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Into The Dragons' Lair

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Yet within days all of Sundara’s and Messaline’s plans had gone awry. “I am sorry your Majesty but we are outflanked. The Hoysala march to our north and Rajah Rajara must be coming to the aid of his son in law,” Said the noble in command of the Pandya scouts.

“If Narasimah can rally just a small part of his troops and join them with the Hoysala army we shall be outnumbered maybe two to one, we must retreat your Majesty we have not the forces here for such a conflict, retire to our lands where we have strong fortresses and you can call upon your nobles for additional troops,” Urged another adviser.

“I am afraid this is it for my ambitions to unite all Tamils in one easy campaign my love,” Sundara admitted to Messaline sadly, “I can in time deal with each of Narasimah’s allies in turn but it seems I cannot attack him directly without them falling upon my back, this will be a long war and a costly one that might take decades but know my love I still love you and wish you to be my wife.” He urged.

“Yet I have responsibilities too, any campaign season Genghis Khan might march his horde against my father while his eyes remained fixed on Song and sweep Jin away and then it would be but matter of time before all of China would fall before him and such would be the end of civilisation,” Messaline declared aghast.

“Well then I have a solution, what if you were willing to willing to travel to the steppes yourself? I have recently been visited by wise men from an ancient city called Samarkand, they are subjects of a people called the Kara-Khitan who are valiant horse warriors. The Khan of these horse warriors recently married his daughter to a prince of tribe who have also been ravaged by the Mongols, maybe together you could come up with a plan to persuade Khan to make war on your enemies? Then when the Mongols are defeated you could employ your new allies in winning the throne of Jin for yourself and then, well you could send a fleet to support me in crushing the Chola once and for all for none of their armies could outflank us by sea and we could marry to create an empire that would be the greatest in the entire world!” Sundara seemed quite taken with his vision.

Messaline might ordinarily have been more sceptical of his plan but she mourned Li’hi deeply and little wished to remain in lands that constantly reminded her of her lover’s loss. Without a body she could not even mourn properly but must hope that least it had not be eaten by crocodiles.

“I would need to take my loyal ninjas with me, much misfortune has become me since I released them last from my service,” Messaline said.

Sundara looked a little unhappy to give up the superb warriors and assassins but at last he acquiesced. “I can but wish you the blessings of all the Gods on your journey and great success at the end of it,” He said as he wished her farewell.

“Xijing was bigger,” Muttered Messaline grumpily as their native guide extolled the virtues of the city of Samarkand for the umpteenth time. Truth be told the circuit of walls and many large building, mostly palaces for the local merchant princes and mosques but also a number of temples to other faiths all in glittering white stone, had something of an impact on the eye as one descended from the mountain passes. Even so one excuse Messaline for being in less than brilliant mood.

Once news of a party of travellers composed almost entirely of women had spread and it did much faster than Messaline and her cohorts could travel then all the mountain bandits had determined to try their luck. Future parties would likely encounter many fewer robbers until the population of raiders and rogues grew again in numbers as more chancers moved in to fill the void. Still the constant harassment had forced Messaline to constantly adorn herself with her armour that was not the most comfortable way to ride the many leagues.

True beheading bandits relieved some of the frustration but not enough in Messaline’s opinion. She was really very angry that the fools had not learned their lesson after she and her female ninjas had massacred the first five or six bands instead thinking that by grouping in larger mobs they might yet win a share of the spoils that others had died without tasting.

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“The greatest trading emporium in the entire world,” Declared the man who had agreed to guide them across the mountain. It had felt like he had a story for every tree and rock, not to mention each beheaded bandit chief and that had been bad enough but he had gone into overdrive since they had come in sight of the white city.

“Xijing, had more merchants,” Messaline muttered.

“…The centre of science and technology, why here it was that paper making was discovered…”

“Was stolen from the Chinese by the Arabs…” Messaline grumbled.

“…a meeting place of faiths and religion more diverse than anywhere else…” Extolled the guide.

“…only because barbarians have more gods than you can shake a stick at worshipping rocks and all…” Complained Messaline sotto voce.

“…Here you will find the finest cuisine…”

“Wait stop? Good food, good Chinese food?” Messaline asked in sudden hope, “They have real food that people can eat here?”

