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Nailing Feet

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oh yes, feeling the sharp iron edges on my split nerves
Imagine if we were there looking at each other on our crosses, knowing each other's hands and feet would be permanently paralyzed even if we were taken down from our crosses. Knowing this, if taking down were offered, it makes you just want to stay up there and admire each other's whipped and crucified bodies instead!!
think that give a high adrenalin push, the heart athletes the body couvered in swat until painful cramps make it impossible to push up and breed
Yes. I read that at first you can both pull yourself up with your arms and push up with the legs to breathe. The first to go are the arms, rendered numb and paralyzed by cramps and continual strain outstretched supporting the body. The legs can continue longer. But once the legs go from sheer exhaustion, you will die soon as you can't breathe properly resting down on your cross.
indeed, she will be suffocated soon..
Not yet, she's on the crux about 2 or 3 hours.
She desperately tries to get up to take some agonizing breath. During these hours she has already done it about ten times.
For the moment she is just about to lose consciousness again.
The excruaciating pain of the hammered nails, the onset of apoxia in her brain and her blood lost from the wounds has already caused her to faint a couple of times, the fainting now occurring is her third.
Is it possible that she remains consciousness?
Absolutely not.
As i have already explained in previous comments, the pain of nails driven in (which break bones, tendons and nerves) is inhumane, we are talking about pain beyond imaginable, blood loss, muscle strain, dehydration and the lack of oxygen in the brain causes the convicted person to lose consciousness numerous times.
So no she can't remain conscious. The same applies when nails have just been driven into her, she will have lost consciousness several times as the nails enter her flesh.
Absolutely not.
As i have already explained in previous comments, the pain of nails driven in (which break bones, tendons and nerves) is inhumane, we are talking about pain beyond imaginable, blood loss, muscle strain, dehydration and the lack of oxygen in the brain causes the convicted person to lose consciousness numerous times.
So no she can't remain conscious. The same applies when nails have just been driven into her, she will have lost consciousness several times as the nails enter her flesh.
But how can you be sure that she will wake up again and continue feeling the pain?
depended on her inyuries and lack of blood, she maybe wake up several times
the brain shut off for a while when the pain break the tolerance limit
the most shock is after rising upright, the thud cause more pain than the nailing.
a long horrible suffering when the legs properly nailed, friends or family payed
sometimes the roman soldiers to break the crucified legs for a faster death
But how can you be sure that she will wake up again and continue feeling the pain?
Surely there are moments in which consciousness is regained, but they are only alternating moments, continuously, thus, loss of consciousness and awakening.
I have already listed the causes before, in addition to the fact that they are easy to understand...
...another compliment for @jucundus ... to make real as possible the image.

This is the moment in which, after letting out an inhuman scream of pain, she is about to lose consciousness as she feels the nail driving into her feet.

In the close up of her nailed feet, we notice this detail again, that her toes curl after releasing a very strong nerve/muscle spasm as the nail drives inside.
maren_crux02 LR.jpgmaren_crux04.jpg
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...another compliment for @jucundus ... to make real as possible the image.

This is the moment in which, after letting out an inhuman scream of pain, she is about to lose consciousness as she feels the nail driving into her feet.

In the close up of her nailed feet, we notice this detail again, that her toes curl after releasing a very strong nerve/muscle spasm as the nail drives inside.
View attachment 1479189View attachment 1479190
(The Irina set with images by @SkatingJesus and story by @shutter will now be found here:

Back to me nailing Maren's feet to the cross, then! :p
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