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Manips By Phlebas

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Well, we made it. These are the last and latest signed and numbered manips, marking the end of this 20th anniversary journey through my pics. I hope it's been fun for you. Future pics will probably be posted in here too. I have a lot of half finished stuff, some of today's batch are newly finished old ones, 387, 388, 390, 391.

Variations on a theme
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This was in response to those metallic structures going up around the world
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arena view (cheap seats)
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Don't ask me what's going on here
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antique photo
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the modern arena
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variations, ancient and modern
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Well, thank you, Phlebas, for a fine canter through your portfolio! All I can say is 'keep 'em coming!' :clapping::clapping::clapping:
These are the last and latest signed and numbered manips, marking the end of this 20th anniversary journey through my pics. I hope it's been fun for you. Future pics will probably be posted in here too. I have a lot of half finished stuff, some of today's batch are newly finished old ones, 387, 388, 390, 391.
Like Wragg, I would like to say : great collection of manips you have made throughout the years. Thanks for sharing them, Phlebas, and I hope to see more in the future!:clapping::clapping::clapping:
Cheap seats and senators all over them... ;)
Ringside seats were reseserved for senators, noblemen and vestal virgins.
What’s that old saying about “hindsight”?

You would know :D

I haven't been very productive in 2021 so far. Here is one rear view of a male crux, the lady passer by seems to be enjoying it :)
I wonder what she can see?

I thought that might be a mosque in the background, but it turns out to be a public library -
says the librarian, "Keeping all the restricted books out months past the return date was bad enough, but those limericks you'd scribbled inside them when they did come back were definitely over the line - let this be a warning to others (Oh, and I'm taking them home to read myself)"
I wonder if he has a hard-on. Could you turn the scene around?
Whatever she can see (or not), his birds-eye view into her cleavage must be breathtaking!:D

I'm sure there must be some reaction!

I thought that might be a mosque in the background, but it turns out to be a public library -
says the librarian, "Keeping all the restricted books out months past the return date was bad enough, but those limericks you'd scribbled inside them when they did come back were definitely over the line - let this be a warning to others (Oh, and I'm taking them home to read myself)"

Librarians, eh?

ok this one was just playing around with a nice pose, it looks like the executioner has had to take a break
I'm sure there must be some reaction!

ok this one was just playing around with a nice pose, it looks like the executioner has had to take a break
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"I suppose you used up all your best nails on that Goth bitch?
Now you've to go scrabbling round the arena looking for rusty old ones to stick me with.
Men, eh? :rolleyes:"
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