“Yes of course Chinese food is very much on the men…..u,” Trailed off the guide as Messaline spurred her horse close to gallop.

“Quickly find me a decent inn where I can get something to eat!” Called out the Princess and the guide perforce had to spur his own beast along in her wake.

“Finally,” Messaline smiled at last and savoured the rich aromas coming up from the uncovered bowls and dishes in front of her, she would she decided start with the soup and then some of the spring rolls with lamb and then some of the shredded beef and rice and then…

The sky collapsed and the room filled with a blizzard of white smoke. When it has dissipated Messaline was aghast to see a rather stinky and sweaty old man who smelt of wee and horses and sheep slowly get up and gingerly pluck smashed crockery from his long white beard, he dabbed at the front of his brown woollen robes decorated with river fish soup and shredded beef and rice and squashed bits of other dishes.

“Who the hell are you to come crashing out of nowhere and land in my soup!” The Princess demanded her hand going to her sword hilt. Suddenly another bolt descended from the blue and she found herself hugged and then kissed patiently and warmly and expertly…almost well enough to make her forget the rumbling in her tummy.

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“Messaline, oh my it is so good to see you again my love, quickly though we are being chased by crusaders, they are were following us along the roof tops…” Li’hi explained breathlessly and turned and drew her sword facing the hole in the roof. An armoured man in well-wrought chainmail wearing an oddly square face covering helmet leapt down and was swiftly dispatched but soon more main some in equally fine armour others wearing cheap metal studded leather gambesons and wielding long straight swords.

As more and more of the attackers arrived so too did the ninjas from where they had been seeing to the horses the party had travelled with. The battle royal spread and quickly consumed the entire floor space of inn’s main serving area as patrons hurried for the exits as best they could.

“Who the hell are these mad people?” Asked Messaline as she knocked down another, only his top to toe armour preserving him from spilling his lungs and his guts both.

“Crusaders, they are mad religious warriors who want to convert the world to Christianity by killing everyone,” Explained Li’hi cheerfully.

“Christians? But aren’t they those odd smelly people who don’t wash because they might catch sin or common sense or some such nonsense?” Asked Messaline who knew that her Gods were real because they had put her in charge which showed they were deities of profound sense and wisdom.

“Apparently there are lots more of them further west,” Li’hi managed breathlessly as she dragged the old man out of the grasp of two men in gambesons and then fought them off, “They don’t seem to get any less smelly though,” She agreed wrinkling her nose.

“Well how did you get here, I thought you were dead, trampled by elephants and eaten by crocodiles and why did you not re-join me sooner?” Asked Messaline, kicking one crusader in the crotch and smashing him over the head with a chair as she duelled another with her sword.

“Well that is kind of a long story Messa…” Li’hi evaded.

“Li’hi!” Snapped Messaline firmly.

“Well you see it all began a little after the battle while I was still dazed…” Li’hi began.

To Be Continued

“Well you see it all began after the battle when I was still dazed,” Li’hi explained smashing one of the more lightly armoured crusaders with the remaining intact half of a bowl that had held Messaline’s yummy shredded beef before it ended up decorating a smelly monk’s habit.

“I was wandering around a bit lost when I stumbled upon a group of men just getting off a boat,” Li’hi said.

“So why did you not simply cross the river and join me your Princess?” Asked Messaline sharply.

“Well I may have fainted, just a little bit,” Li’hi conceded, “Apparently it was three days before I woke up.”

“Well that is still no excuse, why did you not find me then?” Asked Messaline and then sniffed the air, “Well curse these crusaders they have set the place on fire, Twilight Whispers, Ninjas, collect up our gear we need to leave this place before it burns to the ground.”

“Don’t you want to hear my story?” Asked Li’hi looking around the increasing smoky interior of the inn.

“Later, we shall find another caravanserai where I can at last get some decent food and you can explain to me everything you did then,” Messaline admonished her servant and lover, “Priorities Li’hi, one must always focus on the priorities.”

“But you…Yes Messaline,” Agreed Li’hi demurely and yanked the smelly old Christian along in their path as the party made their way out of the building fighting off the odd crusader who had not yet made note of the fact that the whole place was on fire or simply did not care in their fanatical obedience to their last orders. Outside the building a large crowd had gathered, some to help with the rapidly forming bucket chain others to gawk as the inn burned to the ground.

