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JD's bazaar

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The gross vehicle weight should also take into consideration the possible additional of ankle weights and yokes :D
Hey, they were made with love by craftsmen, with real oak wood, not some IKEA contraption made of sawdust and glue. They could carry Melissa McCarthy, Roseanne Barr, Rosie O'Donnell and Kathleen Turner without a creak.

Now, there's not enough money in the known galaxies to make me illustrate the concept but you get the idea.
by LL

Using all her skills, acquired over almost a century, carefully avoiding contact with her teeth, putting lips and tongue to full use, Triss managed to get the captain to come abundantly in her mouth within the five minutes limit. At least, she was reasonably sure she did it. The bastard of course first checked she had swallowed everything, then claimed she had exceeded the five minute limit by a few seconds. He thus ordered his men to strike Ciri five times across the breasts with a cat o' nine tails. The strokes barely got a reaction out of the young woman, exhausted as she was after her night of punishment.

Then travel resumed. To further impress the lesson upon Triss, he ordered to put her backwards on the mobile wooden horse, and tie her tightly to Ciri, so that Triss was constantly reminded of how badly the overnight treatment had hurt her friend. She tried not to press too tightly against Ciri's chest, the stripes of the five lashes a clear reminder of how painful every contact there had to be. But the rope around their waist allowed for no distance.

Many times during that day, a particularly hot one for the end of summer, Triss had tried talking to Ciri, sometimes begging for forgiveness, sometimes trying to encourage. Was the brave, foolish girl still ashamed of her breakdown and confession under the atrocious tortures she had suffered in Emhyr's dungeon, she wondered? Was she angry at her, instead? Ciri gave no indication of being actually aware of her surroundings. Triss then tried to take some of Ciri's weight on her shoulders, turning their forced embrace to some advantage. The increased moaning on Ciri's side however soon made her realize that by lifting Ciri slightly all she obtained was increasing the blood flow to the teenager's nether regions, ultimately raising rather than lowering her pain. In the end Triss realized there was nothing she could do. Except keeping her temper in check for the rest of the long voyage.

Meanwhile Philippa seemed asleep, while Yen, on the front place and unable to comunicate with her friends, was drifting in and out of consciousness.

"The landscape... I could swear we were in a forest moments ago, and now it seems we're in a desert? And what is that? A carriage like ours, with women being taken TOWARDS Nilfgaard? That makes no sense... My mind must be playing tricks on me. Or did they drug me, maybe?"

The day crept on. Guards and prisoners, all awaiting what the evening would bring, albeit with quite different moods.
Love the face to face!
Hey, they were made with love by craftsmen, with real oak wood, not some IKEA contraption made of sawdust and glue. They could carry Melissa McCarthy, Roseanne Barr, Rosie O'Donnell and Kathleen Turner without a creak.

Now, there's not enough money in the known galaxies to make me illustrate the concept but you get the idea.
And a good engineer/craftsman always designs for extra loads that might stress the structure.
When the carriage was halted, the four women were taken down from the devilish device that had tortured their genitals all days, from dawn to dusk, for almost two months. Their relief was somewhat spoiled by the pain that the returning blood flow brought, but they were allowed no rest and lead unceremoniously up the plank that brought them on board.

“Sir” said one of the youngest soldiers to the captain “do we really have to leave such exquisite cunts to those dark skinned barbarians? I doubt they appreciate them like we do; they probably don’t even know the difference between fucking them and buggering each other!”. “Indeed” piped in another one “I’m sure they prefer screwing camels; we should…”

“SILENCE; BOTH OF YOU!” shouted the captain. “Delivering them to this crew are the Emperor’s orders. Back in Nilfgaard you can take your complaints to Emhyr personally, if you like. But if I hear another word from you two you’re going to Ofir as slaves, so you will not be separated from the ladies. Am I understood?”

Once aboard, the sailors started riveting the women in place. Yen, the first to go aboard, realized that far from resting they now would have to row themselves to their far away destiny.

