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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Illustrations

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Unfortunately, I do not have the text of this book, as well as other books by Ernst Schertel on the topic of flagellation. Apparently, this is a popular science work, where the "Komplex der Flagellomanie" is considered in the spirit of psychoanalysis.
Yes I guessed it was pop psychology of that time.
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Judicial caning.
This Caucasian hippy girl made the mistake of trying to bring cannabis into this Far Eastern country. Now she is paying the price, the Court passed a summary sentence of two years hard labour and twelve strokes of the penal cane, so she finds herself secured stark naked to the whipping triangle with just her kidneys and hamstrings covered by the rubber protector.
The prison officer administering the punishment managed to elicit a scream of agony with each brutal lash. She won`t be repeating her foolishness again.
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