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News From Margot

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Bring Out All Those Films!


I mentioned before that a new cycle was upon us and it has begun. With the production of Deep Cover Mole Jac completed a mini cycle, that he might as well call it the Pandemic Cycle, which began with CruXtreme I – The Playroom and ended with Deep Cover Mole for a total of 8 films in less than three years and in the middle of a wide world deadly pandemic! Remember those days? When people had to be in lock down for weeks, months, and weeks, and months….


As I also mentioned a few times before, Jac loves to identify the cycles in his work. He doesn’t consider the pandemic cycle a complete cycle. He goes by decades, like the 80’s, 90’s and so on, but that’s a subject for a later post.

The new chapter for Red Feline Pictures / Pachamama Films begins with a lot of pre production work for a few big production values films, the first of these films will be 69 Année Érotique, with a complete script, locations already in place, most of the cast in and so on. There’s no set date for production. It will be set once everything is in place, most importantly, the cash. There’s talk that Jac and Amy, yes, Amy, are preparing a fundraising campaign with the goal of rising $10,000 to cover the production costs.


One of the actresses in 69 will be Simonne, from Monxa Mala.

In the meantime, Jac is advancing with great pains with the old film Seven Days (Of Torture) On the Cross.

As he worked on the sound issues, he found some additional problems. He hopes that he’ll have an idea of when it will be ready by the end of this week. It is very possible that it will be released by the end of the coming week.


Jac is also working on CruXtreme V – The Playmates, cutting it down from its 7 hrs of footage. No details as to how far he is into that film yet. If I were to bet, I would say the release might be at the end of August.


There are some comments at the Crux Forums that need to be answered.

wanttoknowmore: When is the Martyr cut scene film going to be available?

nardnob: Yep, that movie needed way less plot and way more crux!!!

I’m writing a many parts post with the history of Martyr, Or The Death of St Eulalia, which will tell the story of that life changing film (according to Amy).


However, because of popular demand… if a few posts can be considered popular demand, it’s not like a million tweets are demanding it, Jac will work on an Only Tortures version of Martyr after he’s done with the editing and release of at least two of the new films like CruXtreme V and Crux Simplex and the release of Seven Days (Of Torture) On The Cross.


frog: jdm wrote: Which of Amy’s films is the original picture from – I can’t seem to trace it?
It’s from one of the whipping scenes from Maleficarum.

At the GIMP forums there was a question about a picture of Amy that frog manipulated to a good effect. He responded that the picture in question comes from the best inquisition film ever Maleficarum.


I further responded that yes, indeed, the picture comes from a whipping scene in the film that has been described as A Masterpiece Of A Genius by a film reviewer in his recently published 958 pages long Film Reviews book that covers 100 years of Cinema.


And finally, our Solstice Sale is almost over. It should end with the end of this month of June, unless, of course, the powers that be changed their minds and keep it going a few more days.

I asked about the Martyr highlight reel as you mentioned some time ago one was in the works. I think a number of folks would be interested in seeing it, but have given up on it ever being released. How about posting the deleted scences of Natacha crucifiied?
I asked about the Martyr highlight reel as you mentioned some time ago one was in the works. I think a number of folks would be interested in seeing it, but have given up on it ever being released. How about posting the deleted scences of Natacha crucifiied?
I asked about the Martyr highlight reel as you mentioned some time ago one was in the works. I think a number of folks would be interested in seeing it, but have given up on it ever being released. How about posting the deleted scences of Natacha crucifiied?
Re Margot's comment about a few posts ≠ "popular demand"...
over countless years, I attempted pointlessly to chase release dates for those long ago RF films (Double Cross, 7 DotC volume 5, Martyr [Torture only] among others, perhaps those innumerable queries might count towards "popular demand"?!

The law of probabilities suggests that other fans would also have asked the same questions as I did. Perhaps they also gave up!

With few if any responses from RF, I gave up long ago! As they say, "none of us getting any younger". I know how you feel!

I had also asked about the series "Training Camille" being made available. The original material was shot using now obsolete technology so problems translating the precious footage into presentable media were to be expected.

The first offering I purchased in good faith was (Training Camille - Sessions 2, 3 and 4) contained ONLY Session 2 and 3. Even by run time, the missing Session 4 was patently obvious. After further fruitless attempts to have the situation remedied, I gave up (again)! When later Sessions were "released", I didn't bother with another disappointing purchase experience! Those later sessions would have been more like the content of the excellent "Via Crucis, Camille" films. Once bitten, twice shy!"
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It has been a long while since I followed Margot and Red Feline/Pachamama Films (Last time was the start of the production of the Passion of Isabel).

