nailed girl
yeah i give them a nice show of orgasm´s
but love sunshine too !It has started raining!
I hear the guards cursing, for it happens during their watch! But a least, they can make an improvised shelter for themselves.
The onlookers also disperse, or take cover and watch from a distance.
It has been clouded but muggy, the previous hours.
The other crucified seem to get revived too. They growl, moan, writhe, whine,…
Anyway, the rain is first of all refreshing, it washes the dust and sweat from the body, and chases the insects. But nevertheless, we are fully exposed to it.
I try to capture some of the rainwater, with my tongue and my open mouth, to relieve the terrible drought. But I have to lift up my head with small increments, since every motion causes cramps in my neck, my arms and my back.
There is some thunder in the distance too! Judging from the dark sky, the rain will not stop soon! Showers ahead, and the wind is blowing harder.
Finished, the ideal crucifixion weather!
Not to mention the Roman guard, standing watch with his pilum upright!rain cool down and wash the blood and sweat from my skin,get some water to drink
damm would a lightning hit my cross i will be a roasted chicken
Friendely guards to share their coffee with the crucified!.the guardes call stepp off our crosses , we drink a coffee till the sun comes out again
A meteorite impact on the crucifixion site?I don't like ultra-extreme weather that would cut the execution far too short, natural disasters and the like. So no hurricanes, blizzards, tornados, heat waves, and the like that would kill the woman before she could suffer properly. And besides, no one would go out in that weather anyways. Other extreme weather and natural disasters would be at least intriguing
But don't forget : many people got to work during the day. My beverage concession would aim to draw peope who come for an after work distraction and meeting.Tree disagrees with you. Crucifixions should be in the early morning. A skilled team can nail the condemned and raise them so they will still be (slowly) dying when the afternoon heat recedes. Plus Tree's adult beverage concession tent can sell comforting drinks to the crowd hardy enough to stand the heat...
Well thought out.I think sultry, thundery weather - that brings out my sweat most, and makes my sex most hot - and cooling thunder-showers would help me last longer. Such conditions would also bring the worst biting insects.
that's just the weather we're getting now lots of thunder rumbling around, frequent lightning flashes, but over on the hills, no rain yet, so eul's feeling very ready for that Cross!Well thought out.
Another consideration in favour of an evening crucifixion is that's the time when biting insects are most active, eagerly flocking to feed on sweaty skin, sucking pumping blood ...I am back on my favourite topic. Today we had a 30 °C bake-off, but as usual, such days are rewarded by a beautiful summer evening.
Sitting outside, I got a thought! Crucifixion time schedules! We are a bit used to a ‘gospel inspired timing’, with the execution somewhere between 9 a.m and noon. As a result, the condemned hang a whole day baking in the sun, and are worn out in the evening.
But why not reschedule to 5-6 p.m.? During the day, most onlookers will hide for the heath inside. The crucified are nearly hanging alone, just accompanied by guards, and occasional passers-by. Such a waste of time during which the condemned are merely exhausted.
A late afternoon or early evening has certainly advantages, of course when the weather is good. The crucifixion scene can benefit at least 5-6 hours of daylight. The hardest heath has gone, attracting more spectators, and exhausting less the condemned. The onlookers stay longer, have a drink or some food, they chat, it is more an occasion for an evening venue, that may continue to midnight or later. Particularly when giving enough water, the condemned go into the night in a better physical state, and may ‘enjoy’ their probably last sunset, and even see the sunrise, after which they are still interesting to visit by early onlookers.
A public crucifixion soirée, why not?
Sounds almost Biblical…And that long, slippery whip wielded walk up the hill!that's just the weather we're getting now lots of thunder rumbling around, frequent lightning flashes, but over on the hills, no rain yet, so eul's feeling very ready for that Cross!