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mark sessnatz's Deviated Artworks

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Village 3
Mr. Madoc was distracted from his morning pot of exceptionally bitter coffee by a repetitive "thwap" and a succession of piteous groans from outside. It wasn't the first time, of course. Though the far-flung little village was decades removed from being an actual penal colony, it remained administered under a very blunt sort of martial law by the territorial government. (It was cheaper than incorporating it properly.) Hence, the whipping triangle that stood alongside the east-west boulevard, though a bit dilapidated, still saw fairly regular use.

Madoc emerged from the front door of his shop to the sight of Barbara, a waitress at the hotel, spending her Saturday morning strung up and writhing as a young corporal dealt three dozen of the best across her sun-tanned back. Apparently she had been turned in for dealing moonshine to some local youths out of the back of the storeroom. It had been going on for months.

Madoc stood idly and watched the grisly display of modern frontier justice to its conclusion. He had never liked the Moore girl anyway. A lot of these youngsters working in town could use a little straightening out in his opinion. When he was satisfied that justice had been served he shuffled back inside the shop, only to discover to his exasperation that his coffee had gone cold.
Indeed, this will be an important lesson for both of them - and I hope the fool girl learns it. Some men would have her crucified - or at the least all her teeth knocked out.

Fortress 3

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Her Ladyship's infant son contracted a terrible sickness, and the noble family became distraught with worry. Her Ladyship was quick to accuse the boy's nursemaid of trying to poison him. The woman was nearly two-score years of age and known to be barren. Her mistress had always suspected that she resented her. The nursemaid languished in the dungeons for over a fortnight, while they waited to see if the child would pull through.

Fortunately the sickness waned and the baby regained the color in his cheeks. The nursemaid was thus spared from execution. However, Her Ladyship, still seething, demanded the satisfaction of having the nursemaid cruelly flogged.
A strange compromise, given that she is either guilty (and so should die anyhow or innocent and unworthy of punishment. I suppose the Lord and Lady have different opinions on the matter.
Manor 9



"Scream if you like. No need to play tough."


"I won't scream, Father. If his Lordship wants to hear that, he can come down and beat me himself, instead of making you do it like the coward he is!"

"Don't speak that way about his Lordship! Don't you think you've offended him enough as it is?"

"I'll not bite my tongue. He is a coward! A bitter, cruel cow-"


Tropical Plantation 5

You were warned, but clearly it will take something harsher than words to get it in your head. You disgrace yourself by allowing these natives to touch you like that! They are meant for work, not companionship.

If you insist on consorting with a slave that way, then you've left me no choice but to punish you like one.
Tropical Plantation 5
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You were warned, but clearly it will take something harsher than words to get it in your head. You disgrace yourself by allowing these natives to touch you like that! They are meant for work, not companionship.

If you insist on consorting with a slave that way, then you've left me no choice but to punish you like one.
Great work, Mark.
Isn`t she a bit overdressed if she`s being punished like a slave? Surely, she should be naked, or at least stripped to the waist.
Academy 1


Among certain enclaves, it's widely known that no prestigious institution produces more rigorously disciplined young adults than Grand Martinet University. Academic life for the young men and women that make up its student body is of the highest standard, but its true selling point among other acclaimed private academies is its uniquely strict and archaic regimen of discipline, designed to prioritize the students' resilience to adversity and above all their deference to authority.

The code of conduct is one of the most extensive and detailed in the world, and infractions of any of its many statutes are punished severely and usually publicly, before a large assembly. Designated upperclassmen with outstanding records are selected to apply the cane or the lash to the lower years, while upperclassmen are punished by a faculty volunteers selected by lottery.
Academy 1

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Among certain enclaves, it's widely known that no prestigious institution produces more rigorously disciplined young adults than Grand Martinet University. Academic life for the young men and women that make up its student body is of the highest standard, but its true selling point among other acclaimed private academies is its uniquely strict and archaic regimen of discipline, designed to prioritize the students' resilience to adversity and above all their deference to authority.