Just recently discovered the Red Feline Chronicles website and had a blast catching up. I even bought Maleficarum 2 and Passion of Isabel during the sale to catch up a little since my last purchase was Justine. Hope to catch up to the newer films when I get the chance. Dani was great in MMM and I cant wait to see more of her.

I too am excited by the new Torture version of Martyr. Martyr is my 2nd favorite Jac directed film, second to only the 1st Maleficarum. I was also shocked by the fact my Martyr review on gimp forum was used as a source for a mainstream review. I also asked before on the gimp forum a long time ago for a hearing impaired subtitle version of the film. Maybe that can be updated for current owners. Can't wait to pick up the torture version of Martyr in the future.

My gimp review of Martyr: http://ralphus.net/reviews/other/martyr.htm

Review of Martyr which uses mine as a source: https://3hattergrindhouse.com/tag/martyr-or-the-death-of-st-eulalia/
The Wheel Keeps Turning


Just when you think you have everything figured out, something comes up that puts everything upside down… in a good way.

I think history is repeating itself.

And I explain.

More than a decade ago, Jac and Amy were working on the pre production for Barbazul and having rehearsals for Cage, the original title to what later on had many changes, that’s when Amy received an offer Jac couldn’t refuse… some cash for a film if it includes a now classic scene in the masterpiece of a genius.


The generous offer was accepted and we ended up shooting three films back to back, Barbazul, Maleficarum and Le Marquis De La Croix.

was shelved, the script turned into Casa de Fieras, it then was merged with 69, and now the official title is 69 Année Erotique


Something similar is happening right now and it is driving us into a mad frenzy of work and excitement. I will have news about these new developments soon, very, very, soon. But it all points out that we’ll be shooting a few films back to back.

wanttoknowmore I asked about the Martyr highlight reel as you mentioned some time ago one was in the works. I think a number of folks would be interested in seeing it, but have given up on it ever being released. How about posting the deleted scenes of Natacha crucified?

Some time ago, an international film festival requested from Jac his film on Haiti, Krik Krak, in 35 mm. The comment in the request was “to see it the way it should be seen”. Well… a 35 mm print of the film does not exist, it never did. As a matter of fact, there’s no longer a 16mm print either. There were two, one with French subtitles, the copy that went to the Cannes Film Festival, and one with English subtitles. There are three masters of that film in 1 Inch Video Tape, made for television, one in Germany, one in the UK and one in the US at PBS.


There’s a master negative in a refrigerator at the laboratory and then there’s a U-Matic version of the film in Jac’s bookcase, this U-Matic version was digitized and it is now in a hard disk. The rest are the VHS copies going around. I bring this up because something is happening in the world of cinema… The Evolution of Technology.

suffers from that evolution. That life changing film was shot at the beginning of the age of Digital Cinema in SD, with a great Canon camera that cost around $3,000 back in early 2002, the second year of the 21st century. Since then a lot changed. We are living the age of HD digital cinema where SD is an ancient system, and the way things are going, if you don’t shoot the next major film in 8k+ you won’t sell your film to Netflix.


Jac is now working with high end technology and finding out that current computers/apps refuse to recognize old material. At least that’s how he described the problem to me. However, he’ll be using one of his old computers to transfer all the material from Martyr to re-edit those segments.

The “deletedcrucifixion of Natasha scene is in the old tapes, as well as all the material that ended in the virtual editing floor, like extensive whipping scenes of Eulalia that did not make it to the final film.


Ranger1951: Re Margot’s comment about a few posts ≠ “popular demand”… over countless years, I attempted pointlessly to chase release dates for those long ago RF films (Double Cross, 7 DotC volume 5, Martyr [Torture only] among others, perhaps those innumerable queries might count towards “popular demand”?!

The law of probabilities suggests that other fans would also have asked the same questions as I did. Perhaps they also gave up!

With few if any responses from RF, I gave up long ago! As they say, “none of us getting any younger”. I know how you feel!

I guess my little comment about popular demand didn’t go that well. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. We do appreciate our loyal fans, particularly those that have been following us for so many, many years. It is because of this appreciation that Jac wants to release all those shelved projects and the old footage that was never meant to be public, but in the age of Meta reality, when every frame counts, for some reason, those materials from the beginning of Camille’s work with Jac, have some value for a lot of people.

