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Into The Dragons' Lair

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At long last the army was on the march. A great winding column of Arab lancers and Turkic horse archers together with their servants, pack animals and remounts stretched back over several leagues along the dry dusty road through the mountains of Iran. These ways had seen many army armies march before, Persians one way then Alexander’s Greeks and Macedonians and then Parthians, Kush, Persians again, Arabs and later the Turkic Khwarezm. This was but one of several armies being launched into the territory of the Abbasids’ erstwhile foe but fellow Muslims who were beset by the infidel Mongols.

Of course Messaline of Jin was overjoyed. “Why cannot we march at the head of the army, why must we eat the dust of a million dogs along with all the Emir’s other ambassadors?” Well mostly overjoyed.

“I think they are worried, that a roving band of robbers or worse might seize you and hold you for ransom,” Li’hi offered.

“Well let them try, I have my Ninja’s with me and am eager for a fight,” Declared the Princess fiercely. It was true that her secret bodyguards had re-joined her but they had not revealed themselves openly to the Arabs instead hiding among the servants of various dignitaries. Seemingly harmless unless one knew of the ferocious weapons and fighting skills concealed under their disguises. Some did go openly armed but these were pretending to be young men or armed eunuchs and thus few suspected their true identity or even gender.

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“I think this war is all very political,” Said Li’hi frowning. The Emir himself was sulking even as he directed his troops. Rather than set out from Basra for Khuzestan he had been ordered to muster his forces around Mosul and strike further north. It was felt that his near neighbours might not remember his past raids and skirmishes with much fondness and the Caliph wanted to win over the local Persian nobility to his cause. Ostensibly against the Mongols but with a clear eye to the longer term. Other less traditional rivals were given the southernmost invasion route instead.

“Bah they spent forever talking in Baghdad and now they are only just getting underway,” Messaline complained, “Li’hi go talk to Twilight Whispers, tonight we shall slip the camp and scout ahead for ourselves.”

Messaline and her small band flew across the starlight valley floor. They evaded the watching sentries of the local petty aristocracy by the simple expedient of riding up the lower reaches of the mountain paths. It was risky for such paths were treacherous without a local guide but it appeared effective.

It was morning rise that revealed the true reason for the ease of passage. In all directions stagnant columns of smoke rose into the sky. The Mongols had been here and left devastation in their wake. It was impossible at this distance to count the living from the dead in even the nearest crude villages. The redoubtable forts of the nobles had held but often too few of their people had been warned in time of the impending scourge.

Days of travel revealed a devastated war shocked populace. The little castles of their lords had served as islands of life as the Mongols ravaged and burned and looted. The villages and hamlets were now no more that fire blackened shells. Even most of the herds and flocks had been driven off threatening a winter of starvation to the people of there once proud lands.

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Messaline seethed inwardly at the devastation around her. Too many times had she seen this Mongol way of war visited upon the innocent and the guilty alike. Too long had she endured the long shadow it cast upon her soul. So when one of her outriders, still clad in the garb of the pleasure slave she had pretended to be in the Arab camp but now wearing her weapons openly upon her stolen mount returned she eagerly absorbed the news.

A small party of Mongols, riding quickly without scouts or outriders was headed along a nearby valley. Straight into the intersection with their own providing a rare opportunity for an opportunistic ambush.

“We shall take these Mongols and kill as many as we can but I want at least one prisoner alive, we shall need to put him to the question, so all of you remember kill but take captives where you can,” The Princess ordered.

“At once Most High Lady,” Her Ninja bowed at her commanded before seeming to disappear into the very landscape.

The Mongols came on fast, the many Horse Tailed banner of one the Khan’s own sons signified their allegiance. The party had the numbers on Messaline’s own but the woman had the advantages of surprise and skill and above all anger.

“Attack, attack, slay the dogs,” Called out Messaline almost forgetting her own words.

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Arrows flew and men and horses both reeled as they sprouted sudden shafts. Messaline plunged in among them seeking a large and sturdy Mongol war chief whom she duelled. Li’hi broke off to cover her Mistress from three of his bodyguards. Leaping from the saddle the little Mongol rolled under their horses, hamstringing them as she went. Spring up she then regained her own mount and plunged among the dismounted and bewildered men, battering them down with her anger as much as her sword.

Meantime Messaline dodged a blow that would have decapitated her. She rolled almost till she would fall off her horse and them came back up striking not at the warrior ready for a return stroke but the mouth of his sturdy pony. In sudden pain the beast reared and a sword thrust to its heart felled it before its surprised rider could regain control.

Messaline leapt down and smashed her blade again and again into the curved sword of the Mongol until the lesser metal shattered. Her following stroke sent the war chief’s head rolling in the grass.

By then the fight was all but over and Twilight Whispers came to her with a report that made her blood boil. “Mistress the prisoners, there were few Mongols and those ones fought to the last but the prisoners, there are Turks as might be expected but most of them, most of them are Chinese.”

Messaline was outraged, “How dare you, how dare you betray your people?” She struck one of the prisoners herself with her own iron gauntlet.

“Because we must eat, the Khan defeated us at the Badger’s Mouth but the Mongols spared those that pledged them allegiance,” Explained one without the merest hint of the remorse he should be feeling, “Since then behind Hulugu’s standard I have ridden from victory to victory and taken my share of plunder, I now keep three wives who have born me seven sons.”

