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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Stories And Novels

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From “The Signeury” by F.E. Campbell, сhapter 3, “The Cart's Tail”.
Sabina's public whipping behind a cart's tail. A very impressive description.

I really, really love this one. I admit that cart's tail whippings have never before interested me. But the writer definitely got me inside Sabina's mind. I felt her fear, her humiliation, and the searing pain. Tons of fun! :D
The P@ssions of L@dy Meg, Book 1 (Anonymous / Paul Little)

Another novel by Paul Little. England, 1775. Three noble young ladies at the royal court are sentenced to public birching for stealing the royal jewels ...


I was wondering if i would find this one here. This story changed my life. Seriously!

It was back in 1993, I think. I was about 22. By that time I had discovered "The Story of O" and Ann Rice's kinky "Beauty" books (written under a pseudonym). Not much else though.

I was browsing in a second-hand bookstore, and noticed a section for anonymous authors. I wondered what sort of books would be written by anonymous authors, so I decided to take a look at some. A paperback of "The Passions of Lady Meg, Book 2" must have been one of the first I examined. Quickly enough I realized that most of the book concerned three young women, each bound to a whipping post, stripped naked, and beaten harshly on the ass, thighs, and upper back. One after the other. And all of it in a courtyard crowded with people who came to observe. The writing was very detailed and slow paced, thus the floggings were spread out over many pages. And it took me right inside the heads of these ladies (especially the ringleader, Annabelle) as they suffered intense sexual humiliation and agony.

My mind (not to mention another part of my body) practically exploded right there in the bookstore that day. For the next week or so my nose stayed mostly in that book, and I masturbated constantly. I was on a break from school, so thankfully didn't have much else to do.

And thus began my love and longing for a brutal public flogging. I still have that paperback book. I will cherish it forever.
I was wondering if i would find this one here. This story changed my life. Seriously!

It was back in 1993, I think. I was about 22. By that time I had discovered "The Story of O" and Ann Rice's kinky "Beauty" books (written under a pseudonym). Not much else though.

I was browsing in a second-hand bookstore, and noticed a section for anonymous authors. I wondered what sort of books would be written by anonymous authors, so I decided to take a look at some. A paperback of "The Passions of Lady Meg, Book 2" must have been one of the first I examined. Quickly enough I realized that most of the book concerned three young women, each bound to a whipping post, stripped naked, and beaten harshly on the ass, thighs, and upper back. One after the other. And all of it in a courtyard crowded with people who came to observe. The writing was very detailed and slow paced, thus the floggings were spread out over many pages. And it took me right inside the heads of these ladies (especially the ringleader, Annabelle) as they suffered intense sexual humiliation and agony.

My mind (not to mention another part of my body) practically exploded right there in the bookstore that day. For the next week or so my nose stayed mostly in that book, and I masturbated constantly. I was on a break from school, so thankfully didn't have much else to do.

And thus began my love and longing for a brutal public flogging. I still have that paperback book. I will cherish it forever.
That's a beautiful story, Jackie, seriously. I like the line-"I wondered what kind of books were written by anonymous authors." Well there's the Bible, for one:p
Two novels by Paul Little (A. de Granamour) previously have been posted in this topic, but now deleted from zippyshare.
"Castle of the Whip" is probably one of the longest texts about judicial corporal punishment. An endless day of punishment in a Scottish prison.
"The Passions of Lady Meg", Book 1: a vely long and detailed description of how three young noble ladies were publicly birched at the English royal court in 1775.


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  • The Passions of Lady Meg, Book 1.docx
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[QUOTE="elephas, post: 390129, member: 21913"...... Let's return to "true" punishments. Here is a poetic description of the whipping of three female Quakers in Dover in 1662.

"How the Women went from Dover" by John Greenleaf Whittier (1892)

OMG! Do I understand correctly that this poem is very much based on an actual event? Wow.

How can we not love this part:

Bared to the waist, for the north wind's grip
And keener sting of the constable's whip,
The blood that followed each hissing blow
Froze as it sprinkled the winter snow.

And this:

Once more the torturing whip was swung,
Once more keen lashes the bare flesh stung.
"Oh, spare ! they are bleeding !" a little maid cried,
And covered her face the sight to hide.

When are they finally going to invent a time machine so that I can back to those days? :devil:[/QUOTE]

This is based on a true story. The Puritans (those beacons of religious tolerance and freedom) considered Quakers to be heretics. Quakers were fined, whipped, beaten, mutilated (ears cut off, tongue bored through) and even executed if they were caught in Puritan jurisdictions.

I just took a look at Wikipedia on the subject, and there is an interesting story of Lydia Wardwell, whose husband was arrested for being a Quaker. In protest she walked naked into the meeting house of the town. She was fined and sentenced to be stripped naked and whipped. She was tied to a fence post and given twenty or thirty lashes, much to the enjoyment of the onlookers.