Jac was going over some of the material he did with Camille, the early tapes, that are more like home movies than anything else, but now they have some historical value and it is in that context that Jac wants to release them. There’s a documentary feeling to them now.


Something similar to what Jac experienced in Cuba once. He was visiting one of the editing rooms, and lo and behold, Che Guevara’s father was in one of those rooms, going over some material he shot of his son, the famed guerrilla leader, in 16mm b&w film and it was going to be part of a documentary titled My Son Che. All those black and white 16 mm films he made of his son and family, for personal reasons, acquired great historical value. But I digress.

Ranger1951 I had also asked about the series “Training Camille” being made available. The original material was shot using now obsolete technology so problems translating the precious footage into presentable media were to be expected.

The first offering I purchased in good faith was (Training Camille – Sessions 2, 3 and 4) contained ONLY Session 2 and 3. Even by run time, the missing Session 4 was patently obvious. After further fruitless attempts to have the situation remedied, I gave up (again)! When later Sessions were “released”, I didn’t bother with another disappointing purchase experience! Those later sessions would have been more like the content of the excellent “Via Crucis, Camille” films. Once bitten, twice shy!”

After reading this comment I went to check the DVD of Camille Training Session 2,3 and 4 and I saw session 4 in the DVD. It’s there. We did not release any later editions to the Training of Camille.

All the Training of Camille videos were recorded with Jac’s VHS camera, the quality of the image cannot be compared to the later Via Crucis of Camille videos. If I were to comment to Jac about this exchange, he might change his mind about releasing the other Training tapes. In any case, right now he’s very busy with two films, Seven Days (of torture) On The Cross and CruXtreme V – The Playmates.


Jac is also busy with the pre production work for three Big Production Value Films and it looks like he’s adding a FOURTH one now! But that’s material for my next post. Stay tuned!
There are some very good SD to HD coverters available, Also, since the "highlight films are just that, and not something where editing for flow or artistic value are required, you could have an aide or appremtice put them together instead of Jac.
I love your work. Its clear alot of your films revolve around killing women. Would you ever show scenes of disposing of their bodies?
Thorny News


When Jac thought that he had a plan for the rest of this year, and maybe next, with plenty of work with a big feature in pre production, another big feature planned in need of a good script, a good number of productions to edit, when all of a sudden, like a gigantic meteor ready to hit a planet to transform it completely … something grandiose and extremely gripping came his way.


It looks like Jac has his work cut out for him… Is that the correct expression?

The situation can be described as exciting and exceedingly crazy, at least from my point of view. I had the chance to get a well informed sense of how things are going.

Well… in a given day he has four documents open in Word, three scripts and a pitch, he also has two films open in his Premiere Pro timeline and he’s working with all those documents and films AT THE SAME TIME, if that’s not multi tasking, I don’t know what it is.

I told him that it is crazy, he said that it is not. Actually he feels better working that way because he doesn’t get stuck. For some reason, working in one script stimulates his brain to work on the others.

He’s cutting CruXtreme V – The Playmates. So, he goes over all the shots for one scene, they are all assembled, but now he has to cut them. Some are very similar. So he chooses one, then another, then another and at one point he needs to think about which of the selected shots he wants to use and how, so he needs to distance himself a little…


So he goes to one of the scripts. He looks at the scene he was writing before, it was going well until he hit an obstacle that got him stuck… he looks at it again, he is, still, stuck, so he goes to another script and reads what he was doing and bang! He finds where to take the story from there so it will flow. He writes the new ideas until he reaches a point where he needs a new idea…

Back to the editing room, checks the material, it’s obvious to him what he has to do, he eliminates one shot that, although it was pretty, it didn’t flow with the rest, something about the position of a hand, so he cuts and selects more shots, puts them together, trims them and now he’s ready for the next part of the scene… Again he puts shots together, he trims them, he’s not happy, he needs to distance himself again…


Off he goes to the script, he found the solution, it’s flowing, he continues, he’s inspired, he completes two scenes, they work! But what’s next?… He needs to think again…

Off he goes to the other script where he finds that the problem persists… he needs to think about what to do with the problem… needs more distance… maybe he’ll leave it for the next day… unless…

Off to the editing again, cut, cut, select, select, that piano music is cool… that shot… hmmm that shot… does it work?… And so on.

It sounds crazy to me, but it’s not unusual for Jac.

In the middle of 2014 He was working in two scripts at the same time, Justine and Pygmalion, and he was editing Olalla.

