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They didn't even give Laya time to despair over the death of her "mother" (because this was for her) before they began to subject her to torture, to make her confess that she too was a witch. The inquisitors could not leave without obtaining at least one confession. Laya was severely whipped and subjected to hot irons, but she did not admit to being a witch. But she told what she had learned from her “mother” about finding her one night in the woods. This information intrigued the inquisitors, who began to think that she might have been involved in a Sabba...


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The inquisitors decided that the girl needed to be interrogated carefully, far from those places from which she had appeared out of nowhere. Laya was tied half naked inside some kind of cage, so that everyone could see and mock her. The cage was mounted on a wagon. She thus began a journey to Madrid, where high-level inquisitors and crueler executioners would interrogate her. Alaia's house was set on fire, as was the custom of the houses of heretics or witches. Laya was taken away from her life, with nothing left, towards a dark but certainly cruel fate….


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The journey to Madrid lasted several weeks, and when the caravan of inquisitors and soldiers passed through the various towns, people crowded together to look at, mock, insult the naked witch in the cage... they often even threw stones or rotten fruit at her, but the soldiers they ordered that she not be hurt. Laya was a witchcraft suspect, not a witch condemned to the stake. Every evening at sunset they camped, feeding and giving water to the girl who was always tied to the post inside the cage. Often the two inquisitors went to sleep early, and for Laya the nightmare of the night began. Because she had left her country as a virgin, but during the journey every night one or two soldiers entered the cage and raped her. So that girl had become a woman, in the most brutal of ways. For convenience they almost always used her mouth, but on some occasions she was momentarily untied from the pole and hard raped, even by several soldiers at once. Only once had she rebelled and told the inquisitors what they had done to her, but the only effect on her was that they told her that it must be the devil within her that made her think certain things. Then they had her whipped tied to a tree. That night she was sodomized in revenge by a couple of soldiers. She therefore decided to submit without rebelling... Madrid meanwhile was approaching...


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After much traveling and many humiliations, finally one morning at dawn the "cage" was made to stop in front of a building. That night the soldiers had not been able to bid the beautiful prisoner the farewell they would have liked and were very angry. One of the two inquisitors got out of his carriage and ordered Laya to be freed from the cage, but shackled her wrists. While they were doing this, a rather imposing woman emerged from the Palace (which was a convent of Poor Clare nuns), with a black hood pulled over her face. The inquisitor addressed her like this: “Rosa, I hand you over this woman suspected of witchcraft. Give her food and wash her, and give her a dress, put her locked in a cell but that no one hurts her" and then, while Rosa was already returning with Laya held tightly by the chains, she added "there is a lot of curiosity around this girl, we want to question her but without any publicity... it seems that even the King and several nobles are curious to know what we will find out about her." And Rosa dragged Laya into the Convent.


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The heavy solid wooden door and the iron gate closed behind the two women, leaving soldiers and inquisitors outside. Rosa took off her black hood and tucked it into the waistband of the leather butcher’s apron she was wearing. Rosa forcefully but not violently pulled the prisoner Laya, towards the actual convent. Let's talk about Rosa now, because she will be an important character from here on out. Rosa was a strong and almost masculine woman, but she was a woman from the tips of her hair to her toenails: she wasn't interested in women, she liked men, real ones. Indeed, she liked her man, the one she had married. Rosa was an orphan abandoned as soon as she was born to the nuns, who welcomed her and raised her as a daughter. It became evident that she was not suited to study and meditation, so she was not suited to monastic life. But her fate, always strange, had a surprise in store for her: a man showed up at her nuns' house (Rosa was now a young woman) and asked her as his wife. It was Pablo, a good, very religious man. But it was her profession that dismayed the nuns: he was an executioner, the one who killed those condemned to death... Nonetheless, when Rosa met Pablo she fell madly in love with him. Being the executioner's wife gave Rosa a power that was hardly welcomed by women: she could herself practice the profession of assistant to the executioner, except that she could not kill the condemned. However, she could torture men and women, like other male executioners who were assistants to the executioner. Since Pablo was very jealous, Rosa was given the task of carrying out torture on women: witches, heretics, thieves, there was never a shortage of them. She didn't enjoy what she did, but as a torturer she was cruel and merciless. Now Laya was in her hands…


