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Into The Dragons' Lair

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The long march across the desert had been a trial. The dromedaries had plodded along a t a slow but unrelenting pace. Their big splay toed feet made easy work of the sand which shifted constantly under the smaller feet of the girls. The sun beat down merciless and the flies came to sip at the beads of sweat as skin heated under the glare. If the flies were getting a drink then Messaline and Li’hi were getting none and the thirst parched throats to leather and left eyeballs feeling seared and gritty.

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Messaline woke up with a start. Her current surroundings could not have been more different than her dream. The Emir’s bed chamber was large with a great vaulted ceiling painted in swirling calligraphy rising at its peak at least four times the height of a man. If the chamber was not less than sixty paces across then Messaline was a dwarf and the fountain that constantly sang its song of cascading water, perfumed with lemons crushed by a small host of slaves somewhere in a distant unseen part of the palace was at least thirty steps away.

The bed was big enough. It needed to be, sprawled across it at various angles to one another were Messaline, the Emir of Basra, Li’hi and Judith one of his older more established concubines. Smiling Messaline stretched languorously to touch all of her companions. It had been a wild night that had preceded this moment.

The Emir was always much taken with Messaline and Li’hi right from the moment they first arrived. Ibn Ben Sul had been careful to have them well washed and cleaned up and dressed in the finest and most diaphanous silks before presenting them to his Master. They and Judith had worn similar silks that night as they had danced and little brass plated halters that while uncomfortable held up their breasts up high and clinked with suggestive chimes as they moved.

Oh how they had moved. Like swans, elegant and disdainful, like stalking colts, all coy energy and innocent excitement, like tigers, fierce hunters of the night and most of all like women, complex and indecipherable, wild abandon and dark hidden reserves, exotic pleasures and carnal mysteries. They had swayed and touched and each time their limbs caressed smooth supple bodies another garment had floated to the ground.

When the nipple plates fell they rang against the ground singling the hidden musicians to up the tempo to wild whirlwind pace. Thighs, arms, hips and bellies and breasts all gyrated at the eye stunning pace that was taught in the Harem. What the eye could not parse though the heart could taste and the Emir had grown hard and urgent as he watched his most favoured women but tease him longer they had. The music had fallen to faint whispers and above this could be heard the sighs of the women as they continued their dance, now one of soft embraces and slow lingering kisses and sweet gentle touches.

Then the music had stopped and like hell fiends starved of body and in urgent need of ravishment by a man the trio had fallen upon the Emir who well-fortified had been more than happy to oblige. His skilful mouth and soft beard had tasted and pleasured each part of his women in turn, one then another and back again. Nipples were as pert as spear points and sweet nectar scented loins and that was before he had unveiled his shaft. Each woman had then competed to demonstrate her skills first with mouth and then whole body until he had fallen back exhausted and then in triumph they had enjoyed each other in more solely feminine ways until he roused again and once more joined in that splendid congress.

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Only then had they all fallen asleep.

What then had woken the Princess?

“Oh Most High Lady, we apologise for the delay, we are here to rescue you?” Said Twilight Whispers.

“Rescue me?” Whispered Messaline in surprise, getting up from the bed in order to be able to talk to the shadow that had revealed itself as her loyal assassin in order to be able to converse without waking the others, “From what?”

“Why from this prison oh Imperial Lady,” Responded the Ninja sounding nonplussed.

“This is no prison, this is heaven,” Messaline stretched her arms up to the ceiling revelling in the happy, fit and well pampered feel of her beautiful body in these gorgeous surroundings.

“But Most High Lady the Khawarezm prepare for war against the Mongols of Genghis Khan, we thought you would wish to be…” Began Twilight Whispers.

“Long I have fought this Khan, far have I travelled and for what, does my Father yet rouse himself or does he continue to plot idly against Song which has held out centuries?” Twilight bowed her head, “I am tired, tired of war and travel and uncouth living all to nothing. I shall remain here, inside this Harem where I may relax and enjoy myself for too long have I given my all and Li’hi besides me, now we can enjoy good things and fine friendship and the pleasures so oft denied us, let others fight.”

“What they should we do?” Said the Ninja woman asking of her sisters.

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“Rest and re-arm, train new daughters to your way of living for I may have need of you in future and report to me here, I would know what goes on in the wider world. No go hence, it is best you be gone before the Emir stirs and I need my beauty sleep,” Turned towards the bed and then looked at Twilight Whispers with a smile, “Use this time of rest for yourselves also for you have suffered much as well these years, it is time to rebuild your order so that women too may command the sword arm of vengeance.”

