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mark sessnatz's Deviated Artworks

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Aftermath 2


The constable's whip cut ferociously across Michael's straining, tortured back for the twenty-fifth time. He choked out a strangled cry, spraying white saliva through gritted teeth onto the paving stones below. He had survived the beating, but it had drained every last ounce of his strength. His knees dissolved from under him and he hung limply from his wrists.

"Let me through! Please!"

From the gathered crowd, her voice stirred him. He weakly lifted his head.

"Michael, I'm here!"

He saw Brianna materialize from the crowd, a blur of blonde hair and a scarlet top. Then his vision went dark.


He woke up on the floor, stretched out on Brianna's soft rug. She was on her knees by his side. His shirt was still gone, and she was gingerly dabbing at the stripes on his back with a damp washcloth. He tried to relax, but even her gentle hands stung his wounded skin.

"Oh thank God," she breathed, "you're awake."

"You brought me back here yourself?"

"The cops gave me a lot of attitude about it," she said bitterly, "but the sentence had been served, so they couldn't stop me. How do you feel?"

"Bit tender," he winced. "How are the others?"

"Safe. Worried about you."

"I knew what I was doing."

"We didn't!" Brianna protested, wringing pink-tinged water out of the rag. "Letting yourself get caught like that! You're lucky they only whipped you!"

"Someone had to get caught so the rest could make it over the border!" Michael shot back.

"It was stupid!"

"It worked. OWW!"

A spike of pain lanced from his shoulder as the antiseptic sank into an especially deep gash. Brianna met his gaze, her brow furrowed, her eyes glistening.

"I love you," she said. "You moron."
Granary 3

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Lira had served as a chambermaid to a moderately well-to-do merchant couple in the capital, ever since her homeland was conquered. But her owners were old, and had no heirs, so when they died, she became the property of the Empire and was shipped to the imperial periphery to work in the warehouses.

Life as the army's chattel was so much harsher and more grueling than she had ever known. Being unused to hard labor, she struggled to meet her quotas. Finally, one of the nastier work foremen grew impatient enough with Lira's lagging that he ordered her to be disciplined with thirty lashes. The others in her work gang lower their heads and turn away from the grisly scene, unable to help, but unwilling to watch.
Women fear the granary whipping post for good reason
Aftermath 2

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The constable's whip cut ferociously across Michael's straining, tortured back for the twenty-fifth time. He choked out a strangled cry, spraying white saliva through gritted teeth onto the paving stones below. He had survived the beating, but it had drained every last ounce of his strength. His knees dissolved from under him and he hung limply from his wrists.

"Let me through! Please!"

From the gathered crowd, her voice stirred him. He weakly lifted his head.

"Michael, I'm here!"

He saw Brianna materialize from the crowd, a blur of blonde hair and a scarlet top. Then his vision went dark.


He woke up on the floor, stretched out on Brianna's soft rug. She was on her knees by his side. His shirt was still gone, and she was gingerly dabbing at the stripes on his back with a damp washcloth. He tried to relax, but even her gentle hands stung his wounded skin.

"Oh thank God," she breathed, "you're awake."

"You brought me back here yourself?"

"The cops gave me a lot of attitude about it," she said bitterly, "but the sentence had been served, so they couldn't stop me. How do you feel?"

"Bit tender," he winced. "How are the others?"

"Safe. Worried about you."

"I knew what I was doing."

"We didn't!" Brianna protested, wringing pink-tinged water out of the rag. "Letting yourself get caught like that! You're lucky they only whipped you!"

"Someone had to get caught so the rest could make it over the border!" Michael shot back.

"It was stupid!"

"It worked. OWW!"

A spike of pain lanced from his shoulder as the antiseptic sank into an especially deep gash. Brianna met his gaze, her brow furrowed, her eyes glistening.

"I love you," she said. "You moron."
Lucky Michael and lucky me. A lovely story and such a riot of colors!
Villa 1

Lady Lavinia was in a foul mood that morning. For a year, she had been eagerly anticipating her husband's imminent promotion to the Senate. Until the day before, when the word had come down that the Consulate, in their infinite wisdom, had decided to pass him over at the last minute, citing "inconsistencies in his record," and promoted a junior magistrate instead. Lavinia, and everyone, knew the justification was nonsense, just a thin veneer over a festering swamp of petty interpersonal grievances. Well, now, she had a few grievances of her own. She was furious. She wanted to break something.

She silently fumed about it over her wine until she could see the bottom of the cup, at which point she called for a slave to refill it. Preceded by the soft padding of her bare feet across the villa courtyard, the slave girl called Vela appeared hastily at her side to oblige. Too hastily, as it happened, as she leaned in with the vessel before Lavinia had finished turning in her seat, causing their arms to collide and some of the drink to splash out of the pitcher onto her gown.

“Watch it, you idiot!” Lavinia shrieked, recoiling from the spill. It really was a negligible amount of liquid, but her temper was at its breaking point.
Villa 2


“I’m sorry!” Vela squeaked out.

“I’m sorry…Domina!” Lavinia corrected her. “Didn’t they teach you any manners in…wherever you’re from?”

“Yes, Domina! I’m sorry, Domina!” The slave girl stared nervously down at her toes.