“Well seven sons if you would live to see them again tell me what was your mission?” Messaline asked.

The Han’s eyes became suddenly sly, “Why your Imperial Highness we were simply to deliver a message from Hulugu to his brother Prince Jochi. The Great Khan is dead and his sons must return to the Motherland to decide who succeeds him.”

“Genghis Khan is dead?” Asked Messaline in disbelief and with that news she felt the world change.

To Be Continued.​

“Cover yourself woman, you’re indecent,” Said one of the sheiks that attended the Emir of Basra as the woman riders swung themselves down from the saddle outside his tent.

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“Pardon, I am wearing full armour,” Li’hi shot back.

“But you’re…” The Sheik’s eyes bulged as he tried to work out how to describe the indecency of her revealed figure without being in violation of etiquette.

“Out of the way I have urgent business with your Emir,” Messaline shoved the man aside and strode into the tent.

The Emir was busy over maps and papers with yet more of his sheiks. “Oh you are back, I had thought you had ridden off,” He said with angry disdain.

“I desired to perform a reconnaissance and it is well I did, I have obtained useful intelligence of the enemy,” Messaline replied.

“You secreted agents in my array and left without my permission, you lied to me,” The Emir focused on the hurt done him like a little boy.

“Genghis Khan is dead, most of the Mongols are withdrawn save only the army of his eldest son Jochi, you have the chance of a fine victory my Lord Emir,” Messaline told him and the rest of his hangers on to cut short further argument.

“Allah be praised, he has struck down the infidel,” Murmured someone provoking a chorus of,”Allah Akbar!” That rang through the camp in a rippling wave.

“We can go home,” Said one sheik, “God himself has won our war.”

“My Lord Emir, Prince Jochi’s army is on the verge of being trapped by yours and ripe for the slaughter,” Messaline urged.

“My Lord Emir, it is foolish to risk battle when we have all we came for, we should take the obedience of the local lords to the Caliph and return home, safe to our wives and families and in the knowledge of Allah’s grace,” Argued a sheik whose many scars and patched eye ensured no one would think him coward for urging caution.

“My Lord Emir it is precisely the Persian Lords you should think on, what joy it would bring to their hearts to have revenge on their hated enemy? Besides the Mongols will be back best to destroy a small measure of their force rather than try and face the greater horde unweakened,” Messaline lined up her arguments with care, the latter made military sense but too often such sense was lost in politics. Politics however sounded loud and clear to the wily ruler of one of the major port cities of Islam.

The Emir considered the gaggle of heavily armoured Persians outside his tent. Skilled and hard bitten warriors they bowed the knee only reluctantly to superior strength. Right now they were drawn to his banners by shared anger but they still remained divided from his Arabs by centuries of bitter conflict that even the revealed truths of the Prophet had not served to heal.

“Indeed, it would be wise to show men and show God that we are not cowards but willing to die in his name, Allah Akbar, we go to battle!” The Emir drew steel and his servants shuffled nervously lest he bring down the tent but the Sheiks took up the cry and again the camp rang.

A night had passed, a day and another night since Messaline returned to the Arab camp. Now Prince Jochi right hand and most eligible heir to his father Genghis Khan viewed to terrain with distaste. These savage, sharp hills were not to his liking, they closed in on a man so that almost he could not breath and worse denied him and his horses freedom of movement. He could of course flee the larger force of Arabs swollen with the angry local dogs who had cowed before his first onslaught but he would have abandon a rear guard to get his army away.

Still if the Mongols could find themselves trapped then so could their enemies and Jochi smiled at the thought. “Have we heard from my brother Hulugu?” He inquired of one of his generals.

“No word my Lord and our messengers went out the night before,” Replied the general.

“No mind, send out five more squads of our fastest riders, each is to take a separate track and each man to no my message, tell Hulugu I make my stand here and he is ride at his best possible speed and catch these desert dogs between our armies, we shall make their wives mourn and the vultures very happy,” Jochi instructed. He was confident he could hold the approaching force until his brother reinforced him and made their numbers incontestable. The Mongols arrayed their armies in divisions, regiment, companies and squads all on base ten.

This deep into a campaign few units would be even close to their starting strength but it mattered not well-practised in responding to horn, drum and flag signals the veterans could out manoeuvre any opposing host on the plain. Here in the mountains their freedom of manoeuvre was more limited but their strength with the bow would winnow the ranks of any force that tried them head on and there were still manoeuvres that could be tried and all the while Hulugu would be coming up behind the enemy to break them utterly.

“Remember wench you are a guest here and not in command,” Tewfik the one eyed Sheik told Messaline with the cheerful authority of father talking to sulky daughter.

“I am an Imperial Princess under heaven and you should all learn to grant me proper deference,” Messaline grumbled in Chinese but in Arabic she smiled brightly and said, “Of course My Lord please guide me with your wisdom, what is the plan of battle?”