When it was Ciri’s turn, something snapped inside the teenager. She had barely said a comprehensible word for the whole voyage, staying in the quasi-catatonic state she had displayed since the torture with the scorching pear, the one that had broken her. Now suddenly her eyes became focused again, she lifted her head and started yelling.

“Enough! I will take no more of this! I’ve been raped, tortured, whipped, branded… I’ve been violated anywhere and in every way! NO WAY WILL I ROW! You can shove your fucking oars up your asses! You can kill me now, but I am NOT LIFTING A FINGER!”

Yen and Triss, next in line, desperately tried to calm her down, to no avail.

“What’s going on here?” a voice, all the more menacing for its controlled, icy cold tone asked.

“Captain Souleyman!” answered one of the sailors “this western cunt resists being placed in the rowing banks, but we’ll soon have her in place!”

“No such hurry” said Souleyman. “It’s clear we are in the presence of a true lady. You can’t expect her to work like the rest of us. She deserves a finer spot, where she can cool down, relax and enjoy the view. And we have just the place, right boys?”

by LL


  • Trio 07 002 1 2.jpg
    Trio 07 002 1 2.jpg
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Capitan Souleyman had promised her a place to “cool down, relax and enjoy the view”. Well, thought Ciri, not so sure about the relaxing part, but she was certainly cooling down, and could not deny the view was… breathtaking.

They had suspended her from the bow of the ship, not even bothering to remove the heavy chain that had been bolted at her ankles. The other chain, from which she was suspended by her wrists, had been lowered exactly far enough to make sure her legs were in the icy waters, while at the same time denying her most of the support water lent to her body. An old law discovered by some old fool in some remote land. Arthimeles, Archimedon or something. With the heavy chain added to her weight she felt the pull of gravity on her wrists and shoulders exactly as if she had been suspended entirely in air. The combination of wind and icy water caused her to shiver constantly. The shallow waves lapped at her sex, sometimes submerging it, sometimes exposing it. It almost felt pleasant, among the array of pains she was feeling.

Idly she wondered how long they were going to leave her in this predicament. The towers of Cintra were now behind her, and the vessel was making good speed. Thanks also to Yen, Triss and Philippa breaking their backs rowing, she thought. But still the voyage to Ofir would last many weeks. They intended to sell her, so they wouldn’t spoil the wares by letting her starve her, would they? At least not to the point of having her die on them. Worse than her hunger was her thirst. She hung in water, saw nothing but water till the horizon, and yet could not drink. Not that the salty sea water would have done any good to her. A drop of water, even a single one… It was tantalizing.

At least going south the waters will get warmer, she ventured. Idly, she thought about what would happen if the sea got a bit more agitated…


That very night she found out.

They had left her in place all day. Ciri expected to be released at dusk, but clearly Souleyman thought a good eight hours hanging from the bow, freezing, with her whole body burning in pain from the long suspension was not punishment enough. At some time during the night a tempest had broken loose.

Where the day before small waves lapped gently, almost lovingly, at her sex, now around Ciri crashed waves three or four times as tall as a man. Each time the vessel run into one she was crushed by the mass of water hitting her as a stone wall, then lifted high above the waves as the ship braved their crest, then plunged down into the dark, freezing waters, the sea closing above her head. It had been going on for what seemed an eternity to Ciri, although it likely was little more than one hour. She had also gulped down several mouthfuls of salty water, but her thirst had only grown worse. She did not know what was worse: the never ending thirst, the pain of being lifted up, her arms almost pulled out of their sockets, or the constant struggle to gulp in air in those few, precious moments she was able to breath, to get her through the time she spent suffocating…

One thing however became suddenly clear in her mind: in spite of how exhausted her body was, it was struggling to keep living. She decided she had to make her spirit listen to her body. Since the torture with the scorching pear she had wished only to die. Now she would try to live through whatever was still in store for her.

by LL
JD, my I ask which asset you're using for the ship in your gallery slave renders? I have searched all over but I can't find a suitable one. Or did you make it yourself?!

I do some of the props myself but when they are available I'll buy them. I keep my eyes open for a decent sail boat model, but so far the price tag of 200 dollars or more is rather unpallatable for someone who's interest in marine settings is only incidental.
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