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Merry Christmas

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I hope everyone enjoyed their meal on Christmas Day?

Perhaps some enjoyed it more than others?

Perhaps some enjoyed it more than others?
Curiously, it seems to be the woman with the saucepan who is enjoying it the most!:devil:
There is more behind it! Revenge for the husband who has been fooling around with the red hair cleaning lady?:eek:
"Honey! Shall we invite Anita For Christmas? She should not pass the day alone! We can give her an unforgettable Christmas!":devil-flip:
L'Bogo tells me the Italian equivalent of our 'Twelve Days of Christmas' song is a 'Novena', just nine days leading up to Christmas,
and he and Gabriella are inviting ideas for a CruXmas Novena - in English of course, I've had a shot one -

Novena di cruXmas

On the nine days of Cruxmas
my true love gave to me
a nine-tailed scourge
an eight-pound hammer
a seven-inch cornu
six whiplashes
five wounds in my flesh
four iron chains
three cruel nails
two planks for my cross
a crown of thorns
and so you crucified me!

l'bogo's not around to check it, so my Italian version's probably full of blunders:

Nei nove giorni di Cruxmas
il mio amore hai dato
un flagello a nove code
un martello da otto chili
un corno da sette pollici
sei colpi di frusta
cinque ferite nella mia carne
quattro catene di ferro
tre chiodi crudeli
due tavoli per la mia croce
una corona di spine
e così mi hai crocifissa!
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