Tewfik snorted, not entirely fooled but in good humour. “We shall advance with light cavalry and heavy Ghulam horse on the right flank,” The Ghulams were soldiers who performed their apprenticeship as slaves, many had come from the steppes as boys and were every bit as Turkish as the majority of the ‘Mongols’ facing them but they wore heavier armour and their horses more barding courtesy of Muslim smiths and armourers. “The Emir has more such troops on the right flank, the local lords and the foot soldiers shall occupy the centre that way the Persian boiler boys and their askari cannot run away and the infantry will give them added stiffness while we chew up the infidel’s flanks.”

“A very good plan,” Agreed Messaline but since she was not to be in command she promptly forgot it and instead sent her eyes searching among the enemy banners for any she might recognise in order to do vengeance on a foe from that time in which she was once the proud Viceroy of Xijing.

The Mongols army was like a nest of coiled snakes as its component units marched and countermarched upon and through themselves in order to give an ever more confusing impression of their numbers.

“Allah Akbar,” Rose as both roar of triumph and prayer to God above as the trumpets sounded and the Army of the Caliphate began to advance at a foot soldier’s walk.

The Mongols responded with a hail of arrows and the sky darkened as the Muslims responded in kind. At first the steppe warriors fell back but the valley became ever more narrow and they were forced to turn and stand their ground. Then the drums beat a mighty crescendo and several regiments tipped with lancers surged into the attack.

“Allah Akbar,” The heavy cataphracts of Iran in bright polished armour from head to hoof rendering man and horse like a statue of silvered brilliance lunged in an, at first ponderous but then seemingly irresistible charge of their own.

“Charge,” Messaline ordered and lunged forwards, not only her own women followed her but an ever growing flood of the men of Islam and any clever manoeuvres the two commanders had planned dissolved in an all-encompassing melee.

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“Urrgh” Said Messaline later in her tent but she was not sure how much later?

“Is it sore, shall I kiss it better?” Li’hi did not wait for a command having just lifted off her Princess’s helmet. It looked somewhat battered, clearly it had seen many blows and would need the attention of an armoury.

“What happened?” Messaline asked a bit alarmed at how blurry her memory was.

“It was magnificent,” Said Li’hi, “You cut down men to right and at times it was all Twilight and I could do to keep up with you, you almost caught Jochi himself but his bodyguards got him away. Tewfik told me that we won a great victory.”

“Oh good,” Said Messaline a bit annoyed she could not recall any of it through the battle haze, not helped by the fact that her body ached everywhere. Li’hi slowly removed her armour and then revealed the best news yet.

“I have had servants draw you hot water for a bath,” Said Li’hi stepping out of her own armour and clinging sweaty under padding, “I thought I might join you.”

The two women sank gratefully into the perfumed waters in the large and heavy tub sent up as a gift from a nearby citadel. Li’hi took up a sponge and began working on Messaline’s bruises.

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“Oh you are hurt,” Messaline noticed a line of blue and yellow flashes across Li’hi’s flank where her armour had not contained the full force of a blow or perhaps even the crushing weight of horse?

“Oh it is nothing,” Li’hi began.

“Let me kiss it better,” Messaline offered something halfway between a suggestion and a command, her lips set to work.”

“…oh…oh...that feels good…” Li’hi might have been meaning to say something else but words fled as passions rose. Amidst steam scented with almonds and roses slick skin was rubbed and cleansed with sweet oils and aroused and then more.

After moments of simple sensuality the woman rose by mutual unspoken consent and went to were soft pillows and cushions and silken sheets made up a bed of sorts. Messaline kissed Li’hi hard as soft fingers rove over her breasts, her hands glided down the hot length of her lovers body, one finding and pressing the buttocks down so that her lover’s woman’s parts bore upon and engulfed the fingers of her other hand in a hot tunnel ripe for pleasure.

Already Messaline could feel Li’hi’s building passion and the bodies moved together into that long night.

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To Be Continued​
Is Persecutor Rodent aware this debauchery is going on???


...yes, Ulrika, I am aware he is writing the story. Have you ever read any of mine and wondered if I knew what the hell was happening???
yep master tree, but from you is it a known debauchery

The great Imperial fortress city and Capital of Zhongdu had known many rulers and many names. It had been ancient even under the Tang Dynasty. Now it lay at the heart of the might of Jin and proven its power by resisting siege and sending forth great armies for many years. Within its circuit of many towered walls palaces and temples arose from among the humble markets and slums of the common labourers and traders.

Now a party escorting a powerful noblewoman who took the unusual step of allowing herself to be clad in armour and the even more unusual step of being accompanied by foreigners waited on the side of the road leading to the western gates of Zhongdu while several robed and bearded men prostrated themselves on the ground and prayed.

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Messaline tried not to sulk. She had been brought up to respect piety, even to foreign Gods but she was beginning to find having to halt the cavalcade several times in the course of the day so that the Arabic emissaries from the Caliph’s Court might offer their devotions somewhat vexing. A suggestion that they might confine themselves to just the morning and evening prayers had been politely but firmly rebuffed.

Still the long line of dromedaries laden with expensive aromatic herbs and spices showed wisdom. No Son of Heaven would even contemplate entertaining barbarians who did not bring tribute. Of course being the divinely appointed ruler of the entire world the Emperor would feel compelled to lavish even more expensive gifts on his visitors and their ruler. It might be that he would understand that a suitable benefaction would be an army of Jin cavalry. Attacking from the east even as the Mongols were pressed by Arab and Persian hosts from the west the heirs of Genghis Khan who had shown surprising unity and discipline for barbarians since his death and had not fallen in to civil would still inevitably be crushed.

