.
No, you're not really getting me into trouble, and I'll be happy to do what you asked of me. I just have to be circumspect, that's all--and in a lot more areas than just this one. I live with someone who is extremely fanatical about the filthiness of sex and sexuality--so much so that we haven't had sexual relations in about a decade. I'm not planning on staying here very much longer--a brush with potentially-lethal cancer has convinced me that I've been living the wrong lifestyle for quite some time, and major changes are in the works. I just have a few loose ends to clear up before making the move, and I don't want to rock the boat until then, for various reasons. But I can and will do what you'd like, if I can get more details from you.
Hammerlock said:
No, you're not really getting me into trouble, and I'll be happy to do what you asked of me. I just have to be circumspect, that's all--and in a lot more areas than just this one. I live with someone who is extremely fanatical about the filthiness of sex and sexuality--so much so that we haven't had sexual relations in about a decade. I'm not planning on staying here very much longer--a brush with potentially-lethal cancer has convinced me that I've been living the wrong lifestyle for quite some time, and major changes are in the works. I just have a few loose ends to clear up before making the move, and I don't want to rock the boat until then, for various reasons. But I can and will do what you'd like, if I can get more details from you.
Ok,here goes!When I was 18yo I was paid $50.000 by a man I call J.L. to film me being crucified nude nailed by my hands to a "T" cross.I can not reveil his name as per our contract aggreement!Now about me...I am a white female,5ft 8in tall.I am a redhead with a slim but very nice figure,small but very pert tits,my weight is 110 pounds I have a beautiful face and a very nice ass,(my girlfriend calls me her "little strawberry delight") My pussy is clean shaven,I dont like having hair in that area because it makes me feel dirty.As I remember,J.L. was about 6ft tall with salt and pepper hair and he was dressed like Caeser in a roman outfit.There were about 10 to 15 people at my crucifixon,three of them were dressed like roman soldiers,the crucifixon took place on his estate just outside of seattle in a wooded area.I was striped naked and layed on the cross where they tied my feet to the post,then my hands were nailed to the cross using small nails about 4in long and round( the kind you would use if you were building a deck for your house.)I was on the cross for about 30min while J.L.filmed me and got off to it,I remember seeing the small ribbons of blood running from the nails in my hands and how much it hurt!After 30min on the cross I was taken down and detached from the cross and a doctor who was hired by J.L. took charge of me and took care of me till I was healed.I hope this will help when doing the pic.if you need any more info just ask.Kisses to you!connie
Okay, sorry about the delay...a short (miserable) vacation trip to Florida and lots of catching up to do as a result...but here's a bevy of my beautiful ladies for your perusal, and lots more to come!
Hammerlock said:
Okay, sorry about the delay...a short (miserable) vacation trip to Florida and lots of catching up to do as a result...but here's a bevy of my beautiful ladies for your perusal, and lots more to come!


I was beginning to wonder, Hammerlock. I was afraid you'd gotten out of the crux business. And I'm glad as all get out we'll see more of your muscular albeit luckless ladies.

The second one in this set reminds me of an old Makar pic I saw when I was new to this kink. I've flipped it from the original to match the orientation of your drawing. Was she your inspiration?
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