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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Illustrations

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Dearest Andrew,

It has been more weeks than it should since I last wrote to you. I have only just regained enough of my strength. The events I am about to relate will doubtless alarm and anger you. It hurts me to tell you all this, but I would rather you hear it from me than through the channels of odious gossip when you return.

The Comte du Décharges, as you know a vile and petty man, has stopped at nothing to try and defile your reputation in your absence. He still seethes with bitterness over your promotion to Captain and I believe over our betrothal as well. Unfortunately, my love, I attracted his ire on myself when I defended you to his face at a charity ball. I admit my outburst was undignified, but it was he who was humiliated as I exposed his cowardice and base envy of a war hero.

He must have set to work immediately, my love, as it was that same night that the constables broke in my door and dragged me out of bed. They produced a bag of Décharges' gold. I was formally accused of currying favor with the gentry in order to gain entry to his estate and avail myself of his valuables. It was a sickening farce of a trial. I was given no opportunity to defend myself and the officials took every opportunity to paint me as a scheming commoner and a greedy harlot.

The result, I hate to report, my love, was that the Comte's pet Magistrate had me sentenced to be whipped at the tail of a cart, down the length of the main avenue. Oh God, I was so afraid, dearest. But I dared not show it in front of those vultures. They put me in irons and dressed me in sackcloth rags. They kept me in the Gaol for three long, cold days and nights. I was only able to keep my strength by the thought of you, my dear. I sang to myself, softly- the song you sang to me by the churchyard the day we met. I know you remember it.

My humiliation took place the middle of the morning, on a cold, damp day. I was, shamefully, made to walk barefoot, which I never have outside the comfort of the bedroom since I was a girl. The cobblestones were so cold, rough and wet beneath my feet, and the sharp pebbles and strewn refuse were an added torment. They bound my hands to the card and bared my back. I forced myself to hold my head high and walk with as much dignity as I could muster. This was all being done, I reminded myself, to cast shame upon you. I would not allow myself to be shamed in your stead.

But oh, my dearest, when I tell you, the stinging strokes of the constable's whip were the most horrid pain I have ever felt! Blow after blow fell across my back as I was dragged along the road. Each one burned like a knife wound, yet the worst thing was how the pain compounded. The pace of the beating was such that I hadn't long enough to recover from the pain of the last stroke before the next one cut into me. My vision went blurry, I couldn't breathe.

I wanted more than anything not to scream. I wanted to be strong for you, strong like you. But I confess, Andrew, I wept. Oh, I wept like I haven't since the day your regiment was sent away. I wept like I haven't since I was a child. At last, the grisly procession halted at the steps of the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia and my strength failed me. I collapsed in a faint.

I know not if the spectators lining the road outside their homes and shops were jeering at me or crying out in horror. Likely some of both. I am, however, acutely aware of all they saw. They saw my nakedness, They saw me bleed. They saw me suffer. Décharges, I fear, saw what he wanted to see,

I must end this by assuring you that I am much recovered. My back still pains me somewhat, mostly at night and first thing in the morning. The physician says there will be some scarring. I'm afraid to look! But I have my strength back. I laughed again yesterday, for the first time in weeks! Your brothers took me in and were so kind to me. They nursed me for weeks, rarely ever leaving my side during those first few awful nights where I was tormented by agony and fever. I am so happy that they will be my brothers too when we are reunited.

As I always say, please take care of yourself. I miss you more everyday. I am so proud of you, and your family is proud of you as well. I will see you again, my love. And when I do I promise I will be strong and whole.

Yours Always

Although she was barefoot and displayed her pretty ankles, her breasts were covered. She should have been whipped completely naked above the waist, with her bare breasts hanging out, which would have happened ifd this took place in England..
I would like to see the video.
I will stand corrected if I am wrong, but I think the well restrained and caned bottom is called Vicki Valkyrie, and the company which made the film was called proudandperverted.com which as far as I know is closed
I think the scene is at least part in a video called Violating Vicki Valkyrie
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