Olalla was released at the end of January of 2015, Pygmalion was produced in August of 2015 and Justine was produced between November and December of 2015 after Amy returned from a trip to Mexico, to show Olalla at a the Feratum Film Festival and a visit to the US!


So, the big meteor I’m talking about came down on Jac’s already busy routine a couple of weeks ago to make things more exciting. Soon after, he learned of another big development, another meteor or asteroid… and now, on top of all the work he has to do, a lot more has fallen on his lap… top.

He has to have a script for a pilot for a TV series by the end of the month, right, next week, he got news that there’s some interest in the series he’s been plotting for a while and the whole proposal has to be sent before the end of next month. But he needs to have the script for the pilot to work on the proposal.


He also has to finish the script for 69 Année Érotique this coming week to work on the scheduling. Most of it is done… he’s finishing the third act.

He’s practically done with a Pitch for The Film I’m Not In Liberty to discuss yet, but it is a Grand New Project, so he’ll be shooting a scene for the pitch on Wednesday and/or Thursday and on Tuesday he’ll be sending the Pitch script to Amy for her to record it.

The new script for The Film I Can’t Discuss Yet will take time, of course. Jac is working on it with the pleasure that comes when he works on a new tale. He is carefully developing the characters, their motivations and their arch. The three main characters have to be strong and beautifully drawn and the way to do it right is planting the roots when you introduce them and stay true to them throughout the story.

Those three characters for the new film are going to end in a nasty situation, of course.

More about this and other great happenings later.
I can understand Jac - I like to have two or three jobs on the go, swapping from one to another, I find I approach them more freshly, don't get bogged down with a single set of issues. But I'm probably not so intense and driven as he is!
Wonderful news Margot!

You, Jac and your team seems to have a lot of exciting and interesting ongoing and upcoming projects!

Starting with the TV series: Will it contribute to make the 'crux theme' more accepted in mainstream media? (Guess you can't answer that yet... :) )

Even more intriguing: When I read a line like 'The Film I Can't Discuss Yet', curiosity increases dramatically ofc! Will be hard to wait!

Hope you can reveal more soon!

I will now follow your thread very frequently, hope other CF members do the same! :)

(PS: I hope your projects, old and new will have a broad support from the CF members. Your work is very important in order to make the female crux subject more accepted in mainstream media. Good luck!!!)
Crux Goes Mainstream


I’m not wrong when I say that there isn’t anything more mainstream than a good crucifixion, and it’s been so for over 2000 years. Sure, that’s but a whisper in the age of the universe, but, still, it’s many, many generations of Mainstream Crux. Isn’t that the reason why so many of those who follow us love it? If not all of them?

What’s the point of my post?

Well, not long ago, someone commented in a private message that The Passion of the Christ made 600,000,000 bucks. My first thought was that if it had made 666,000.000 exactly, I would go religious.

My response was that Gibson invested 25,000,000 of his own money and was clever enough to target the millions of people in the evangelical world. If we were to try the same, with a Female Christ, we would have a problem finding a target with such numbers as to make 600,000,000 bucks. Worse yet, we don’t have 25,000,000, not even 1,000,000.

Although in most of our movies beautiful females suffer the pains and agony of the crucifixion, we never made a Big Production Values movie with the very specific Female Christ Theme… And by that I mean a movie set in Roman Empire times, with all the costumes, the locations, the props to make it work, and based on the actual story of The Christ. Anathema!


Well… there are some videos out there that I know of. Like Ramon’s short or shorts.

There are even video taped performances in schools, with young girls performing the passion play, all female passion play where you see a pretty young lady carrying her cross.

So, a question came our way… Would we be willing to make a Female Christ Big Production Values film? Would we? … Could we? … Should we?

The question had a comment and I agree with it, this film could be, the only one of it’s kind so far. Part of the comment was: I have spent many hours searching the net, without finding anything close to this.


Coincidentally, not very long ago Jac was having a nice talk with Dani and Mila about future films, he happened to mention that he had an idea for a crucifixion movie set in ancient Roman times, inspired by Mila’s look in Pygmalion, particularly one promo picture where she looks like she could play Cleopatra.

The story is that of a sad Egyptian priestess that ends up nailed up to a cross. It has nice, high drama, but it needs locations like a Temple to Osiris, costumes for the priestesses, Roman soldiers, at least a Centurion and not to mention all those extras, and, of course the costume of the noble Roman woman who falls prey to the machinations of our dear and very naughty Egyptian priestess.