The Muslims finally satisfied they had done their duty by their God they arose and folded up the prayer mats. Then slaves helped their masters remount and the entire troop was ready to once more proceed towards the centre of Chinese power and thus as Messaline had tried very patiently to explain to the centre of all truly legitimate power in the world. The Arabs had listened politely and then offered her more coffee, well they were barbarians so what could you expect? The main point was that Messaline at last had the means of delivering her people victory over their mortal enemies and greatest threat.

The guards had long had time to get used to the approach of the embassy. The level plains provided a long vista and besides they had paused to pray in clear sight of the Capital. Thus the troops of Han foot soldiers and Jin horsemen were turned out in their polished splendour and accompanied by moderately appropriate heralds. Messaline frowned. True the courtiers were gorgeously robed. True the companies of cavalry and infantry were both far more numerous and polished than the normal watch and customs detail. That would be sufficient for most distinguished guest but Messaline was an Imperial Princess, her loins were destined to bring future heirs to the Jade Throne. Their ought to have been regiments of soldiers and the courtiers should have included several dukes at the very least.

“Greetings Your Imperial Highness, Zhongdu once again has the pleasure of welcoming you to its august majesty,” The leading official bowed low as was entirely appropriate but Messaline was not even remotely satisfied.

“And who might you be?” Asked the Princess of the smiling Han official.

“I am General La Kei, I have the honour to be your most Divine and Gracious Father’s Minister of Police,” The Official rose up only to speak and then returned to his low bow.

“You are insufficient according to proper etiquette to lead the greeting of an Imperial Princess of Jin,” Messaline sniffed.

“Alas that is true,” La Kei agreed, “Unfortunately His Most High Imperial Majesty, The Son of Heaven your Father is very much wroth with you for leaving the Imperial Domains without his permission, therefore he has ordered your immediate arrest.” At a hand signal from the General bows were notched and halberds pointed.

Messaline did not even flinch, “I am of course to be accompanied at all times by my faithful body servant Li’hi?”

“Of course Your Imperial Highness anything less would be unseemly,” Agreed La Kei smiling and bowing so much that he was beginning to look like a cork bobbing in a barrel of water.

“Will my companions be detained?” Inquired the Princess.

“Alas for the time being that must be so but they will not be tortured and will be used with all the normal courtesies of rank,” Explained the Minister of Police.

“Except for being under house arrest?”

“Ah, yes, quite,” La Kei acknowledged Messaline with another bow, “If Your Imperial Highness would accompany me I shall escort you to your quarters?”

“Lead on,” Messaline allowed and noted even as the guards fell in around her and her confused Arab companions that her ninjas had disappeared almost like smoke into the crowds. She smiled a proud smile, La Kei and her Father were fools if they thought they could hold her against her will.

A few days later Messaline was laid on her back atop a racking table and in no mood for polite conversation. Li’hi stood nearby, held more by Messaline’s commands than by the female servants who supposed that their fluttering hands restrained the Mongol Warrior Woman. “Do you think you can break me you dogs?” Cried Messaline in anger as the lash came down on her belly once again. She was angry not so much at the pain as the lack of it, this was a very formalised and half-hearted flogging compared to many that Messaline had experienced and they had hardly used the rack at all save to fix her in place.

“Confess your crimes and you and your companions will be allowed to go free,” Offered General La Kei smiling with careful odiousness.

“Never, you will be flayed alive when my Father the Most High Son of Heaven hears of this,” Cried out Messaline.

“Oh but he has, in fact he ordered it,” Said La Kei sticking to the ancient and approved script for such things.

“Let me see him, let me see him just once and we shall see about that General,” Messaline said with appropriate scorn.

Happy that custom was being observed La Kei made his way to a curtained alcove, “Of course Your Imperial Highness you may see your Father, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, it is by his command that I act.” He drew back the curtain to reveal the Emperor who was drinking from a goblet of wine.

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“Your Most High and Regal Majesty may I proceed?” Asked La Kai.

“Of, course, I wish you to learn all of my daughter’s secrets so that justice may be done,” said the Emperor and with that the curtain was returned to veil the Emperor from the more unsavoury proceedings.

“Father, father, how could you forsake me?” Cried out Messaline well versed in her part of this performance.

“So now will you confess?” Asked La Kai.

“No, never, I have nothing to confess to, I will tell you nothing,” Messaline yelled at the General.

“In that case you leave me no choice,” Said the General sounding almost sad, “Bring in the Boring Worms.”

“No, please no, anything but the Boring Worms,” Shrieked Messaline, “Seriously no, try hot pincers or really stretching me on the rack or I know scorpions or biting spider anything but the boring worms, they are so boring…”

Alas her pleas were to no avail and the first of several failed candidates for the Mandarin Exams was allowed to enter the torture chamber. Messaline banged her head on the rack table, she briefly wondered if she could head butt it hard enough to knock herself out? Then the poet began to declaim and Messaline resigned herself to hours of listening to being compared to blossom on the wind and other such clichés.

Afterwards in the privacy of her own quarters Li’hi bathed the wounds on Messaline’s back. “Excuse me for asking but that seemed a very strange torture session,” Li’hi asked gently, “Are we in trouble or not?”