The code of conduct is one of the most extensive and detailed in the world, and infractions of any of its many statutes are punished severely and usually publicly, before a large assembly. Designated upperclassmen with outstanding records are selected to apply the cane or the lash to the lower years, while upperclassmen are punished by a faculty volunteers selected by lottery.
It is widely considered that the disciplinary regime in the female half of the University is even more rigorous than the one employed in the male side.
Academy 2
Brenda had never felt so helpless in her life as she did on that frigid December afternoon watching her beloved Freddie, stripped and bound to the post on the quad, take three dozen lashes across his pallid, shivering back as the penalty for being caught sneaking out of the girls' dorm.

Having finished with the punishment, Hoskins, the odious prefect, coiled the dreadful singletail whip and sidled up to Brenda, snaking an arm around her shoulders.

"Get away from me, you creep!" Brenda cried out and hip-checked Hoskins away.

"Awwww don't be like that!" Hoskins sneered. "You looked upset. Just thought I could cheer you up!"

"L-l-leave h-her ah-ah-l-lone!" stammered Freddie weakly, still trembling from the cold and the pain. The raw red stripes across his back burned brightly against the snowy environs.

"You want another ten, Linden? I can get authorization if you keep talking back to me!"

"Lay another hand on him and you'll have to go through me, Hoskins!" Brenda snapped, her eyes flashing.

"Sure about that? You're on thin ice as it is," Hoskins threatened, his fingers tightening around the whip's handle.

The evening dinner bell rang, crashing through the tension. They stared each other down for several long seconds. Finally, Hoskins broke the eye contact and turned to make for the dining hall.

"Whatever," he muttered. "I'm hungry anyway."
As he departed, Brenda approached the post. She kissed Freddie's forehead and stroked his hair.

"I'm so sorry, Freddie," she whispered tearfully.

"You b-better go eat something," he said weakly.

"I'm staying right here with you," she insisted.

"I have t-to stay here for hours, Bren," he looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Then I am too." She slipped off her jacket and laid it gently over his quivering, wounded shoulders as the dim winter sun dipped behind the bell tower.
Martial Justice 1

Yes, I remember quite clearly, if you'll indulge an old man. It was one of the darkest days of the occupation. And it wasn't even a battle.

There had been a short rash of desertions. Four men in the span of six weeks had disappeared from the fort overnight, despite tightened security. The Lt Colonel organized an investigatory task force, including myself, Captain Shaw and three others. After a thorough scouring of the fort and the evidence, we made a discovery. The men who deserted had assistance from someone inside the ranks, and that someone was Captain Shaw's own wife, Nancy.
Mrs. Shaw was confined to quarters for several days while the Lt Colonel met with us to deliberate how to handle it. After near a year and half stationed together on that remote front, I considered the Shaws close friends of mine. The Lt Colonel however, was a man who kept few friends. He preferred to command by ruthless, brutal control. I'll never forget that third night of the deliberations, the last before the actual court martial began. It was the first and only time I ever saw Captain Shaw, or any comparably ranked officer, break down and weep.

The Court Martial was short, as the Lt. Colonel had largely already made up his mind. The accused was given one opportunity to argue for herself. Mrs. Shaw, holding herself dignified and proud even though she was locked in irons and deprived of sleep, made the case that each of the men she had helped to flee the fort had family that were struggling in their absence, that the southern front we were ostensibly holding had dragged to a futile, arduous stalemate, and insisted that whatever the tribunal decided, she believed she had done the right thing.

I found her words quite moving, but the Lt Colonel, God rest his soul, had as close to a heart of stone as any man I ever knew. I suppose in a way that's what made him good at what he did. But it could also make him cruel. He sentenced Mrs. Shaw to a punishment of 99 lashes, to be taken before the entire regiment at nine o clock the next morning. And, the most heartbreaking thing of all, he ordered that Captain Shaw be the one to apply the lash to his own wife.
I was there the next morning of course. We all were. You'll forgive me if I get a little weepy as I recall it. The air was hot and still, sort of suffocating. Captain Shaw was in full uniform. His eyes looked glassy and distant, his face looked sort of gray. Mrs. Shaw was brought out barefooted and in a plain shift and as they chained her to the post I remember she turned her head to look back at her husband. I'll never forget the look she gave him. More dread and hurt and anger than I've ever seen on a human face, before or since. Captain Shaw, normally such a proud man, seemed to wither and diminish in her gaze. He closed his eyes and turned away before she did. Still she said nothing.