After Jac told them what it would take to make such a movie, they agreed with his reasoning that it would be too costly, a lot more than Dead But Dreaming, and that they would have to put some good cash to get all those Roman costumes, work the sets, the locations… all of that…

And for the purpose of this discussion, it would not be a Female Christ Movie, with the female Christ going about healing the blind, casting demons out, defying the religious leaders… all of that… to then end up crucified with two thieves, female of course, to each side… but then… something happened… that asteroid coming down and crashing into the ongoing pre-production party.


xso Wonderful news Margot!

You, Jac and your team seems to have a lot of exciting and interesting ongoing and upcoming projects!

Starting with the TV series: Will it contribute to make the ‘crux theme’ more accepted in mainstream media? (Guess you can’t answer that yet… :) )

Even more intriguing: When I read a line like ‘The Film I Can’t Discuss Yet’, curiosity increases dramatically ofc! Will be hard to wait!

Hope you can reveal more soon!

I will now follow your thread very frequently, hope other CF members do the same! :)

(PS: I hope your projects, old and new will have a broad support from the CF members. Your work is very important in order to make the female crux subject more accepted in mainstream media. Good luck!!!)

The Film I Can’t Discuss Yet (TFICDY) is getting closer and closer to be The Thing in our very near future. The Series, however, is not The Thing.

In The Series there will be two crucifixion scenes but not exactly feature length like TFICDY. One crucifixion scene will come on the second episode of the first season, while the second crucifixion will be the ending of either the second or third season. If that counts as bringing the Crux Theme to a mainstream audience, I guess that’s what it will be a possibility. But that’s not TFICDY. The Series is the second asteroid that came down crashing on the HQ of Pachamama Films

The first massive asteroid, The Film I Can’t Discuss Yet, has the potential of making an impact all over the place. The extreme violence in TFICDY would be incredibly intense. An orgy of bloody cruelty. And I bet that comment of mine will be made by some critics and I bet some will call it a Masterpiece comparable to Maleficarum, while others an affront to the universe, worse yet, Anathema!


Eulalia: I can understand Jac – I like to have two or three jobs on the go, swapping from one to another, I find I approach them more freshly, don’t get bogged down with a single set of issues. But I’m probably not so intense and driven as he is!:zplayita:

He has added a few notches to his intensity, throwing all those balls up in the air and juggling the projects without missing a beat, looking at each as it passes by his eyesight while his brain, in full storm, makes notes, adjustments, adds ideas, cuts shots… and on and on and on… total creative madness, I say.

I’m sure that very soon I will have a lot more to say about this feverish time we’re living.

In the meantime…

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Fantastic news Margot & team!

First the TV series that will make the crux theme more accepted in mainstream media, although it is only shown in 2 episodes if I understood you correctly. However, step by step, the acceptance increases. Very good news!

Then the 2:nd bomb, a possible qualified version of 'The female Christ' story' if I understood it correctly. (There is still some uncertainty?) That's really glorious news if that is what you are trying to realise. It might be a little bit controversial to some people ofc. The possibility of a female / alternative JC is however discussed more openly as each year passes by according to my non scientific analysis.

I am full of admiration that you are considering to try and realise such an amazing project.

As some CF members might know, a female version of the passion story is my absolute favourite theme, so I personally hope that this project will become a reality and a big success for you!!!

So from my point of you, I strongly urge as many CF members as possible to support this project! Please make it happen, it sounds to me like it would be a milestone in the development of the female Christ / female crux theme if it can be realised! It would be a pity if it cannot happen due to poor initial funding. Margot, how do we support this project? :) (Sorry for being so eager!)

PS: Do not forget to support also CF, it is after all the foundation for us 'cruxers', which we all depend upon!!!!!
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Although in most of our movies beautiful females suffer the pains and agony of the crucifixion, we never made a Big Production Values movie with the very specific Female Christ Theme… And by that I mean a movie set in Roman Empire times, with all the costumes, the locations, the props to make it work, and based on the actual story of The Christ. Anathema!
I am one of those people who have long imagined a movie with this theme. And although not everyone here has a female Christ kink, religious imagery was the gateway for a great many of us into crux. For that reason, it feels that we are approaching holy ground with this project!
The Horrors of the Crucifixion


For the looks of it, the asteroids that hit our HQ have an effect beyond our walls. No small accomplishment for the likes of them. After all, they, the asteroids, shook the placid but very engaged progress of our already filled almanac. Am I making sense?

