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mark sessnatz's Deviated Artworks

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So, like our friend Willie J I've been posting some digital artworks with accompanying stories to a Deviantart page, which has now been moderated out of existence. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I've already posted quite a few of these over here, but I rather liked having them all in one place, so I thought I'd give them their own dedicated thread going forward.

I'll start with the one that got me banned:

Fortress 1

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Rashmi, the servant girl, had embarrassed the Master by being late to serve his dinner guests. Because he was merciful, he merely reprimanded her, but he set a steward to keep an eye on her.

When it happened again, the steward reported finding her hiding behind the chapel, praying to her heathen gods. His patience at an end, he ordered that Rashmi be put to the whipping post immediately.
Omg I love these! The 2 girls barefoot walking together are like Megan and Ruth. Xxx
Quarry 6

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They never knew each other before the quarry; before the Empire annexed their villages and foreclosed on their lives. One had been a loyal and happy homemaker and had tried to smuggle her husband away in the night when the Imperial army conscripted him. One had been a merchant's daughter, her betrothed murdered by the invaders, and had burned her dowry when one of his killers attempted to court her.

Both had been arrested, and sentenced to the most punishing drudgery available. Now they were simply blunt tools servicing the Imperial machine. And they were all each other had.
Love this xxx
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