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Manips By Phlebas

Go to CruxDreams.com
Which is why I always charge a premium price!!!
I can truthfully say that I've seen you carry out hundreds if not thousands of crucifixions and never once have I known you to run out of nails, Tree. ;)
No nail shortage in this one - thanks to a member for the marvelous male raw material for this manip.

The barbarian was crucified by the side of the road near the gates, a strong man made helpless by nails and wood. These were the moments she lived for, when she could step outside the constraints of Roman womanhood and get her own back on a vulnerable male. Now to test him, will he cry out, or take his abuse stoically?

Your eyes lock with hers. What is she thinking? Is she wishing it was you there on that cross, her fingers entwined in your delicate parts?

Your eyes lock with hers. What is she thinking? Is she wishing it was you there on that cross, her fingers entwined in your delicate parts?
Agreed : her eyes look like a lustful, wishful warning!:eek:

But her eyes spot in yours an even twisted fantasy to switch places with the barbarian, and be yourself subjected to his fate, including her little tormenting games! Admit it, she has it right!:rolleyes:
No nail shortage in this one - thanks to a member for the marvelous male raw material for this manip.

The barbarian was crucified by the side of the road near the gates, a strong man made helpless by nails and wood. These were the moments she lived for, when she could step outside the constraints of Roman womanhood and get her own back on a vulnerable male. Now to test him, will he cry out, or take his abuse stoically?

Your eyes lock with hers. What is she thinking? Is she wishing it was you there on that cross, her fingers entwined in your delicate parts?

View attachment 1017773
Nice image Phlebas!

I am at least wishing that I would be the naked barbarian on the cross when I look at her.
ok, image #400 - I could have agonised over this one as a milestone but I though t better to just get on with it and post what I had ready to go. The figure is heavily modified from the original photo. Background from an original by PhilX.

You may be familiar with the biblical story of Salome, the young woman whose dance for King Herod was so beguiling that he offered to give her anything she wanted, and she requested the head of John the Baptist.
salome.jpg salome-maude_allen.jpg

What the Bible doesn't tell us is what happened to the lady afterwards. I imagine a woman like this was bound to transgress and end up on the wrong side of a tyrant like Herod. When she did, her dancer's body would have decorated a cross very nicely, her provocative writhing was doubtless very entertaining for the crowd who gathered outside the walls, to see her shame, her agony, her cough as the smoke of the dung-fires entered her lungs.

ok passed that 400 mark, seems to have set some inspiration for minor works going.

It must have been exciting to be in on those early days of discovery, human health and human anatomy was opening up and the sky was the limit. Here's a turn of the century demonstration of human reproduction for an audience of medical students and practitioners. Why do I get the feeling that the nurse front left would like to volunteer for the next demonstration?


These nurses are about to get a more hands on lesson in male anatomy


This wartime nursing recruit was surprised to find that her induction was no different to that of the ordinary draftees.

ok passed that 400 mark, seems to have set some inspiration for minor works going.

It must have been exciting to be in on those early days of discovery, human health and human anatomy was opening up and the sky was the limit. Here's a turn of the century demonstration of human reproduction for an audience of medical students and practitioners. Why do I get the feeling that the nurse front left would like to volunteer for the next demonstration?

View attachment 1034146
I have a feeling there is a long line to take the place of the woman... um... volunteering...
Why do I get the feeling that the nurse front left would like to volunteer for the next demonstration?

That was my great grandmother. She was all set to volunteer for the next demonstration until she was informed that it required sucking and swallowing.

This wartime nursing recruit was surprised to find that her induction was no different to that of the ordinary draftees.


So when war broke out she decided to be one of the first female nursing recruits, until she found that her induction physical exam required that she demonstrate her ability to suck and swallow.

It’s a tough world we live in.
That was my great grandmother. She was all set to volunteer for the next demonstration until she was informed that it required sucking and swallowing.

So when war broke out she decided to be one of the first female nursing recruits, until she found that her induction physical exam required that she demonstrate her ability to suck and swallow.

It’s a tough world we live in.
An abject failure at swallowing, she was redeployed to a Labour Battalion.
That was my great grandmother. She was all set to volunteer for the next demonstration until she was informed that it required sucking and swallowing.

So when war broke out she decided to be one of the first female nursing recruits, until she found that her induction physical exam required that she demonstrate her ability to suck and swallow.

