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me too, i get" error 403 forbidden" its probably blocked in my country, i never used a vpn and dunno how it work

I use a private, paid VPN (some 3 dollars a month, nothing fancy) but I know a friend of mine from France is using free VPNs to get to Zippyshare content ... also make sure you have some AdBlocker extension installed, Zippy is notorious for the unsolicited crap they offer ... the price for free hosting, I suppose. I'd google for 'free vpn' and see what comes out. Sorry I can't be more forthcoming than this.
Text by LL

And so Ciri's short lived rebellion was cast aside, and live aboard the vessel voyaging to Ofir assumed its daily routine. The white haired teenager, true heir to the throne of Nilfgaard, assumed her place among the galley slaves and gave her all rowing from dawn till dusk.

There were, some say, further noteworthy episodes before, after several weeks at sea, they reached the sunny beaches of Ofir. Some whisper of how Yen tried to free herself and her fellow prisoners, but was betrayed and sorely punished. Some about how Philippa ingratiated herself to captain Souleyman. Historians still squabble about it, and documents relative to those times on board may or may not see the light in the future.

But shocking incidents aside, it was mostly routine. Breaking their backs rowing in the day, uneasy rest at night, and brief moments separating those two in which the slaves were fed, could attend to bodily necessities, and were checked for lice or festering sores. Ten minutes of fresh air, a washing with salt water, if necessary a sprinkling with vinegar. Sometimes, not finding sores to cure, the sailors just gave the four white women a few strokes across their behinds, blatantly sparing the darker skinned ones.

Life at sea is boring, after all, and one has to get all the entertainment on offer.


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Just an indication: When I try to click on the first pictures on this thread page here with the title "Mainstream scenes of women in unpleasant situations",
I get an alert by my usually really good working virus-scanner of an additional automatically activated link to "d.maldini.xyz" which is said to be infected with "URL-Scam" and therefore this link is automatically canceled by my anti-virus scanner:

Ashampoo_Snap_2021.10.05_00h34m08s_001_.jpg I do not know at all what this is or if it is dangerous, but I think you should know about a possible danger. Ashampoo_Snap_2021.10.05_01h04m30s_002_.jpg
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Just an indication: When I try to click on the first pictures on this thread page here with the title "Mainstream scenes of women in unpleasant situations",
I get an alert by my usually really good working virus-scanner of an additional automatically activated link to "d.maldlnl.xyz" which is said to be infected with "URL-Scam" and therefore this link is automatically canceled by my anti-virus scanner:

View attachment 1071352 I do not know at all what this is or if it is dangerous, but I think you should know about a possible danger.

Run an adblocker, that way all that garbage isn't loaded anymore into the browser to trigger the AV. My ESET 32 with Chrome and AdBlock extension navigate Zippy without issues.
View attachment 1069959
Capitan Souleyman had promised her a place to “cool down, relax and enjoy the view”. Well, thought Ciri, not so sure about the relaxing part, but she was certainly cooling down, and could not deny the view was… breathtaking.

They had suspended her from the bow of the ship, not even bothering to remove the heavy chain that had been bolted at her ankles. The other chain, from which she was suspended by her wrists, had been lowered exactly far enough to make sure her legs were in the icy waters, while at the same time denying her most of the support water lent to her body. An old law discovered by some old fool in some remote land. Arthimeles, Archimedon or something. With the heavy chain added to her weight she felt the pull of gravity on her wrists and shoulders exactly as if she had been suspended entirely in air. The combination of wind and icy water caused her to shiver constantly. The shallow waves lapped at her sex, sometimes submerging it, sometimes exposing it. It almost felt pleasant, among the array of pains she was feeling.

Idly she wondered how long they were going to leave her in this predicament. The towers of Cintra were now behind her, and the vessel was making good speed. Thanks also to Yen, Triss and Philippa breaking their backs rowing, she thought. But still the voyage to Ofir would last many weeks. They intended to sell her, so they wouldn’t spoil the wares by letting her starve her, would they? At least not to the point of having her die on them. Worse than her hunger was her thirst. She hung in water, saw nothing but water till the horizon, and yet could not drink. Not that the salty sea water would have done any good to her. A drop of water, even a single one… It was tantalizing.

At least going south the waters will get warmer, she ventured. Idly, she thought about what would happen if the sea got a bit more agitated…

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That very night she found out.

They had left her in place all day. Ciri expected to be released at dusk, but clearly Souleyman thought a good eight hours hanging from the bow, freezing, with her whole body burning in pain from the long suspension was not punishment enough. At some time during the night a tempest had broken loose.

Where the day before small waves lapped gently, almost lovingly, at her sex, now around Ciri crashed waves three or four times as tall as a man. Each time the vessel run into one she was crushed by the mass of water hitting her as a stone wall, then lifted high above the waves as the ship braved their crest, then plunged down into the dark, freezing waters, the sea closing above her head. It had been going on for what seemed an eternity to Ciri, although it likely was little more than one hour. She had also gulped down several mouthfuls of salty water, but her thirst had only grown worse. She did not know what was worse: the never ending thirst, the pain of being lifted up, her arms almost pulled out of their sockets, or the constant struggle to gulp in air in those few, precious moments she was able to breath, to get her through the time she spent suffocating…

One thing however became suddenly clear in her mind: in spite of how exhausted her body was, it was struggling to keep living. She decided she had to make her spirit listen to her body. Since the torture with the scorching pear she had wished only to die. Now she would try to live through whatever was still in store for her.

by LL
Utterly brilliant & glorious!
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