With that Messaline returned to her idyllic life as a harem concubine. There were dances, there were feasts, there were passions and by night the Ninja’s would still in perhaps once a moon to bring reports of the outside world so that Messaline gained a reputation for being wise and knowledgeable and having the news of distant parts before even the Palace Eunuchs who were the main source of such intelligence in the Harem.

Then one grim day the news was bad very bad indeed and suddenly the easy life tasted as bitter ash in the Princess’s mouth.

“Samarkand is burned and sacked, the heads of its garrison stacked before the city gates and their families marched off to slavery, even now Genghis and his sons pursue the Khan of the Khawarezm yet further west,” Twilight Whispers told Messaline.

“Enough, it seems I have tarried too long here,” Messaline decided, “We shall return to this war and see how we might adjust matters more to our advantage. Return in three day’s time, in the meanwhile secure a caravan that we might travel in secrecy to our destination, Li’hi and I will retrieve our armour from the Emir’s arsenal and meet you here on the Palace roof on the third night, by which time I expect all preparations to made ready.”

“It will be done, Most High Lady,” Twilight Whispers bowed.

“We had best be careful, these walls have ears and doubly so in the Harem, which is full of sneaks and tattle tales besides,” Cautioned Li’hi.

“Never fear my love, whatever perils we face shall be overcome,” Said Messaline with assurance.

Later that night two quiet figures stole across the roof tops from the harem to the great armoury block of the Emir’s Palace. Even as the guards patrolled between the stacks of mounted weapons and armour, the polished metal glinting by the light of their torches they failed to notice the shadows move and here a sword and there a breastplate disappear. Nor did they notice a sudden accumulation of sufficient arms and protection to outfit two capable female warriors for the utmost combat upon a high shelf near a barred window far too high and narrow for any man to climb through.

Though not for any woman, though it seemed had more trouble than others, “Ooof I tell you Messaline harem life is all very well but we don’t get nearly enough exercise to do this sort of thing,” Said Li’hi as she squeezed between the bars.

“Nonsense, if you had not had second helpings at dinner tonight you would be having no problem now, if you stuff yourself like a pig you should expect to become fat and bloated,” Messaline sniffed.

“I do not stuff myself like a pig…it is just the food is very good here it would be a shame not to try everything…” Responded Li’hi gaining the arsenal roof.

“…Twice,” Teased Messaline and then, “Silence, we must hurry to stack these in our secret meeting spot before sun up and return to the harem so that we shall not be noticed gone…” She sniffed herself and wrinkled an aristocratic nose, “Via the baths I think,” She added.

The war gear was laid carefully under some sheets in a part of the roof that was higher up than many parts but surrounded by still higher towers and so gave no good view of the city nor received much sun light and was thus only infrequently patrolled nor used by the ladies of the palace for sunbathing. The two women were just preparing their return when, “Hold,” Cried the outraged voice of the Emir, he stood surrounded by archers with more bowmen on the other towers their arrows notched and pointed at our pair of heroines, “You will not steal off to your lover this night or any more nights, I will not be made a laughing stock.”

“My Lord Emir, you wrong us, we are servants of a higher purpose but we have not lain with any man but yourself,” Messaline declaimed.

“But we sampled all the women,” Added Li’hi under her breath.

“In all the time we have been here,” Messaline finished ignoring her companion’s sally.

“You lie and the rack and hot pincers will prove you lie and wrest the name of your traitorous paramour from you,” The Emir shouted in his outrage, “Eunuchs seize them!”

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To Be Continued​

The two women were marched down to the dungeons of the Emir of Basra. A dark unhallowed place where much went on that was displeasing to the eye. Even worse were the wails and sobs of hopeless and lost men deep within the bowels of this oppressive darkness and worse yet was the stench. This stench was not because the dungeons were allowed to stay unclean, like most Muslims the Emir and his gaol keepers had a horror of filth and even as the girls arrived a chain gang of prisoners were scrubbing floors and walls under the watchful eye of whip and bludgeon wielding guards. No this was the stench of fear and despair, that mind raping, fouling miasma that clings to the victims of the very vilest insults and abuses.

At first the two heroines were made to wait but in due course the Emir arrived and directed that they be tied to x-shaped beams ready for the softening up process of their interrogation. “You wrong us My Lord, we have not betrayed you,” Messaline called out in hot anger.

“Silence wench I want only your screams for now, then the truth oh and then the truth,” The Emir sneered.

The beating with slender rods, perhaps of reed or maybe willow, of no more burden than a tool for chastising children but they served their purpose they awoke the flesh. Then the real whips came out, coiled and braided single tails, fat with the oils that had cleansed them of past blood and hungry for more.