I felt sick through the whole thing. Remember, I was young then, and had only been in the service a few years. I'd only witnessed a regimental punishment once before and it was much less sever and under much more banal circumstances. The drummer tapped out the grim, steady rhythm and the seargeant called out the count, and Captain Shaw's soul seemed to depart from behind his eyes as he brought the strokes of the lash down like an automaton across Nancy's cringing shoulders.
She never screamed. That amazed me. She trembled and clutched the chains. I was near enough to see that tears streamed silently down her face, sweat shone on her brow and her breath soon came in strained gasps and labored moans, but not one of those 99 lashes ever drew a scream from her. I had seen men reduced to blubbering from milder injury, and that wasn't even considering the humiliation of it all. I think that's why I never forgot that day or forgot Nancy Shaw. I don't know if she was right. But I know she was the toughest woman I ever knew.
Judicial 5

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Getting caught turning tricks these days earns you a one-way ticket to the dreaded Mount Beneficent Women's Correctional Institute. Not much is known about the secluded compound. Just the rumors that the place operates on a medieval program of fear and pain. What everyone knows is that girls who are sent there are never heard from again.
What an amazing pic!!
Judicial 5

View attachment 1481298

Getting caught turning tricks these days earns you a one-way ticket to the dreaded Mount Beneficent Women's Correctional Institute. Not much is known about the secluded compound. Just the rumors that the place operates on a medieval program of fear and pain. What everyone knows is that girls who are sent there are never heard from again.

Part one of her punishment. Part two should be bare bottomed over a caning block for a good two dozen cane strokes
So, like our friend Willie J I've been posting some digital artworks with accompanying stories to a Deviantart page, which has now been moderated out of existence. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I've already posted quite a few of these over here, but I rather liked having them all in one place, so I thought I'd give them their own dedicated thread going forward.

I'll start with the one that got me banned:

Fortress 1

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Rashmi, the servant girl, had embarrassed the Master by being late to serve his dinner guests. Because he was merciful, he merely reprimanded her, but he set a steward to keep an eye on her.

When it happened again, the steward reported finding her hiding behind the chapel, praying to her heathen gods. His patience at an end, he ordered that Rashmi be put to the whipping post immediately.
This one got you banned? You had more extreme stuff
So, like our friend Willie J I've been posting some digital artworks with accompanying stories to a Deviantart page, which has now been moderated out of existence. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I've already posted quite a few of these over here, but I rather liked having them all in one place, so I thought I'd give them their own dedicated thread going forward.

I'll start with the one that got me banned:

Fortress 1

View attachment 1479819

Rashmi, the servant girl, had embarrassed the Master by being late to serve his dinner guests. Because he was merciful, he merely reprimanded her, but he set a steward to keep an eye on her.

When it happened again, the steward reported finding her hiding behind the chapel, praying to her heathen gods. His patience at an end, he ordered that Rashmi be put to the whipping post immediately.
Nice work displayed on this thread Mark. Perhaps I will do something similar. How do you know which image caused the ban. I don't get any inkling, just that they are considered depictions of 'non-consensual' situations. Not even any blood in any of mine, just the preludes to forthcoming whipping.
BTW, how are you creating your excellent lash marks? I have not been able to find a satisfactory LORA.
Nice work displayed on this thread Mark. Perhaps I will do something similar. How do you know which image caused the ban. I don't get any inkling, just that they are considered depictions of 'non-consensual' situations. Not even any blood in any of mine, just the preludes to forthcoming whipping.
BTW, how are you creating your excellent lash marks? I have not been able to find a satisfactory LORA.
I thought the Mark''s marks were made in Photoshop or something like... If it's generated I'm impressed. Btw it is god idea to make workshop about whipping traces?
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