The mob happily covered the escape of our heroines though it might have been equally useful to the crusaders in escaping the consequences of their actions as by the time the city watch arrived almost no one was present who admitted to seeing anything of how the fire started. Well accept the inn keeper of course but clearly he had been somewhat affected by it all as he kept raving about warriors from the sky and mad Chinese women. The watch finally decided to take him to a doctor who felt a good lie down might help.

Soon enough Messaline was set up in a new establishment, this time one where she could dine in a rooftop garden and be sure no one would come crashing in atop of her. At last as she tucked into her meal Li’hi could explain things, she was helped a bit by the monk whose name was Anselm and had a bit of Arabic and some Tamil but no civilised tongue worth the name.

“So we took Li’hi with us when we sent to see King Narasimah but by then she woke had broken her fever and was able to warn us he was a treacherous man,” Anselm half explained himself and had to be translated by Li’hi, “We tried to catch up with the army of Sundara but by the time we had done so you had gone on a mission to Samarkand, so led by Li’hi we followed you here.”

“But what exactly are you looking for?” Asked Messaline at least a little baffled by this, she turned to Li’hi, “What on Earth are they seeking?”

“The Garden of Eden, apparently their God created an earthly paradise before he got cross with them and kicked them out of it, the monks up to find it and lead people back to salvation,” Li’hi said and then paused a bit confused.

“Salvation from what?” Asked Messaline.

“Sin I think,” Li’hi still looked confused.

“But what is sin?” Asked Messaline who had always found the odd Nestorian Christians she had encountered sometimes when performing her public duties in Xijing as annoyingly vague on the subject.

“Sex I think,” Li’hi wrinkled her nose, “They all seemed terribly worried they might catch sex off of me, whenever I washed they would all huddle and pray with their backs to me.”

“Well who would want to be saved from sex, such odd people, so why are the crusaders after them, do they like sex?” Inquired the Princess that led to a little back and forth between Anselm and Li’hi until Anselm explained.

“We have, that is my Order have recovered a sacred spell to compel the Guardian Angel with the Fiery Sword whom our Lord placed on the gate to the Garden of Eden. We hoped to use this spell to lets our unworthy selves and other penitents who agree to be washed free from sin into the Garden and be restored to God’s holy paradise,” Anselm explained after a detour to explain that sex was not in fact sinful if it was between a man and woman who were married though he was a little vague on whether they were allowed to enjoy it or not, “ The Crusaders are members of a militant order charged with recovering the Holy Land and hope by commanding the Angel of God’s Wrath to destroy the infidel and regain the Holy Places…of course such an idea is utter madness.”

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Anselm beamed with the calm certainty of a man who is either very right or completely mad.

“So you want to cast a spell on a demon to get into a God’s garden and they want to use the same demon to destroy all their enemies?” Messaline asked.

“Oh no not a demon an angel, demons are foul unholy creatures in league with the Devil,” Anselm explained, “Angels are the servants of God’s holy will.”

“So why not summon this angel and have them destroy the crusaders?” Asked Messaline.

“Oh that would be terrible, why for one you need to confront the Angel to control it and secondly if you took it away from the Garden of Eden who knows what evil might enter in there and besides once you have told the Angel to start destroying things, it might not stop,” Anselm told her, “The Angel should only be ordered to do peaceful things like allow good Christians to pass by into the paradise God meant for mankind.”

“Destroying one’s enemies seems more useful to me, I have some enemies that might use destroying,” Messaline mused.

“On no that would be terrible and might make God very angry, vengeance is his says the good book,” The Monk told the Princess firmly.

“Vengeance is whoever bloody well takes it’s,” Muttered Messaline but she conceded the point, “Well thank you for bringing Li’hi back but now on your way, I have plans for tonight and I do not need a smelly priest, maybe you should check out the local baths?”

“Your Highness, I must protest, surely you see the need to protect the spell from the mad ruffians who attacked you, those knights have nothing on their minds but war and conquest,” Said Anselm.

“Very well, I shall think about helping you but not before I have had a night’s…rest and you have had a bath, Twilight Whispers give this monk some money for the baths and he is not to return until morning and clean,” Messaline ordered, “Tonight Li’hi will attend to me.” She smiled in anticipation.