“Not really,” Sighed Messaline who almost sounded unhappy about it, “My Father the Son of Heaven is just cross about me going off without telling him, about me going off at all really, this is just to punish me by keeping me waiting.”

“Oh so that so that is why they did not really stretch you on the rack or use the hot pincers?” Asked Li’hi.

“I know, it was so frustrating, do they think I am made of glass, that would go all to pieces at some real torture?” Messaline cried out in anger, “Oh that feels good,” She added as Li’hi started to rub a soothing ointment of honey and oils into her breasts and then across her belly. In fact it felt so good, so relaxing that it took her a moment to notice when Li’hi started rubbing ointment into the curving flesh between her legs, just ever so lightly, almost by accident it seemed, rubbing up against those firm yet yielding parts.

“I think you are being very naughty,” Laughed Messaline, turning towards Li’hi’s face. Li’hi brought her hot lips down upon those of her love and they almost melted into one another.

“Surprise,” Giggled Messaline and dumped a handful of the cold salve down Li’hi’s back making her jump.

“Oh no, I shall have to take my clothes off to get this out now,” Said Li’hi in mock dismay tugging at her blouse.

“Oh what a shame, here let me help,” Messaline offered, spreading the lotion around and making Li’hi shudder and peal with laughter by turns. Li’hi caught her Princess again and kissed her hard, again there was a moment of stillness and then hands sought out silken strings and trousers descended shapely hips across womanly thighs. Lubricated by the sweetened oils hands and bodies glided together and other one another as each experimented with the new and varying sensations, breasts could be used to stroke and well as be stroked and bellies could caress as well as yielding to caresses.

Flames arose in loins and each women set to with a will to engulf themselves in those fires.

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To Be Continued​

Once again the Mongols were attacking. Driven forwards by Chinese slaves the war engines of the besiegers, catapults siege tower obvious amongst lumbered along to be met by a hail of arrows and cannon fire. Cannon were the much vaunted new wonder weapon which General La Kai had assured the Emperor would smash the surrounding Mongol host. The first time she had seen them in action Messaline had almost believe it.

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True it took a while to land a hit on an enemy catapult or tower. Cannon were slow to reload and since range was largely guess and the quality of their powder erratic several shots were required at least. Then again try for any accuracy with a typical catapult and the sheer awesome power of those streaking cannon balls was something to behold. The first time it had hit a catapult the siege engine had not simply flown apart as expected but almost exploded in a lethal fountain of jagged splinters.

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The problem was that the Mongol host was vast. Worse they now had access to nearly all the north of China to source their slaves. Those cities the nomads did not threaten to engulf were under attack by their Song allies.

The Song had opened the offensive striking by land and sea from the south. True to form the Jin had responded by mobilising all their available cavalry and as many infantry as could be marched to the borderlands in time.

It was Messaline, released at last to command an Imperial district army, who realised that the seeming all out offensive was little more than a gigantic feint. Defying her orders she and Li’hi, joined by her clandestine ninja woman had ridden north, then south again, riding horse after horse to death in order to warn Zhongdu that it might draw in supplies and people and seal its gates in time to avoid calamity.

The crash of large boulder brought Messaline back to the present. All except Li’hi and her Mistress had ducked low even though the missile fell somewhat below the parapet. Given the shortage of proper ammunition the cannoneers had taken to loading anything they could, pieces of brick and stone, pebbles and gravel, even gold and silver coinage. If the Mongols sought to loot the last they could prise it from the bodies of their slaves and assault troops.

“General La Kai,” Messaline addressed the man who had become de facto garrison commander, “A sortie is required, I shall lead it.”

“But your Imperial Highness we cannot risk you being captured by the enemy,” Kai objected.

“I shall therefore ensure I am not captured alive,” Messaline smiled and turned on her heel, “Come Li’hi we shall find brave men willing to defend their families and their city.”

At the bottom of the stone steps leading up to the parapet the two women were joined by the ninjas who served the Princess. Waiting in ranks and files, divided by company, crouching on one knee with their weapons laid close to hand were several regiments of foot soldiers. These men waited out of sight and most of the danger of the Mongols artillery though it was not entirely safe here, the occasional missiles, would sail over the walls and plough down a file of men if it were a boulder or scorch a platoon if it were a pot of burning pitch.

These troops were melee fighters useful in the shock of a field battle but for the moment redundant unlike the crossbowmen and cavalry archers up on the walls. Still they were gathered here ready to respond to any threatened breach and Messaline had identified a threat.

“You three colonels to me,” Messaline ordered and three officers, two of pure Han descent and one showing signs of having Jin blood in his veins, came scuttling over, “I will take your regiments beyond the wall, the enemy have four siege towers moving along a line upon which none of General Kai’s cannon can bear, we shall take them and burn them but they have been treated against fire so we must hold the Mongol cavalry off until they are too hot to be recovered, there will be heavy casualties but far worse if they can get into position to overtop our wall so we will prevent that, is that clear?”

“For Son of Heaven and China, Imperial Highness,” The Colonels pledged with fists held against armour clad hearts.

“Then to the sally ports,” Messaline commanded.