Suddenly, like it happened years ago with Maleficarum, the unplanned, unexpected and with a very favorite theme in Jac’s heart, The Horrors of The Inquisition, a new film takes center stage and begins climbing up, very fast, in the list of priorities and this time, another of Jac’s favorite themes, the number one, the one that gave birth to Red Feline PicturesThe Horrors of the Crucifixion.


Like I mentioned a million times before, back then, in 2010, Amy and Jac were busy preparing to produce two films, Barbazul and a film titled Dolores’ Cage, or something like that, when a proposal fell on their lap, a film about the inquisition and came with some cash attached to it. Dolores’ Cage was put on a shelf. Barbazul was already in full steam.

So, between November 2010 and March 2011 we produced THREE films back to back. Maleficarum, Barbazul and Le Marquis de la Croix, the latter one because we had a great location, a great couple of performers, Mila and Jac, and some extra cash from the theatrical release of Sirwiñakuy, Amy’s directorial debut that was on the big screen for months.


There’s an irony to all this. The film Dolores’ Cage went through changes in its title and intentions. From Dolores’ Cage, it went to Casa de Fieras, and now it became part of 69 Année Érotique, one of the films in pre production and the first in the list of priorities like Barbazul was back in the day, in other words 69 Année Érotique is all set to start production.

So, we find ourselves in a similar spot, which is very exciting, to say the least. The new, unexpected, big project I’m talking about is The Female Christ story, of course, and the one causing us to go nuts and the one getting some growing attention.

xso: Fantastic news Margot & team!

First the TV series that will make the crux theme more accepted in mainstream media, although it is only shown in 2 episodes if I understood you correctly. However, step by step, the acceptance increases. Very good news!

The TV series is very complex, the plan is to have at least three seasons that cover a lot of material and in different times of history, and having torture and mayhem in a mainstream visual work is not new to us. We had torture of pretty females in The Man From The Moon, the TV miniseries where Camille had her acting first steps. And this time, apart from some girls suffering torture, there will be two, count them, two crucifixions.


xso Then the 2:nd bomb, a possible qualified version of ‘The female Christ’ story’ if I understood it correctly. (There is still some uncertainty?) That’s really glorious news if that is what you are trying to realise. It might be a little bit controversial to some people ofc. The possibility of a female / alternative JC is however discussed more openly as each year passes by according to my non scientific analysis.
I am full of admiration that you are considering to try and realise such an amazing project.

Every project carries a level of uncertainty with it. It can only be certain when everything is in place, the funding, the cast, the crew, the locations, the props… everything. In the case of this new project, The Female Christ Theme movie with a name I cannot mention… yet, a lot depends on what happens in the next days, or weeks, or even… months.


xso As some CF members might know, a female version of the passion story is my absolute favourite theme, so I personally hope that this project will become a reality and a big success for you!!!

So from my point of you, I strongly urge as many CF members as possible to support this project! Please make it happen, it sounds to me like it would be a milestone in the development of the female Christ / female crux theme if it can be realised! It would be a pity if it cannot happen due to poor initial funding. Margot, how do we support this project? (Sorry for being so eager!)
PS: Do not forget to support also CF, it is after all the foundation for us ‘cruxers’, which we all depend upon!!!!!

In the next few days some critical things will be happening.

Jac will have a discussion with the possible actresses for the main roles, that of the crucified female Christ and her two companions, he will explain in some detail what will be demanded of them. Something like:

How would you feel being scourged, viciously, then taken to be exposed all bloody and naked to a bunch of people, then made to pick up your patibulum and force to walk, carrying that heavy wood on your shoulders, with people jeering at you, maybe throwing things at you, and a torturer or two flogging you to make you walk faster and then, after you reach your destination, to be nailed to the patibulum… to then begin your torture… With an emphasis on ‘in front of lots of people’


During that critical discussion, a lot of details of the how, when, what… of the production will be put on the table, and if all goes well, they will come to positive agreements, a timetable will be set to have a script and a pre production plan, they will schedule the making of a pitch video to then begin a campaign to raise some of the funds we’ll need to make this film a reality, which means, the project will then be more certain. All of this will happen this coming week, the last week of July, although I still feel like it is February.


Iconoclast12 Margot said: Although in most of our movies beautiful females suffer the pains and agony of the crucifixion, we never made a Big Production Values movie with the very specific Female Christ Theme… And by that I mean a movie set in Roman Empire times, with all the costumes, the locations, the props to make it work, and based on the actual story of The Christ. Anathema!