“I have missed you too long,” Messaline told Li’hi.

“I have longed to be with you for many lonely nights My Princess,” Li’hi replied.

They kissed, long and fondly. The kiss grew. Clothes were shed. Bodies too long apart took stock of one another and shared warmth and touch and scent. Hearts began again to beat as one. Messaline pressed Li’hi down into the sheets of her bed, stroking her with hands and tongue and hair. Working over breasts and belly and navel till finally she came to the join between the thighs and lingered. She carefully worked across the tops of each leg and then back again to the little delicate coil of hair and then and only then slowly down, teasing and caressing until Li’hi gasped and bucked.

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Then Li’hi was atop her, strong urgent fingers exploring every inch of skin, hot eager mouth exploding senses to mind numbing wakefulness. The emotions swelled from delicate rivers to oceans and in her mind’s sight the night exploded in colour as Li’hi unravelled Messaline’s long pent up cares and frustrations, Afterwards spent it was if a hot rain had washed them clean and they clasped each other tight in the repose of true lovers.

To Be Continued​
Princess my Princess!

We are ...

“Well I must say I am really glad I met you before the end, I want to thank you for everything you have ever done me,” Said Messaline to Li’hi.

“I am really glad to have met you, you showed me the world before…” Li’hi looked up at the great writhing tentacles that had just smashed the bridge over which they had planned to follow the rest of the party. Whatever those tentacles belonged to was truly massive and was even now working its way from the underground gorge in which it had lurked until woken by the alarms of its mutant worshippers.

“My Princess, what can we do to save you?” Asked Twilight Whispers yelling to be heard across the chasm, where she and the rest of the ninjas and a worried looking Anselm still waited.

“Nothing you can do for us, fly you fools, fly!” Called out Messaline.

“Typical the beardy old git always gets to run away to safety while the pretty young ones are doomed by the monster,” Muttered Li’hi as he was hauled away by the women ninjas.

“I thought you liked the Monk?” Messaline said perplexed.

“I do but given the situation I thought I could at least make a joke,” Li’hi explained.

“Ah humour, right I think this monster is really big and probably has skin too thick for our swords to pierce, I suggest we wait until we can see its mouth and jump down its throat, then cut our way out,” Messaline decided.

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“Your plan is to feed ourselves to the monster,” Asked sceptical Li’hi.

“And cut our way out,” Said Messaline with supreme Imperial confidence.

“Oh good, yes I can see how that would make all the difference,” Li’hi did not sound convinced.

“I am so pleased you recognise my brilliance my love, now prepare to attack,” Messaline smiled serenely, leaving Li’hi to wonder if her lover really did not get sarcasm or was out dead panning her?

“On the count of three we jump,” Messaline added a few minutes later.

“Oh good, do we have a battle cry?” Li’hi inquired.

“Yes, one, two, three Yaaaaaargggghhhh!” The women leaped screaming in mixed terror and battle fury down into the jaws of death…

Li’hi found herself fighting the hordes of mutants again. Grasping gripping arms entangled her, hot wet tongues lick at her face and hands and across her armour even as she lopped limbs and decapitated bodies sending blood spraying across her hair and eyes. She paused to wipe her face and Anselm called out, “Li’hi, Your Highness I have the book, I have the scrolls!”

Hey wait they had done that already. Li’hi came back to herself. She was somewhere inside the beast. Not its throat, the first thing the woman had done was cut their way of its belly passage rather than risk being consumed. No Li’hi was struggling with strange pulsating organs all around her, trying to cut her way in the direction she thought was the surface but she had felt the beast tumble and her sense of direction was ajar, was she fighting her way out or instead further in to that leviathan body?

“Messaline, I am suffocating in here, we must get out!” Li’hi was on the verge of panic. She heard the Princess’s voice return to her but it was heavily muffled, “Keep cutting,” She thought she was told and so she again slashed with her sword fighting her way between two liver like things as big as she was to be closer to her lover and liege.