“Forty times lashed, we shall soften them slowly I think until they are nice and tender to the question,” The Emir announced. The count of blows was sung out by a young man barely sprung from his teens but the whipmasters were no boys but barrel chested men well practiced in their cruelty, two to each victim so they did not tire of the strokes.

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The blows landed, with stinging force, uncoiling the secret fire trapped in their length into the bare flesh of brazen girlhood, they then ripped away each stripping a bite of skin and sometimes vital fluid away with it on its passage. The woman had both sworn to be resolute but they soon recognised their folly and loudly called out their pain as the count mounted steadily and their bodies shook and shuddered with the horror of each fresh assault, the helplessness wounding deeper than any whip or even knife could pierce as the attack continued steady and undiminished. The reserves of strength fled and when the count keeper called a halt our heroines hung spent from their bonds.

“Clap them in irons, on the dawn they shall meet the rack,” Ordered the Emir and left his wardens to clasp harsh metal around ankles and wrists and throats before dragging the burdened women and slinging them into a cell whose stray would not long remain sweet as the flickers of shadow that were not shadows revealed rats scurrying for cover but sure to back on further forays, leaving their unsavoury offerings behind them.

“We should tell him of your mission Messa,” Li’hi counselled.

“We will but I doubt it will do much good, the Emir believes himself scorned and his outrage and fear of being seen as less than manly will drive him to wound us to salve his pride even though the injury dwells only in his mind,” Messaline warned.

“Men are fools,” Cursed Li’hi bitterly.

“But they too often rule this world with their follies,” Sighed Messaline sadly.

The night was fraught and many a rodent was to learn to its cost than even bound a mistress of the martial arts can still aim a sound kick in the dark. Still ever further foolish animals came nosing where they were not wanted for such vermin never learn save in the doing. The girls bore only a few bites and these from the fleas that left their hosts in search of more appetising flesh but they got little sleep. Their nights rang with the screams of those under torture and the nightmares of those who had been or were facing yet more.

Yet the girls had one source of comfort. Each other, in the darkness hands clasped and lips met. Tender feeling melted fears and hot passions banished despair. Hands roved across breasts firm and supple and were swallowed by swift warm mouths eager to taste that which might be utterly destroyed. Fingers spun their magic across bellies and the night seemed less dark. Legs parted and those delicious places were delved, first with delicate care and then with forceful pressing urgency as throats gasped and moaned wordless desires. Life took up arms against death and celebrated itself in a flurry of la petite mort as bodies shuddered and writhed again and again until finally spent.

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Slowed by their harsh night and their heavy chains Li’hi and her Princess were caught out when armoured guards stormed in, beat them into submission with stout clubs and then hooded them and dragged them away once they would so battered they could barely stand.

Only once the snap of new fetters had sounded and the women were held tightly by strong metal chains to their rough wooden beds that would bring only further pain were their hoods removed.

“Yes, take your time, gaze well at yourselves, look over and gaze well at each other, then please, be most assured that you note were the tools are even now heating that will sear your very woman’s flesh from your bones,” The Emir growled, “Unless you talk and tell me who the name of the dog who courted you and seduced you away from your duty in my own place is?”

“We know no name, we are warriors sworn to fight Genghis Khan and thwart his ambitions against sacred China,” Messaline of Jin protested, she was ready willing and able to volunteer details of her wars and travels, though she chose to be discreet about certain of her adventures. Even so the Emir dismissed it all with a wave of his hand.

“Enough of this folly, tell me truly what you know that I need to know,” He prodded.

“We know that the Mongols march against the Khwarezm and have plundered and slaughtered at Samarkand,” Messaline told him.

“Nonsense, foolish nonsense, no way could those barbarian dogs defeat Muslims defending stout walls, besides Samarkand is hundreds of leagues distant, how could you know what I could not? Perhaps this is the foolish tale that your lover used to trap you into yielding to him? Tell me truly and give me his name and I shall punish him as harshly as he deserved and only punish you lightly as Allah desires that good men should forgive women their frail follies,” The Emir promised though since the truth he sought would require lies that would deny the truth that he did not yet know the women could not accommodate him.

So they shrieked and writhed and danced a tempered constrained dance as the rack wheels turned and limbs and ligaments stretched. There they were left to hang for a time while their torturers retired to take coffee and sweet cakes with their Emir and laugh and joke at the women held helpless and aloft between the wheels.

Then the Emir and his henchmen returned and again demanded the answers to questions. “I tell you no falsehoods, Genghis Khan even now devours Muslim lands far to the north,” Messaline cried.