I am one of those people who have long imagined a movie with this theme. And although not everyone here has a female Christ kink, religious imagery was the gateway for a great many of us into crux. For that reason, it feels that we are approaching holy ground with this project!

Our experience the last two decades of making these movies, where, in most cases, beautiful females suffer the pains and agonies of the crucifixion, is full of surprises. When we first launch Red Feline On The Cross we didn’t know what to expect and ended up creating a mini industry and a large, loyal, following, and here we are, 20 something years later, discussing a Female Christ scenario for a new film and the offer of some good cash to make it happen… that is if we raise enough to make it THE WAY IT HAS TO BE MADE!

Someone could say that we already made such a film, big and small, like the Via Crucis of Camille videos, or the Big Production values film Martyr, or even Justine. As a matter of fact, Erix said exactly that to Jac when he was describing the idea to him.

Erix: But you already made that movie, didn’t you?
Jac: It is not exactly that film. I didn’t make The Christ story with a female in the place of Jesus… like, what if Jesus had been a woman instead of a man kind of speculative movie.


So, that’s where we are today, on the verge of launching a new project with the Female Christ Theme, ready to begin production of 69 Année Érotique, preparing the theatrical release of Pygmalion, … and much, much more.

Before we begin the campaign for the new film you can help by watching our exciting movies!


Awesome post Margot! It is great to hear about the possibility of an awesome big production female Christ type movie.

When I discovered you guys for the first time on the GIMP forum back in 2015, I was not a CRUX fan, but watching all your red feline and feature films got me hooked into the genre. Red Feline on the Cross and Martyr made me fall in love with Camille and the crux theme. I seem to enjoy the movies that have financial backup from fans to be your best films That I enjoy watching over and over. Maleficarum, your first fan supported film is still my most favorite film of yours and the best Inquisition film ever. Even though it had no crux scenes, I enjoyed it. Dead but Dreaming is a good film, but not the best compared to the other fan supported films in my opinion.

I myself supported Justine financially and enjoyed it as a film, but found the crux scene at the end lacking. This disappointed me as I was a major backer for the crux scene, but enjoyed the other scenes I had backed for with major backing. I understand that it was cut short for reasons, but I wish it could have been edited a little bit longer on screen with the whole process.

At this point, I had lost interest when Amy left. for the US I however found renewed interest and picked up Monxa Mala last month and really enjoyed the film. It is still not as good as the 1st Maleficarum film, but a great film for me none the less. It also had an awesome Passion Play scene at the end which makes up for the short one in Justine which I mentioned that it was lacking.

I can't wait to hear more news about the Female Christ movie. I would love to support the new movie financially with a pre buy. Covid still makes it tough to spend money these days. Good Luck with your 2 new films in production.
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The Horrors of the Crucifixion


For the looks of it, the asteroids that hit our HQ have an effect beyond our walls. No small accomplishment for the likes of them. After all, they, the asteroids, shook the placid but very engaged progress of our already filled almanac. Am I making sense?

Suddenly, like it happened years ago with Maleficarum, the unplanned, unexpected and with a very favorite theme in Jac’s heart, The Horrors of The Inquisition, a new film takes center stage and begins climbing up, very fast, in the list of priorities and this time, another of Jac’s favorite themes, the number one, the one that gave birth to Red Feline PicturesThe Horrors of the Crucifixion.


Like I mentioned a million times before, back then, in 2010, Amy and Jac were busy preparing to produce two films, Barbazul and a film titled Dolores’ Cage, or something like that, when a proposal fell on their lap, a film about the inquisition and came with some cash attached to it. Dolores’ Cage was put on a shelf. Barbazul was already in full steam.

So, between November 2010 and March 2011 we produced THREE films back to back. Maleficarum, Barbazul and Le Marquis de la Croix, the latter one because we had a great location, a great couple of performers, Mila and Jac, and some extra cash from the theatrical release of Sirwiñakuy, Amy’s directorial debut that was on the big screen for months.


There’s an irony to all this. The film Dolores’ Cage went through changes in its title and intentions. From Dolores’ Cage, it went to Casa de Fieras, and now it became part of 69 Année Érotique, one of the films in pre production and the first in the list of priorities like Barbazul was back in the day, in other words 69 Année Érotique is all set to start production.