“Well there are certainly enough to go around,” Said Li’hi with wry humour as she passed through the low tunnel passing through the base of a section of wall and then straightened up on the outside. The small portals were hard to target and were covered by several angles of fire from the parapet above and neighbouring towers. Still as a vantage point they lacked much to be desired. At ground level with men and horses, wooden engines of violence crowding the horizon it was easy to believe the entire world was marching against them.

“Good, you have been getting fat, too much fried rice and cakes,” Teased Messaline, “Lopping a few Mongol heads will be good exercise!”

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The hot sun had baked the earth hard and each footfall sent little plumes of dust up to antagonise eyes and nostrils. In addition it was also happy to cook armour clad men and women and though both Li’hi and Messaline wore steel lacquered to reduce the direct effect of the sun’s rays the dash across open ground was a hot, tense, breathless experience made bearable only by the surging adrenaline of the moment.

Then the Mongols and their levies noticed the oncoming rush and began to react. In black waves arcing overhead arrows and quarrels swept down from the walls and towers covering Messaline’s sortie. A few arrows licked out form the besiegers but then it was ringing steel though most of the Mongols fled with their slaves at the first rush.

“Quickly bring up the torches and the lamp oil, these towers must burn,” Princess Messaline commanded.

“You there men, I want shield around the Princess, whatever else happens do not uncover her Imperial Highness,” Li’hi marshalled an impromptu addition to her Mistress’s bodyguards aware of her too frequent disdain of the danger of long range archery. Already Mongol horsemen were galloping and while time was on their side they would most likely be content to hold off and whittle away their adversaries with their bows while staying out of range of the soldier on the walls.

“Hold fast, stand firm men of China, we do not yield our sacred city to the barbarians,” Messaline exhorted. This was the most testing time. The arrows and darts were coming in thick and fast but the foot soldier had none means of reply, if they charged out of position they would simply open their ranks allowing the heavy armoured lancers and nimble swordsmen of the Mongols to ride their sturdy ponies in amongst them.

Sweat stung but not as much as the bite of arrows and adding to the unpleasantness it was not just the dead who had soiled themselves. Only by putting all of that to one side of one’s mind could one focus on the important task of holding firm until the building blazes felt as if they threatened to cook every last man of the regiments around them.

“Hold still, the fire must be unstoppable before we withdraw,” Messaline exhorted. Now with time running out the Mongol lancers formed into close ranked wedges with the horse archers on their flanks and charged.

The world of Li’hi contracted to reach of her sword arm and the motion of her Princess. Horses came crashing in expecting all to flee before them and when instead the Chinese stood firm, desperately trying to veer aside only to be shoved forwards by the weight of men, armour and horse flesh behind them. Desperate animals raged and kicked as they tumbled in amongst the front ranks of their enemies and the men of both sides became little better amongst the snap of bones and the rattle of blades upon armour.

A rider somehow found a gap and made to take Messaline on the slant. Li’hi struck up with her sword sending the horse rearing, ducking flashing hooves that could have cracked her skull helmet or no she dove in and slashed open the animals belly. The hot stink of innards engulfed her but she leapt back as the beast crashed down into its death throes and then stepped in again to slit the throat of the dazed rider with almost surgical precision.

Again she turned and this time she confronted a dismounted warrior with sword and scimitar. Her own blade leapt like quicksilver, was blocked, swept around in another arc, was blocked again, lunged and was parried and then dropped down before lurching forwards in a sudden seemingly haphazard motion to catch a knee. It was unlikely that the blade bit but the strike did enough to send the man down howling and then Li’hi was turning towards the next foe and the next.

“Retire, all garrison troops fall back, back to the wall, slowly, we must not choke the sally ports but back, hold, not a step back again.” Messaline urged her charges away from the quartet of towers that funnel like sucked the fury of the fire up inside them and like raging dragons belched it heavenwards.

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Yet for all the valour of the defenders and the strength of their walls, surrounded by an enemy with effectively limitless manpower and all the supplies they needed the siege could have only one outcome. Messaline was summoned to her father’s presence. The Emperor of Jin, Son of Heaven, Ruler of China and Suzerain of the World lay on a couch looking very ill.

“The end draws near, I have taken poison so as to ensure I will not become a trophy for my enemies. My daughter Messaline, you were right to fear this evil from the north, I see that now. I am afraid that China needs a man’s rule now though,” The words were said kindly as the old man reached out to touch his daughter’s cheek, it was all Messaline could do to restrain herself from flinching as if slapped, “Therefore word has been sent to you nephew to take up the diadem and rule in the name of the Gods. You my daughter I release from all vows and duties but my last command bequeaths on you all your titles in perpetuity and to your heirs if you have heirs.

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“It would make an old man very happy if you did choose to have heirs my beautiful daughter but go now, take with you those you need, “The Emperor’s eyes flicked to Li’hi, “Go wherever your will and fortune take you and live free with my blessing.” The Son of Heaven gave a rasping sigh, he would be a long time dying but those would be the last words he would utter this side of mortal life.

To Be Continued​
By the way while Messa's pictures are always of a high standard I hope people are taking an especially good look at them this time as I think she has outdone herself (which takes some doing)

“Welcome to Nippon Most High Lady,” Twilight Shadows bowed low before the Imperial Princess Messaline of Jin. Messaline looked around the squalid little fishing village and frowned. It was not exactly the lay-over she had in mind. The problem was that with the Song navy out in force looking for Jin refugees Messaline needed to be cautious indeed if she were to make a successful voyage as far as Basra.