“Impossible, we are not heathen dogs like you of Cathay, with the Prophet to guide and guard our hearts and the will of Allah to guide our swords and arrows no infidel pony rider could challenge our folk,” The Emir cried angrily, “I will show you how helpless is the heathen before the servant of the one true God.”

With that were taken up rods of hot iron, not the showy white hot offerings that had paraded before hapless eyes many a time but measured dark iron, warmed precisely to scald and seer but offer no irreversible injury that might yet the flesh escape yet further torment. When pressed against, and then pushed deep in to the folding flesh of womanly bosoms the screams that were torn from ragged throats ought to have broken men’s hearts, instead they only returned with fresh irons and fresh pain.

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“Again I ask you,” The Emir told the sobbing women, “Tell me the name of your lover and where I might find him beyond my walls?”

“I have no lover’s outside of these walls,” Messaline declared.

“Ah so one of my court, I am doubly betrayed,” The Emir threw back his head and up his fists in the showy way of anger that men favoured in these parts.

“Nay, I have taken only you and the women of your Harem to my bed,” Messaline told him, “And Li’hi has likewise only the same.”

“You lie, you are lying bitches and you lie,” The speech was not the most elegant ever to grace the Arab tongue but it got its point across, “Burn them again.” The hot irons served for exclamation mark. Tender belly muscles jumped and twisted in a futile ploy to escape the path of the harsh heat that each metal probe delivered in hissing steaming agony to tender skin until the air hung heavy with the smell of scalded pork.

“I shall have the truth from you yet, Messaline stuck up bitch of Jin, the truth I say or I shall burn the woman’s parts of your little wench out in front of your eyes!” The Emir warned.

To Be Continued​

Messaline had never felt so helpless, no courage, no passion, no skilful art or open truth would save her beloved. She watched as the torturers took a bellows to the hot coals and held a rod in thick gloves until it glowed white hot, a shine in the darkness that echoed the desert sun.

“Please, please My Lord, I know no name, there is no name,” Screamed Messaline.

“So you admit there is a man?” Asked the Emir.

“Be brave Messaline, I love you don’t let them hurt you whatever they do to me,” Called out Li’hi even as the Emir took up first gloves and then carefully the actinic metal which hissed angrily as he spat upon it.

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“No, my messengers are women, trained assassins from the furthest east,” Messaline tried to explain.

“Nonsense none could penetrate my security that easily,” Laughed the Emir ignoring the fact that he was accusing them that a man had done just that.

“We were out of the Harem when you took us, you say a man was able to get into the Harem, would not a woman find it even easier, for who would question just another female servant?” Challenged Messaline seeing an opening.

“Is that how he got in?” Asked the Emir stirring the rod dangerously once more in the glowing coals.

“I tell you my servants are women there is no other man save My Lord Emir,” Said Messaline.

“You lie,” Screamed the Emir, slamming the opening shut, he raised up the glittering metal and advanced on Li’hi.

“I am not scared of you, do your idiot worst, I will always be Messaline’s,” Shouted Li’hi in her fear, her muscles moved reflexively away from the menace but she was bound trapped, she braced to scream.

“Please, please you must believe us we only wished to fight the evil Genghis Khan,” Messaline protested.

Then came a commotion at the doorway to the dungeon which was flung open. “Who dares, disturb this interrogation,” Yelled the Emir and hurled the glowering rod like some ancient God’s thunderbolt. There were cries of dismay as the sparking metal crashed across the floor brittle chips scattering to singe clothes and flesh.

“You rogue, you dare to cast fire at the Emissary of the Caliph?” Announced a tall man, dressed in the manner of an Arab knight but with all the hauteur that Messaline recognised from her Imperial past. In fact that experience gave her the key to unlock and unravel the rapid, high flowing courtly Arabic, her own kind being the more mixed polyglot mix of the Harem debased by words introduced from half a hundred nations and focused mostly on pleasure and on sex.

Still it was easy to render. You just exchanged Caliph for Emperor and added in some flowing references to Allah, the Benevolent, the Most High and his Prophet.

“Who in all Hell’s name are you?” Exclaimed the Emir, “How dare you call me a rogue you jumped up dog?”

“I am the jumped up dog of His Eminence the Caliph and don’t you forgot it My Lord Emir for by the Prophet if you or you men delay me one moment further you will be named rebel and stricken from all your posts for defying the servant of Allah the Merciful, the Giver of Justice,” Claimed the Messenger.

“High Presumption indeed for one whose ancestors were baseborn till yesterday while mine rode to Medina with the Prophet himself and helped him reclaim Holy Mecca, tell me this message conveyed by your better to your better and less lip from you,” Shot back the Emir.

