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I think mostly same, but good technical quality and ability to please the eye is also important. Pictures create and support fantasies so studio quality 8k picture from hot woman with empty face don’t work for me.

Best is hot woman in interesting situation with right kind of expression. It can be mysterious, brave, defiant or just cute as long as it provoke imagination.

Expressions are hard to do correctly, in fact I'm most of the time unsatisfied with my own work from this point of view.


  • Brainwashed_33.jpg
    215.6 KB · Views: 810
The feeling of hanging suspended from the ceiling, what thoughts go through your mind as you wait there, wondering what is to come next. The weight of your body on your wrists, the bonds getting tighter, and there's nothing you can do about it. How long can you tolerate it, stretched out like a piece of meat in a butcher shop.
Yes totally agree especially if you were to be flogged and tortured
Expressions are hard to do correctly, in fact I'm most of the time unsatisfied with my own work from this point of view.
Same problem. Few years ago I hit that wall on Blender with my own meshes. I lost interest and haven't done anything serious after that. Recently I checked where we are now and find out that DAZ to Blender bridge works decently well and I'm able to import posable figure with morphs and expressions and decent geometry for genitals from DAZ genesis9. Then I ended up to open whole new can of worms, since there are so many things need to be fixed on that model before it's good enough. Haven't been able to transfer new morphs, so I'd need to find everything I'll need before starting that work.
I said "what comes next" to leave to the imagination of the reader. Is flogging the best you can come up with?
Also as I walk in the door I pick up a cattle prod as she hangs there I creep up behind her and prod her on her back she shook and arched her back then went around to her front and look at her as she stops shaking and her tears filled eyes then prod her on her tits
Love No 2
DEA agent, Barbara Moore, had very cleverly infiltrated the inner circle of Jaime Gonzalez the Cartel`s main man in this small Central American country. She was, in fact, part of the Agency`s honey trap and had managed to become Gonzalez`s mistress. Although she found all he represented to be odious, she had to admit that he was a very skilled and virile lover. What she hadn`t realised was that the Cartel had penetrated the Agency`s security and her true identity was now known to the gangster.
He had two of his goons take her down to the basement, strip her and secure her ready for interrogation. Barbara realised that her situation was pretty hopeless, with little prospect of immediate rescue.
For his part, Gonzalez cursed his carelessness, amongst the hundreds of his lovers, this woman was the best and most sexually inventive. He should have realised she was too good to be true. Still, she would pay for her treachery. Gonzalez had a fixation with Rome and the Roman Empire, and their methods of punishing criminals, in particular. This slut was going to receive an authentic Roman scourging before being crucified, but first he needed to discover how much of his organisation she had betrayed and who her handlers were. In order not to mark her too obviously before her public execution, he was going to use electricity, forgoing the pleasure of flogging her tight little ass with his favourite cane.
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