Still clearly her bodyguards were very proud of their ancestral homeland. “It is a very beautiful country,” Messaline remarked, to the obvious pleasure of her audience, if they noticed that by focusing on the rearing tree studded hills she could avoid mentioning the rude shacks and the overpowering reek of fish they let it slide.

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Diplomacy all round was the order of the day and so when the paper partitions that served as both walls and doors were slide aside to reveal her accommodations Messaline forbore to mention the dust and the spiders. Twilight Whispers however did not at least Messaline presumed that was the meaning of the sharp barking sounds that passed for a Japanese language. It produced a flurry of women with brooms who all made sure to bow to the Princess whenever they passed so for a moment she felt like she was surrounded by an army of spinning tops. Yet they were efficient, her rooms were clean and fresh linen, albeit of a rough sort, gave it a dignified if still rather peasant feel.

“The village, does not appear all that ah wealthy,” Li’hi tactfully suggested to Twilight Whispers.

“Alas since the Shugo of their clan feel the new lord imposes harsh taxes and does little to provide trade access to the rest of his realms, it is a great pity, the wise old Lord’s grandfather founded our order and for generations we were the terror of all his enemies where ever they hid in the lands of Nippon,” Said Twilight Whispers with ancestral pride. Messaline nodded respectfully, she too could understand what it was to have a mighty heritage laid low.

Yet with heritage comes ancestral dangers. That night as Messaline relaxed in the arms of her beloved Li’hi the faint whisper of the shifting wind brought her news and warning.

“Down,” Messaline pushed Li’hi off the low pillows of their bed as whirring black shafts tipped with forge-hardened steel punched through the thin walls of their abode, “To the sides,” Messaline sprang up and one way and Li’hi another as with savage force more arrows slashed down onto the spot on which they had lain a scant heart beat before.

Mere instants later Twilight Whispers was beside them, diving over Messaline to protect her with her armour clad form as more of the lethal rain fell. From outside harsh voices called out in mocking Japanese.

“What do they say?” Asked Li’hi.

“It is the Shugo of our ancestral rivals, he has somehow gotten news of our return and threatens to burn down the village if we do not come out and fight, my Lady I and my sister will cover your escape…” Twilight Whispers began.

“Nonsense, this evil lord would not have come unless he had ample troops to slaughter you all, no I am your Princess I will stay and protect you, take Li’hi and your village cousins and…” Messaline began.

“Nay, I will stay my Princess, till the death I shall not be parted from you,” Li’hi protested.

“Twilight Whispers, you will take your villager and ninjas and fade into the hills and woods, watch our captors, wait until they grow unwary and then come down and rescue us,” Messaline decided.

“But Most High Lady they will surely torture and abuse you,” Protested her Chief Ninja.

“Alas that will be but we have born much and I suspect they can be convinced we are of more value alive for ransom to either the Song or the Mongols if not the remnants of Jin that was,” Said Messaline with confidence, “Some amongst these barbarians know Chinese I take it?”

“Indeed it is the language of learning and culture among our lords and samurai,” Explained Twilight Whispers.

“Excellent, now go, do as I command,” Messaline then smiled and straightened and went to the doors at the front of the house and cast the panels to each side, “I am Messaline of Jin, Daughter of the Son of Heaven and much sought after by both enemies and friends alike, you who would call themselves lords among this barbaric islands would be wise to take me and my Mongol Princess companion into custody.”

“I like being a Mongol Princess but could you have been a bit more diplomatic about calling them barbarians?” Li’hi said as she came up next to her mistress.

“No,” Said Messaline, “Come barbarians, we all know you are the spawn of a Han Princess, some nobility lingers in your veins, just a shame she birthed your ancestors after conceiving by a monkey.”

“You will pay for such insults,” Came the reply from out of the dark, “Even if you are truly of value you will pay and if not you will pay all the more grievously.”

Their captor they swiftly discovered was the Shugo Hydei Otomo and he had a bitter hatred for women that insulted him matched only by his grasping greed for the silver and gold of rich foreigners. Now Messaline found her middle being tightly constricted with ropes as Li’hi was forced to kneel on sharp wooden wedges while heavy granite slabs pressed her knees and calves down ever more harshly.

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“Admit I am the most refined man of gentlemanly pursuits you have come across in all your travels,” Screamed Hydei.

“You…are…not…even the best torturer,” Messaline managed to get out though talking was hard with the harsh ropes pinching her waist in ever tighter as two straining thugs heaved and pulled.

“Insolence, insolence, I will have no more of your wretched insolence,” Screamed Shugo Hydei, laying about Messaline with a wand of bamboo, he struck her arms hauled above her face, her shoulders and her breasts making the last wobble as they sang with the pain. Messaline screamed with the pain but when she had done screaming she smiled.

“I am Messaline of Jin, I have been tortured by the best torturers from the Middle Kingdom and the Asian barbarians, you eastern barbarians are mere monkeys and know nothing of pain!”

“Pain, let me show you pain, you Princess Li’hi! Do you wish pain?” Threatened Hydei.

