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Jastrow's Pic of the Day

Go to CruxDreams.com
I like this version:

Hail Mary, full of grace,
Bless my boyfriend's hand and face,
Bless his head so full of curls,
And keep him away from other girls.
Bless his arms so big and strong,
And keeps his hands where they belong.

Wow. That makes "Hail Mary, full of grapes, the Lord is a tree" sound childish. Give that my peer group was giggling over that in grade school, this is no surprise.
Thursday, August 2, 2018–Day 213. As promised, here is the first of the Andyman-inspired Regina series. This one is called "Regina at Dawn". "It was a beautiful sunrise but she really didn’t appreciate it. She’d only been nailed to the cross a short while, but already the pain was already unbelievable. How would she ever be able to endure it? The reality was that she wouldn’t–that the horrific agony she now felt would only grow and encompass completely until, at last, death released her. Unfortunately for her, that was still some time away...Suffer on., Regina..."

Nice work.

I love that line artists like Andyman are inspiring 3d artists like yourself. Cross polination! :rolleyes::doh:

I don't know about all this crap... I can barely afford my DirecTV bill!!!

Tree, the correct response is "Yes, Sister Eulalia"

Re that "semper virgo" thing, I’m not sure about Mary’s status, but the Catholic Martyrology does go on about Saint Frigida the Perpetual Virgin.

For a given value of "virgin". She seems to be getting a workout in that render, poor girl!

There is no such thing!!!

Are you more warped than Tree???

Is this possible ????
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I love that line artists like Andyman are inspiring 3d artists like yourself. Cross polination! :rolleyes::doh:

That goes back quite a ways, Phlebas, and golly, am I glad. :very_hot:


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Friday, August 3, 2018–Day 214. "The sun is now high in the sky and Regina’s suffering continues. It will be a very long day for her..." Entitled "Regina on the Cross 2".

Salve regina mater misericordiae
Vita dulcedo et spes nostra
Salve salve regina Peron
Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes
O clemens o pia

Lyrics from the number "Oh, What a Circus" from "Evita."

Well. And so.

Is this really what happened to Eva Peron?
Saturday, August 4, 2018–Day 215. "The return of the soldier brought no comfort to Regina. She remembered the viciousness with which he had raped her before nailing her to the cross. Now totally helpless–naked and exposed–she feared what he would do to her. He didn’t disappoint her expectations. Her face and breasts were repeatedly and painfully slapped. Her nipples and clit were brutally pinched, squeezed, twisted, tugged until the tears streamed down her cheeks. He thrust his fingers deep inside the most tender and intimate recesses of her body–thrusting, scrapping, probing deeply as she whimpered and sobbing in pain and humiliation. Finally he stopped, looked into her tear-filled eyes, chuckled and whispered softly, "Don’t worry, slut. I’ll be back for more real soon..." Entitled, "Regina on the Cross 3".


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Saturday, August 4, 2018–Day 215. "The return of the soldier brought no comfort to Regina. She remembered the viciousness with which he had raped her before nailing her to the cross. Now totally helpless–naked and exposed–she feared what he would do to her. He didn’t disappoint her expectations. Her face and breasts were repeatedly and painfully slapped. Her nipples and clit were brutally pinched, squeezed, twisted, tugged until the tears streamed down her cheeks. He thrust his fingers deep inside the most tender and intimate recesses of her body–thrusting, scrapping, probing deeply as she whimpered and sobbing in pain and humiliation. Finally he stopped, looked into her tear-filled eyes, chuckled and whispered softly, "Don’t worry, slut. I’ll be back for more real soon..." Entitled, "Regina on the Cross 3".
This has not been Regina's day!!!
I found another picture of St. Wilgefort. "Hubba-hubba!!!!" Not really doing anything for me. Maybe they crucified her for being homely...

Thought I’d read this somewhere.

Art historians have argued that the origins of the cult can be found with Eastern-style representations of the crucified Christ, and in particular the Holy Face of Lucca, a large 11th-century carved wooden figure of Christ on the Cross (now replaced by a 13th-century copy), bearded like a man, but dressed in a full-length tunic that might have appeared to be like that of a woman instead of the loin cloth familiar and by the late Middle Ages normal in depictions in the West.[4]

Sunday, August 5, 2018–Day 216. "Waves of pain washed over Regina as her ordeal on the cross continued. The naked girl was forgetting who she once was, who she had hoped to one day become. Now there was only this moment...this shame...this pain...and it was endless..." Entitled "Regina on the Cross 4". (I've really bolloxed up the sequence and numbering of these. Once I have them all posted, I'll go back and renumber and put them in the proper sequence.) Three more images....I think....


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Monday, August 6, 2018–Day 217. I’m still trying to finish up a few things on the Regina series so today I’m going to post an oldie from 2012 called "Crossed Sisters". I still don’t know how they got them both nailed to that cross, but I bet they have a lot to talk about....


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Monday, August 6, 2018–Day 217. I’m still trying to finish up a few things on the Regina series so today I’m going to post an oldie from 2012 called "Crossed Sisters". I still don’t know how they got them both nailed to that cross, but I bet they have a lot to talk about....

Really like this one! :devil:
Monday, August 6, 2018–Day 217. I’m still trying to finish up a few things on the Regina series so today I’m going to post an oldie from 2012 called "Crossed Sisters". I still don’t know how they got them both nailed to that cross, but I bet they have a lot to talk about....
It takes a union crew to do this...
Monday, August 6, 2018–Day 217. I’m still trying to finish up a few things on the Regina series so today I’m going to post an oldie from 2012 called "Crossed Sisters". I still don’t know how they got them both nailed to that cross, but I bet they have a lot to talk about....

I first encountered the wide-eyed lady on the left in one of Gabriele Knight's death-in-the-arena manips. An excellent adaptation of and reason for that wide-eyed look. ;)


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