We are getting close to the end now.
Several of these have not been posted, some others accompanied stories here in the last year or so.
Is this an interrogation or an experiment? Either way I find the scene engaging
It's hard to beat a parade, but I think a cross carry beats a parade
Grandma was peacefully enjoying the sun, but now things have got more interesting
One of China's most successful security agents, she always got the information she wanted
Illustration for the story "My Livia"
I thought the original picture was interesting, I just removed his loincloth
Once in a country far away the people rose up and overthrew their oppressors. But the man who led them became like a king, and was followed by his son and his grandson.
Now the grandson was a cruel and feckless man, who overindulged himself to the point that he died relatively young. Or perhaps he was even assisted to the grave by his sister, who seemed to be very pleased with the news.
This sister, who was thinner and prettier than her departed brother, thought that she would take the throne after his death. The generals and other dignitaries were behind her. But she discovered to her surprise that the people had had enough of tyrants from her family.
The people stormed her palace, and overthrew her generals. They captured her, and displayed her in chains in a dungeon to show that she was no one to be frightened of. People would come to mock and enjoy themselves at her expense.
Finally the new leaders felt it was time to make a clean end to this dynasty. The woman was taken and nailed to a cross in one of the capital's main roads, so that the people could witness her die in shame and impotence as they went about their daily business.
From the Girl Without a Sword
Folder 4 -2 Oh. I truly did not know this was the Sacred Blade of the Forefathers. Yes of course I shall return it to its rightful custodian. Here it is. Take it. I regret my sacrilege. What will be ... my punishment?