“I bow to no man in heritage, my family served with Ali against the Persians, know you that the Caliph summons all his Emirs and commands them without pause or hesitation to Baghdad at once, the heathen Mongols have slaughtered honest Muslims across the steppes and left a pyramid of skulls outside noble Samarkand...” The Messenger announced, there was more flowery rhetoric he did not expect the sudden collapse of the Emir’s resistance.

“It is true then, the Mongols have overcome the Khwarezm and pursues their Khan to the Caspian,” The Emir seemed to shrivel into himself, “Oh Allah forgive me your foolish servant what have I done?”

“Yes, Yes I was just coming to that though the Khan of the Khwarezm survived thanks to the grace of Allah he is in full retreat and…wait you already knew,” Asked the Messenger in complete surprise and then more suspiciously, “What have you done?”

“These women brought me this intelligence and I tortured them because I did not believe them,” Confessed the Emir.

“Oh so they are spies, well spies sometimes get a bit tricksy it never hurts to remind them who is master,” Pronounced the Messenger glibly.

“No they are not spies they are a heathen Princess and her…” The Emir’s face took on a new look, “Out, out all the men out, summon my Eunuchs and women of the Harem to attend the Imperial Princess Messaline of Jin, out dogs, out impertinent swine, who are you to gaze on royal flesh? You whose mothers suckled you from dogs because they had sold their own milk for coin, out, out,” The Emir bustled everyone out of the chamber.

“Okay, so that is all very informative, I rather think not but who is going to release us. That ratty thing in the corner? Hello, a Princess and her awesome Mongol servant alone down here, tied to racks?” Li’hi called out to the air but it remained silent save for the lingering groans of other denizens of the prison depths and the guttering of torches.

A few days later the Princess and her protégé were scrubbed, mounted and dressed, possibly even a tad overdressed. The flowing dresses were fine and regal attire but the Emir had insisted that Messaline and Li’hi cover their hair with scarves. Then again the men were equally bundled up and there were many times they were glad for being able to cover nose and mouth with those scarf ends. For the land around Basra is briny swamp and the insects rose in swarms to investigate the succulent human and horse flesh passing in a small convoy of boats through their midst.

The boats then passed on to the Tigris. Here the banks were green and farmers could be seen toiling by the score in their fields but the desert loomed ever present in the distance even though qanats and irrigation ditches transported water for leagues around the dusty windblown sand still founds it way to the river and it was obvious that only the most intense and constant labour kept the wilderness at bay.

Baghdad itself loomed at the end of the journey. A great fortified circle of a city though its suburbs stretched in all directions and swarmed with tens no hundreds of thousands of folk. Despite herself Messaline was impressed, here was a city to rival those she had known in sacred Jin. Here were libraries and palaces and academies devoted to civilisation and scientific study all with easy cry of minarets from which the muezzin issued the call to prayer for likewise mosques teemed in the city providing a spiritual defence as stiff as its high walls.

“I am bored,” Declared Messaline on the third day after their arrival. The party from Basra with easy access by water were among the first to arrive but other Emirs and Sultans were forced to travel at least some distance by land and many came from much further away which meant it would be weeks before all were in place.

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“Well I am healed after the interrogation and I think you are too,” Suggested Li’hi casting aside her robe which in the seclusion of their own chambers was gauzy enough already, “Perhaps we should inspect each other to make quite sure?”

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“Perhaps,” Agreed Messaline, leaning in close to pay close attention to Li’hi’s breasts, her neck, her hot eager mouth ripe to be smothered with kisses. Hands glided with practised ease across taut trembling skin, seeking out pleasure. Li’hi leaned into the kiss and the embrace and then sent her head questing, teasing, licking and tasting the renewed perfection of Messaline’s most feminine form.

The two explorers delved the valleys made by breasts and spines and buttocks. They quested the hollows of the limbs and traversed the undulating plains of belly and back and the rugged yet tender country of the ribs. The sounds of joys and gasps of sudden sensation echoed the chamber walls. Bodies moved in practised unison even as they sought to surprise one another. Playful bouts of wrestling would end in the victor claiming her kiss and both dissolved into one another, mind and physical form melded in that most blissful union.

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The day would come but until then the nights were theirs.

To Be Continued​
Mmmmm! How it could be great to make love with my Judith in this Harem'chamber of Topkapi'Palace (Constantinople)....:D...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
but you know how cruel sheiks could be, if other made use of his ownership isn't?
Obviously, they are not "blank cheques (sheiks)":D:D:D
No, Messa! It's a very bad joke!!!!! ...said Judith....:eek:
wise girlie..................... is that said Judith, very wise:clapping:
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