So, we find ourselves in a similar spot, which is very exciting, to say the least. The new, unexpected, big project I’m talking about is The Female Christ story, of course, and the one causing us to go nuts and the one getting some growing attention.

The TV series is very complex, the plan is to have at least three seasons that cover a lot of material and in different times of history, and having torture and mayhem in a mainstream visual work is not new to us. We had torture of pretty females in The Man From The Moon, the TV miniseries where Camille had her acting first steps. And this time, apart from some girls suffering torture, there will be two, count them, two crucifixions.


Every project carries a level of uncertainty with it. It can only be certain when everything is in place, the funding, the cast, the crew, the locations, the props… everything. In the case of this new project, The Female Christ Theme movie with a name I cannot mention… yet, a lot depends on what happens in the next days, or weeks, or even… months.


In the next few days some critical things will be happening.

Jac will have a discussion with the possible actresses for the main roles, that of the crucified female Christ and her two companions, he will explain in some detail what will be demanded of them. Something like:

How would you feel being scourged, viciously, then taken to be exposed all bloody and naked to a bunch of people, then made to pick up your patibulum and force to walk, carrying that heavy wood on your shoulders, with people jeering at you, maybe throwing things at you, and a torturer or two flogging you to make you walk faster and then, after you reach your destination, to be nailed to the patibulum… to then begin your torture… With an emphasis on ‘in front of lots of people’


During that critical discussion, a lot of details of the how, when, what… of the production will be put on the table, and if all goes well, they will come to positive agreements, a timetable will be set to have a script and a pre production plan, they will schedule the making of a pitch video to then begin a campaign to raise some of the funds we’ll need to make this film a reality, which means, the project will then be more certain. All of this will happen this coming week, the last week of July, although I still feel like it is February.


Our experience the last two decades of making these movies, where, in most cases, beautiful females suffer the pains and agonies of the crucifixion, is full of surprises. When we first launch Red Feline On The Cross we didn’t know what to expect and ended up creating a mini industry and a large, loyal, following, and here we are, 20 something years later, discussing a Female Christ scenario for a new film and the offer of some good cash to make it happen… that is if we raise enough to make it THE WAY IT HAS TO BE MADE!

Someone could say that we already made such a film, big and small, like the Via Crucis of Camille videos, or the Big Production values film Martyr, or even Justine. As a matter of fact, Erix said exactly that to Jac when he was describing the idea to him.

Erix: But you already made that movie, didn’t you?
Jac: It is not exactly that film. I didn’t make The Christ story with a female in the place of Jesus… like, what if Jesus had been a woman instead of a man kind of speculative movie.


So, that’s where we are today, on the verge of launching a new project with the Female Christ Theme, ready to begin production of 69 Année Érotique, preparing the theatrical release of Pygmalion, … and much, much more.

Before we begin the campaign for the new film you can help by watching our exciting movies!



Thanks for the lovely update Margot!!!

My hopes to finally be able to enjoy a qualified Female Christ film increases to the boiling point with each new post you make! :)

As I see it this is a very rare opportunity to make this subject more accepted in general. It will happen eventually, but why not make it happen now instead of in 5 - 10 years!

If you for instance google the subject 'Feminist theology', just as an example, you can find that the discussion of a gender swapped JC is getting some momentum and acceptance. It sounds like this project could contribute to that idea and the acceptance of female crux in general.

In addition to that this film will hopefully give us female crux lovers a formidable experience watching the final product! :) I am confident that you have the capability to make this to something very special! Hopefully it includes the most important classical scenes like arrest, trial, whipping, via crucis and finally a loooong Golgotha scene + a story and a message! All done 'your style' ofc and with some exciting twists! Now I am dreaming......hope that is ok.......... :)

Seriously, and this is my personal view ofc, I feel that this is an opportunity not to be missed!!!

It would be a pity if it was not realised due to poor initial funding!!

So, my opinion, please try and support this project, check your (big :) ) piggy banks! Let's hope that the funding site is operational soon!

Also, do not forget to support crux forums, our common home!

Once more, I wish you success with this and your other projects!!!
How would you feel being scourged, viciously, then taken to be exposed all bloody and naked to a bunch of people, then made to pick up your patibulum and force to walk, carrying that heavy wood on your shoulders, with people jeering at you, maybe throwing things at you, and a torturer or two flogging you to make you walk faster and then, after you reach your destination, to be nailed to the patibulum… to then begin your torture… With an emphasis on ‘in front of lots of people’
You summed it up perfectly! So excited for this!
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