Lavinia’s eyes narrowed. She liked to break pretty things when she was enraged…and this slave was quite pretty. The Lady of the house clicked her fingers to summon an armed manservant.

“You there, I want this stupid girl flogged immediately. Twenty—no---thirty lashes, and don’t spare your arm! I will have discipline in this house!"

The soldier nodded grimly and seized Vela’s arm in his sturdy hand. Her tray clattered to the floor.

In an instant, Vela found herself thrown bodily against a stone column, whimpering in shock and terror. The soldier raised her slender, olive-skinned arms up and bound her wrists high over her head, securing her arms around the column. He then ripped her thin toga in half from the nape of her neck, exposing the full expanse of her bare back for the punishment.
Villa 3


Lavinia watched, dispassionate but unblinking, as her soldier laid into Vela’s defenseless back. The whip was a short, single-thonged lash of stiff braided leather. Nothing like the vicious scourges that maimed the condemned in the forum, but it nevertheless raised dark angry weals across the girl’s skin that would take weeks to fade. She sipped her drink in satisfaction watching the slave writhe and sob against the column, edified that at least someone today would suffer for disrespecting her.
Villa 3

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Lavinia watched, dispassionate but unblinking, as her soldier laid into Vela’s defenseless back. The whip was a short, single-thonged lash of stiff braided leather. Nothing like the vicious scourges that maimed the condemned in the forum, but it nevertheless raised dark angry weals across the girl’s skin that would take weeks to fade. She sipped her drink in satisfaction watching the slave writhe and sob against the column, edified that at least someone today would suffer for disrespecting her.
I love this antique theme!
Hope you will do more in this ancient historical style
Prison Riot 1

The fighting started at 7:40 pm on 3 June. The inmates were en route from dinner back to their cells when a gang of three girls surrounded and jumped the ringleader of a notorious internal gang. The other gang members immediately retaliated, and in a matter of minutes there was a brawl involving dozens of inmates. The on-duty guards had to be backed up by the entire alternate shift, who ultimately used gas canisters and electrified batons to break up the fighting, while the instigators were subdued, restrained and confined to solitary, pending disciplinary measures.

The disciplinary measures took place the following morning. The penitentiary governors convened and were unanimous in condemning the three identified aggressors to severe corporal punishments, all to be carried out in the hours between 8 am and 12 noon that day.

Punishment of the first girl commenced at 8:10. The inmate was Alicia K, age 22 years. She was known to have a bit of an attitude at times, but no previous internal violations on her record. By the judgment of the tribunal, Alicia was sentenced to thirty lashes to be taken on her bare back.

Prison Riot 1

The fighting started at 7:40 pm on 3 June. The inmates were en route from dinner back to their cells when a gang of three girls surrounded and jumped the ringleader of a notorious internal gang. The other gang members immediately retaliated, and in a matter of minutes there was a brawl involving dozens of inmates. The on-duty guards had to be backed up by the entire alternate shift, who ultimately used gas canisters and electrified batons to break up the fighting, while the instigators were subdued, restrained and confined to solitary, pending disciplinary measures.

The disciplinary measures took place the following morning. The penitentiary governors convened and were unanimous in condemning the three identified aggressors to severe corporal punishments, all to be carried out in the hours between 8 am and 12 noon that day.

Punishment of the first girl commenced at 8:10. The inmate was Alicia K, age 22 years. She was known to have a bit of an attitude at times, but no previous internal violations on her record. By the judgment of the tribunal, Alicia was sentenced to thirty lashes to be taken on her bare back.

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great art nice whip marks any chance whipping will continue on the bare bottom
Mark, very nice art both the main subject and environment/scenario. Compliments.
Do you mind if I improve the marks on the back ? Posting then in my thread ?
haha the marks are already as bloody as I'd like them for this particular scenario.

But if you'd like to play around with it, sure. I'd be interested to see your take :)
Prison Riot 2
The second punishment session began at 8:55 am. The offender was inmate Sabrina M, age 24 years. Her record indicated several previous infractions, but none of a violent nature. She is not believed to have masterminded the assault and was likely pressured to participate. Nevertheless, the tribunal sentenced her to a punishment of forty-five lashes, to be taken on her bare back and upper thighs.

Prison Riot 2
The second punishment session began at 8:55 am. The offender was inmate Sabrina M, age 24 years. Her record indicated several previous infractions, but none of a violent nature. She is not believed to have masterminded the assault and was likely pressured to participate. Nevertheless, the tribunal sentenced her to a punishment of forty-five lashes, to be taken on her bare back and upper thighs.

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Obviously a fit, healthy young woman, capable of withstanding the punishment. The Head Matron is just wishing she could take those shorts down and really teach the little slut a lesson she`d never forget.
Prison Riot 3


After a coffee break, the third punishment commenced at 10:15 am.

The inmate Abby P, age 26 years, was determined to be the ringleader and instigator of the attack and subsequent riot. Her internal record indicates multiple previous minor and moderate infractions, as well as a personal history of antagonism with the targeted gang leader. Abby was known to be aggressive and hostile.

Her punishment, as decided by the tribunal: Seventy-five lashes with the harshest whip, taken on her backside from shoulders to thighs. She was stripped nude for the flogging, and will be confined to solitary for two months following any necessary medical treatment.
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