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Rosa seems very dangerous.
:devil:Yes in fact it is but because for her it is a job not a pleasure... and her job is to torture women! Rosa is not interested in the femininity of the tortured woman, but in hurting her so much and making her confess everything she knows. Rosa is a professional, like her husband Pablo (who we will get to know anyway) from whom she learned how to torture suspects or condemned people.
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A very small historical note. I just wanted to add that I had already used the couple of the husband and wife who are tormentors and torturers in another story of mine ("the King's wife") but in that story it was all the fruit of my imagination, only to later discover that they actually existed husband/wife couples both tormentors! Certainly in France in the late Middle Ages but I believe also in Spain and some small kingdoms in Italy. I don't believe in Northern Europe at least after the Lutheran heresy. And it is true that the wife dealt with corporal punishment and various tortures (on men and women) but the execution of the capital punishment was up to the husband. It was certainly not an easy role for a man, that of the executioner, I imagine it was even more so for a woman. But it seems, as I was saying, that they were all excellent "workers of the pain” inflicted for what was then justice.
There is nothing you can imagine that probably hasn't already happened...
Neither easy nor decent. I suppose the torturers and executioners must have come from the lower classes and were generally despised.
They came from the lower classes and often also worked as butchers (of animals) and even dentists (in short all professions with contact with blood), they were certainly avoided and despised but in their profession they had contact with the powerful: Nobles, Ecclesiastics, even Kings and Queens. However, they were effectively "professionals" who carried out punishments and sentences, material executors of terrible justice. However, there were figures of the nobility (Countess Erzsébet Báthory above all) who were worse than the executioners and only for their own sadistic pleasure…
They came from the lower classes and often also worked as butchers (of animals) and even dentists (in short all professions with contact with blood), they were certainly avoided and despised but in their profession they had contact with the powerful: Nobles, Ecclesiastics, even Kings and Queens. However, they were effectively "professionals" who carried out punishments and sentences, material executors of terrible justice. However, there were figures of the nobility (Countess Erzsébet Báthory above all) who were worse than the executioners and only for their own sadistic pleasure…
Moreover, in a hierarchical system of torture and execution (Nobles, Ecclesiastics, etc.), the most innocent is the actual torturer and the actual executioner. We are rather... hypocritical species i think.
Moreover, in a hierarchical system of torture and execution (Nobles, Ecclesiastics, etc.), the most innocent is the actual torturer and the actual executioner. We are rather... hypocritical species i think.
Yes, it is very true, even if obviously we are talking about other eras and visions of social classes, hierarchies, justice... certainly with today's eyes it all seems very perverse and abject, but it was medieval society. And what's more, it wasn't better with the previous one (ancient Rome for example) or even after. Until the Enlightenment we were swimming in the mud, as a human race...

...but that doesn't mean that Laya won't have to confess to being a witch, right? and who better than Rosa to make her talk?

In recent years I have read a story in which the wife of the executioner and torturer in a medieval East German town tortures a witch because her husband is needed as an executioner in another town. She increasingly enjoys her task and ultimately forces the witch to confess...and as you read you increasingly get the impression that torturing another woman also provides sexual stimulation for the executioner's wife...
In recent years I have read a story in which the wife of the executioner and torturer in a medieval East German town tortures a witch because her husband is needed as an executioner in another town. She increasingly enjoys her task and ultimately forces the witch to confess...and as you read you increasingly get the impression that torturing another woman also provides sexual stimulation for the executioner's wife...
...and then there really is nothing "invented" that hasn't already really happened! and I'm telling you this as a lover of dystopian science fiction (Orwell's 1984 is perhaps the most famous example). However, Rosa, of course, will torture Laya harshly, but there will be no infatuation for her... and this might not be a good thing for her flesh...
In recent years I have read a story in which the wife of the executioner and torturer in a medieval East German town tortures a witch because her husband is needed as an executioner in another town. She increasingly enjoys her task and ultimately forces the witch to confess...and as you read you increasingly get the impression that torturing another woman also provides sexual stimulation for the executioner's wife...
I would love to read that story, if you still have it.

Rosa dragged Laya into the nuns' bathroom. on the ground floor of the convent. Laya trembled in fear for her because she thought she would be tortured, but Rosa reassured her: they had told her to wash her, feed her and dress her. The interrogation would certainly take place, but not that evening. Laya let herself be washed by Rosa, who threw several buckets of cold water over her (it was now summer and luckily the water wasn't frozen) to clean her up a bit. Layla was dirty and smelled, but she didn't just smell the long journey... Rosa felt that that intense odor was that of many men. Rosa understood well that during her journey from her town to the capital, everything must have been done to that girl. And witch or no witch, she didn't like it. Then she gave her something to eat and even there, from how she ate voraciously, she understood that she was left almost without food... Rosa thought that probably the Holy Inquisition would have ordered her to torture that girl so that she would confess to being a witch and perhaps her husband would have kill her but it wasn't right to rape her and starve her to death... with this thought in mind he took her to the nuns to have her dressed...


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Obviously completely naked and still wet, Laya was brought by Rosa in front of a very young nun, probably even younger than Laya herself. He handed her a tunic, and said to her: "get dressed, poor girl, there is no need for you to go around naked... no one will hurt you here" Laya was almost deluding herself that her misfortunes were over, and instead they had to still starting...


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