“If it is for Messaline then I long for pain!” Called out Li’hi. Roaring with rage Hydei struck and struck, until Li’hi’s golden back was crisscrossed with red stripes and then on until the red stripes were marred with black ones.

“Submit you evil wenches submit!” Screamed the Shugo.

“To a monkey barbarian? Never!” Answered Messaline hotly, Shugo went to thrash her senseless but one of his advisors leaned forwards and whispered urgent words in Japanese.

“Very well, you seem so proud of your women’s parts but they shall bring you nothing but pain until you submit and admit that in Nippon the Shugo of Clan Otomo is the most civilised man in all the world!” Hydei announced, “Prepare to ride the wooden horses!”

The women were hauled from their current postures of pain and could not help but yelp and cry as twisted and protested muscles made clear their agony at the sudden movement. Then their sweat drenched bodies were taken and bound with ropes until they were hauled up strappado style making them scream yet again over rasping throats. That was not even the end of the beginning of the torture as heavy weights were bound to their ankles until their arm sockets felt ready to pop.

Then and only were they swung over a wooden horse, a sharp backs triangular section of wood. First the torturers grabbed Messaline’s legs and forcing them apart brought her to the contraption so she could no longer hold her legs together in defence against the coming assault, then Li’hi was brought up behind. Now and only now were they slowly lowered until they felt that wood bite into their woman’s cleft and then press with horrid avarice into that soft and delicate flesh until at last it was bound with a savage cutting feel against each nub that normally brought so much pleasure into their lives.

The women howled but they did not relent, “Well my legs needed a stretch after all that kneeling,” Li’hi won out in between gasps of pain.

“Oh so you think you are fine bitches, well be glad I have heard a fine ransom is offered for your both,” Hydei told them, “Still we of Nippon know much about making your kind suffer, cold water to douse their arrogant spirits and then snuff out the lights, we shall leave them in the long cold night to consider their fates.”

The women shrieked and despite themselves both writhed helpless as the sudden cold made them shudder. Then the chamber plunged into blackness and with the tramp of wooden shoes they were alone in the dark with only each other and their pain for company.

“Well I think you got him ticked,” Said Li’hi.

“He is a monkey, they are easy to annoy,” Messaline smiled at Li’hi’s continued defiance.

“Um this is going to sound really weird but I am really thirsty and I can just reach your shoulder, can I lick your back?” Li’hi asked slightly appalled at her on suggestion.

“Go ahead, I have always liked your tongue on my back,” Messaline shivered with the mixed pleasure and pain that sprang from that darting touch on her injured flesh.

“Oh…I have just realised, you have no way of getting a drink,” Li’hi said suddenly.

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“My Love for you is drink enough,” Replied Messaline.

“Oh I love you,” Li’hi gasped in response.

The next day was announced by the arrival of a parade of the Shugo’s samurai who took the captive down and shoved their aching and cramped arms and necks into viciously heavy cangues. Then they were marched up the twisting slippery stairs, a journey with seemingly as many falls as steps and each fall not only punished by gashed knees or ankles and twisted muscles in necks and backs but vicious blows from the bamboo staves of their guards.

The women were led across the courtyard in front of the garrison and soldiers of the squat yet ornate Japanese style castle and made to kneel in the dirt before the podium where Shugo Hydei held court.

“Do you know confess the power and magnificence of Clan Otomo and the Nippon race?” The Lord asked them.

“You are indeed powerful…among apes,” Messaline found the moisture from somewhere to spit.

“March them to the public square, we will display these wanton western bitches to the peasants and shopkeepers, see then how their pride is diminished.

The samurai rode on proud necked horses, while Messaline and Li’hi were forced to tramp along amid the mud and late autumn slush. Every time they skidded they found themselves flung into the slime until they hauled themselves up as blows rang down on both the woman who had fallen and her companion as an extra goad to rise.

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The peasants gathered in a silent curious huddle. They had no idea who these strange mud splattered women were. Some common criminals they supposed given their treatment at the hands of their lord. They only watched in the mild hope that maybe the suffering of these women would bring some spice into their own dull lives of endless toil.

In the town square the women were sluiced down with buckets from the nearby. A brief moment of bliss ensued as they were released from their cangues. Such relief was short lived. The two women were seized and thrown down onto rough timbers that bit and tore at their bruised and battered skin. The ropes that bound them were so course they felt like dull fire as they enwrapped limbs and that was before the women were hauled into the sky spread-eagled for to see.

Shugo Hydei rode up and slapped the bellies and sexual parts of both women in turn and made some sneering joke in Japanese that produced dutiful laughter from the crowd.

“You know,” He said switching to Chinese, “I have not had the fun of executing a woman publicly in a long time, maybe I should forgo the silver. I know I could stab one of you with spears and just ransom the other one!”

He laughed and then sent his horse cantering across the square to where a set of squat camp chairs were being set up for him and his senior counsellors to recline on as they considered their captives’’ fate. A cold wind blew down from the mountains.

“Twilight Whispers now would be a good time to mount your rescue,” Messaline heard Li’hi whisper. She supposed her companion and lover was right but at that exact moment she felt herself falling into the wonderful agony of her limbs, taught and displayed, injured and still beautiful. She smiled at the Japanese Lord.

“Come and kill me monkey man,” She called out.

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To Be Continued​
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