Holy shit, elephas, you're on fire. Where do you find all this great stuff? I love the illustration of the young woman naked and spread eagled. And I haven't even read the story yet.
I have a collection of scans from old magazines, such as Janus, Februs, etc. There you can find something really interesting.
Two stories about the harsh "old English" justice. The first one, "Indentured Servants" by Mike Dee (only part 1), is set in the end of the 17th century, when Judge Jeffreys administered "justice" after the rebellion of 1685. In the second story ("Justice" by anonymous author) three noble ladies (the mother and two her twin daughters) are sentenced to public whipping for conspiracy against the Queen.
Illustrations by Inocentius & Pervertida



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Guys, I have been quite obsessed with the Cart's Tail whipping the past few days. It's always fun to discover a whole new variation on an old favorite. :sisi3:

It started with that poem based on a real-life event. It blossomed with the story about Sabina ("The Signeury" by F.E. Campbell). These passages, in particular, make my head swim....

She was given but a moment to massage her wealed wrists before they were placed in their prepared slots in the tailgate of the cart and tied fast. Where, now, the cart might go, she would follow. In bitter humiliation she stood helpless and alone while the crowd gathered and discussed her body.

....the donkey was bestirred to motion and the cart began to move. Her arms were jerked so that, helplessly and fearfully, she began to walk.

Sabina's head reared in pain and outrage, turning to protest, to denounce, to deny. But her hands defeated the intent. They followed the slowly moving cart and the sentenced girl went with her hands. Sabina found herself looking at her corded wrists as at an enemy. Two pieces of rope were compelling an unwilling participation in a cruelty.....

Sabina screamed. It was a piercing feminine expression of pain, of anger, of frustration. If only she could stop and talk! But she could not stop and talk! The scream was the most eloquent and swift expression of all she so urgently needed to say. She realized, almost with surprise, the twisting contortions of her nudity beneath the lash. Her limbs and body were finding instinctive expressions of their own. They were greeted with hearty approval by the crowd.

....The cart-tail and her bound wrista mocked her need to be free. By the manner of her binding she was unable to lean upon the cart. Her forearms were rigidly held so as to keep her at arm's length in total exposure.

....She would not lose consciousness. She would plod behind the cart to whatever bitter end lay in store. Strangely she felt only resentment that her female flesh could absorb this agony and deny her the blessedness of darkness.

She screamed like a wild creature trapped and hurt. Her wrists were raw beneath the cunning cords. The whip sliced her without abatement.

I want so badly to be Sabina!! :llorona:
Two stories about the harsh "old English" justice. The first one, "Indentured Servants" by Mike Dee (only part 1), is set in the end of the 17th century, when Judge Jeffreys administered "justice" after the rebellion of 1685. In the second story ("Justice" by anonymous author) three noble ladies (the mother and two her twin daughters) are sentenced to public whipping for conspiracy against the Queen.

As always, Elephas, thanks for your uploaded files as they are simply terrific! You uploaded part 1 of Mike Dee's story, but I happened to have an older and more complete version. Just though you and others would appreciate.



    85.2 KB · Views: 480
As always, Elephas, thanks for your uploaded files as they are simply terrific! You uploaded part 1 of Mike Dee's story, but I happened to have an older and more complete version. Just though you and others would appreciate.
Thanks, Tiredny! A great find! In those years (the late 1990's - early 2000's) there was written really a lot of interesting stories. For example, the site www.wsimd.com. Now some pages from this site can be found via web.archive.org, but the stories are not available. We have "Jordana" ("An Hour in the Public Square") and "Delaware, 1841". Maybe someone have saved other stories?
Thanks, Tiredny! A great find! In those years (the late 1990's - early 2000's) there was written really a lot of interesting stories. For example, the site www.wsimd.com. Now some pages from this site can be found via web.archive.org, but the stories are not available. We have "Jordana" ("An Hour in the Public Square") and "Delaware, 1841". Maybe someone have saved other stories?

I have them all, re edited in one pdf file: I never published them because I never downloaded the name of authors, for the credits...
Anyway, here they are.


  • WSIMD tales.pdf
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"The Man with the Golden Rod" by Richard Manton (from Janus 14 and 15)
A story about James Miles, the master of a workhouse for girls in Kent, who was dismissed in 1840 for brutal punishment of his inmates. He became one of the main characters in Manton's novels, as well as his victims (Elaine Cox, Sally Fenton, Jane Mitchener and others).

Ill. by Paula Meadows
J15 Man with the Golden Rod 2-1.jpg

James Miles as a famous spanker is mentioned here:


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From "The Prisoner Of Ismaul" Vol. 1 by F.E. Campbell - JCP scene
Eve, an American girl, was sentenced to five years "with full punishments" in Jedrah.

IMAGE (02).jpgIMAGE (04).jpg


  • The Prisoner Of Ismaul VOLUME 1 - JCP scene.docx
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As always, Elephas, thanks for your uploaded files as they are simply terrific! You uploaded part 1 of Mike Dee's story, but I happened to have an older and more complete version. Just though you and others would appreciate.

As always, Elephas, thanks for your uploaded files as they are simply terrific! You uploaded part 1 of Mike Dee's story, but I happened to have an older and more complete version. Just though you and others would appreciate.


Are the other parts of "Indentured Servants" by Mike Dee available also ?
Best regards
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