Murder of the Serbian royal family. In the early morning of June 11, 1903, conspiratorial officers led by Dragutin Dmitrievich-Apis entered the royal palace and brutally killed King Alexander, his wife Draga, her two brothers: Nikolai and Nikodim, Prime Minister Marković, Minister of War Milovan Pavlovich and some officers loyal to the king, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Velimir Todorovic, was seriously wounded. The assassins hit the King with six shots from a revolver and 40 blows from a saber, and the Queen with 63 blows from a saber and two revolver bullets. The queen was almost completely hacked to pieces. When the killers had had enough of the defenseless corpses, they threw them through the window into the palace garden, and Draghi's corpse was completely naked.