It’s a tough world we live in.
What a prude. Not very patriotic :(
This wartime nursing recruit was surprised to find that her induction was no different to that of the ordinary draftees.
So when war broke out she decided to be one of the first female nursing recruits, until she found that her induction physical exam required that she demonstrate her ability to suck and swallow.

It’s a tough world we live in.
Suddenly, the daily number of (male) volunteers for the army, doubled!
That was my great grandmother. She was all set to volunteer for the next demonstration until she was informed that it required sucking and swallowing.

So when war broke out she decided to be one of the first female nursing recruits, until she found that her induction physical exam required that she demonstrate her ability to suck and swallow.

It’s a tough world we live in.
Only those who obtained the coveted "Fellatrix First Class" certificate, were posted to the forward theatres.
I have a few manips that I will post another time, they need some explanation which I am not up to providing right now. So, ph404 to ph406 to come.

Here is one I just created after being inspired by Assistant Ann, based on a drawing she provided. Slightly updated from the version posted in the spreadeagle thread.

Assistant Ann is crucified by the side of the road, spread and exposed to every passing traveller. It must be both humiliating and painful, but she seems to have the hint of a smile there.

Now, the next few come from thinking about crux as it might be practiced today. In public, of course, and with a big screen and media coverage as befits any sporting event. But after Jed's wonderful Throwaway Girl story, I found myself wondering if men and women would be treated the same. The girl in the story was surprised to find that women would suffer naked crucifixion just like men. Would this be the case, or would the government that brought back such a punishment make allowances for the fairer sex?

A man must go to the cross naked, that's a given. But would a woman have to be clothed? Some more prudish governments may say yes.

Or perhaps a man must be nailed but a woman tied? It might not be the mercy it appears to be, he would undoubtedly suffer more intensely but she would likely suffer for longer.

Or go the equal opportunities route. Both sexes are naked, and nailed, no exceptions. I can't guarantee they will get equal broadcasting time though!
I have a few manips that I will post another time, they need some explanation which I am not up to providing right now. So, ph404 to ph406 to come.

Here is one I just created after being inspired by Assistant Ann, based on a drawing she provided. Slightly updated from the version posted in the spreadeagle thread.

Assistant Ann is crucified by the side of the road, spread and exposed to every passing traveller. It must be both humiliating and painful, but she seems to have the hint of a smile there.
View attachment 1083473

Now, the next few come from thinking about crux as it might be practiced today. In public, of course, and with a big screen and media coverage as befits any sporting event. But after Jed's wonderful Throwaway Girl story, I found myself wondering if men and women would be treated the same. The girl in the story was surprised to find that women would suffer naked crucifixion just like men. Would this be the case, or would the government that brought back such a punishment make allowances for the fairer sex?

A man must go to the cross naked, that's a given. But would a woman have to be clothed? Some more prudish governments may say yes.
View attachment 1083476

Or perhaps a man must be nailed but a woman tied? It might not be the mercy it appears to be, he would undoubtedly suffer more intensely but she would likely suffer for longer.
View attachment 1083475

Or go the equal opportunities route. Both sexes are naked, and nailed, no exceptions. I can't guarantee they will get equal broadcasting time though!
View attachment 1083474
Great manips Sir! Clothed woman is interesting, with whip marks, nice find, naked ones are also wonderful.
A man must go to the cross naked, that's a given. But would a woman have to be clothed? Some more prudish governments may say yes.

Or perhaps a man must be nailed but a woman tied? It might not be the mercy it appears to be, he would undoubtedly suffer more intensely but she would likely suffer for longer.

Or go the equal opportunities route. Both sexes are naked, and nailed, no exceptions. I can't guarantee they will get equal broadcasting time though!
Love the “sporting event/big screen” set up. Wow! Beats sitting in the cheap seats in a Roman Arena on any day. Can’t say I have an opinion on the three alternatives … clothed, tied, naked? Perhaps all three would be employed … depending on the severity of the crime. For me, being on display up there at all in present day times would be humiliating enough.
Now, the next few come from thinking about crux as it might be practiced today. In public, of course, and with a big screen and media coverage as befits any sporting event.

When watching these pics, I had this -started but unfinished - story in mind (the author member has not been on CF since more than a year).

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