I doubt that the Romans or Carthaginians worried to much, after all to quote the "Bond" villain:Never underestimate the danger of infection in deep wounds. If deprived of oxygen, and in a dirty environment (think re-used spikes dropped in the soil before use) anaerobic bacteria cause the most horrific problems (tetanus and gas-gangrene [Clostridium tetani and perfringens respectively]) not just the bacterial growth but the toxins they produce. Antibiotics may halt the bacterial growth, but the toxins are by then busy destroying tissues round the body.
WHO says:
Open injuries have a potential for serious bacterial wound infections, including gas
gangrene and tetanus,......................................................................
• Use of topical antibiotics and washing wounds with antibiotic solutions are
not recommended
JB "Do you expect me to talk?"
V "No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die".