There was a sudden roaring splash and Messaline came to in a flood of pink stained water and globules of fat or worse. Suddenly she plunged over an edge. A waterfall where fresh water plunged out into of the desert and into the sea, the sudden change of pace and direction took Messaline completely by surprise and she released her sword as she slammed beneath the waves. Cursing she fought her way to air, filling her lungs she determined to dive again for her blade but suddenly a shadow passed over her.

Messaline looked up expecting a bird but instead it was the flailing body of Li’hi. Just like Messaline her friend slammed into the blue and white frothing waters. Unlike her she did not come up. Messaline took one more swallow of air and plunged down into the swirling foam, until she had caught her friend and then struck out for a beach she had caught out of the corner of her eye.

Dragging Li’hi up the hot sand Messaline realised that both the women were covered in the slimy viscera of the beast. Messaline pulled off Li’hi’s armour and wet clothing and then her own. She had a vague intention of cleaning it somehow in the sea but then the heat and exhaustion and the fading reaction of combat overwhelmed her and she swooned down onto the sand besides her love.

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Messaline awoke to a sharp, browned face with a beard that resembled a hooked dagger. The man jabbered something unintelligible. Messaline tried Chinese, the man tired something else equally opaque of meaning but clearly a differently flavoured language. Messaline tried some of the half Latin mixed with French she had learned from Anslem.

“Ah interesting, I thought from the stink a whale had washed up on my shores again. Instead I find two beauties from Cathy, washed up with the armour of their masters,” The man grinned, his horse licked wetly at Messaline’s face until she pushed it away.

“My armour,” She croaked out.

“Ah,” The man paused, nodded and stroked his beard, “Interesting but of little more than a titillating addition to a fascinating story.” The man clapped his hands and called out and other less well dressed, in some cases half undressed men came and started hauling Messaline and Li’hi up and across the backs of camels.

“What are you doing, where are you taking us?” The Princess asked.

“Why to my Lord Emir of Basra of course. He has many beauties including some Franks taken in jihad but no lovelies from Cathay, I shall once again rise in his affections,” The man laughed, “Never let it be said that Ben Ibn Ben Sul was ever out of favour at court for long, even if his propensity for liquor and women and the odd jape gets him in trouble now and again.” The servants laughed dutifully.

“Basra but Basra is hundreds of leagues away,” Said Messaline confused.

“Away from where? Where did you expect to fetch up?” Ibn Ben Sul asked Messaline tried in a polyglot mix of languages to find names he would recognise until eventually, “The Hindu Kush you say, well my pretty that is a long way, we shall still need to get you cleaned up first but I think you have many fine tales to tell and now hai,” He slapped the camel on the rump and Messaline and Li’hi began to sway up the beach and across the desert.

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To Be Continued​
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Pirates! Slave girls! Sounds like activities that a mermaidhunter would enjoy!

We do try and have a little something for everyone at some point but mostly it is her Imperial Highness Princess Messaline of Jin directing the action (and providing awesome pics courtesy Messaline de France) while her loyal Li'hi helps out and a certain rodent tries to keep track of it all for posterity :D
We do try and have a little something for everyone at some point but mostly it is her Imperial Highness Princess Messaline of Jin directing the action (and providing awesome pics courtesy Messaline de France) while her loyal Li'hi helps out and a certain rodent tries to keep track of it all for posterity :D
and for restoring after a rebellion by some of those bitches
We do try and have a little something for everyone at some point but mostly it is her Imperial Highness Princess Messaline of Jin directing the action (and providing awesome pics courtesy Messaline de France) while her loyal Li'hi helps out and a certain rodent tries to keep track of it all for posterity :D

This rodent is a flaterer, but I love it....


  • autumn-chinese-princess.jpg
    189.1 KB · Views: 84
This rodent is a flaterer, but I love it....
i like the princess.......................................but much more nude , squirming on a rough splintery cross made in France:very_hot:
i like the princess.......................................but much more nude , squirming on a rough splintery cross made in France:very_hot:

Well if you look back in this thread you will find her squirming on a cross made in Java

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And if you want to go right back to the beginning

Charming Tiger, Leering Dragon

There a re good times

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and bad

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In ancient China :bdsm-wink:
Does not the RR have the 'good times' and 'bad' banners out of order or is this just a matter of perspective

Hanginus Tree

PS the Autumn Chinese Princess... if she needs a drink put it on my tab...
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