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News From Margot

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Via Crucis of Seditiosa


As of this moment we have reached 6% of our goal in our IndieGoGo campaign for Seditiosa, mostly from 6 registered backers. I cannot say that it is encouraging, but it’s not disappointing either unless it gets stuck there forever. What I can say is that we have enough cash to hire the make-up artist and buy the make-up supplies. Maybe there will be something left to feed some of the cast and crew for a couple of days and that is it.

It is very revealing to us the stats we get from IndieGoGo, they tell a sad story about the sources of where the backers are coming from. The stats also tell us that we have a couple of very strong supporters, to whom we feel we have a commitment to make this movie happen.


While we wait holding our breath for some better news, The Foursome got together, not at the same time, for some discussions, fun and games and most importantly, to record something akin to a rehearsal for Seditiosa.

Jac wanted to try a bit of dialogue within a context.


The idea was for each of our protagonists to pick up their patibulums and say something during the process of doing it. The bits of dialogue, taken from the script, are from a conversation the three have after their terrible scourging and before they are sent to their doom. The exchange takes place in the dungeon, but Jac wanted them to say their lines as they are getting ready to march to the cross.

The first to say her lines is Magdalena, played by our great leading lady Mila Joya. Her line says:

Magdalena: The Cross? Not for my sister and Yahel, haven’t they been punished enough? I alone killed the Roman, crucify me!


Magdalena walks off and Judith, played by none other than the long suffering Dani, walks in to get her patibulum, she responds to Magdalena’s plea.

Judith: [/b]Be quiet sister, they don’t care about that, they want us crucified to instill fear.


After picking up her patibulum, Judith walks off frame as Yahel enters, she has suffered more than the others, she has more difficulty walking in, but with great resolve says her words of solidarity:

Yahel: You won’t be alone in your suffering, we will be with you and you will be with us.


And off Yahel goes to join the others on the long Via Crucis to the skull hill to be crucified.

The intention of the rehearsal was to put the actresses in touch with their characters within some context. I think it came out very interesting.

Mila and Dani shot their parts Thursday afternoon, Simonne did it that evening.

Simonne had less clothes on because she first worked on a scene for 69 Année Érotique that involved her being suspended from the ceiling to be whipped mercilessly.


Jac decided to do some more intense work with Simonne because he wanted for her to get into the work with ease. She hasn’t work with Jac since Monxa Mala, a while ago and under different circumstances, unlike Dani and Mila who made a good number of movies after that bloody film where 6 women suffer torture and four of them end up crucified.

Simonne walked into the set ready to go through whatever Jac had in mind for her. In 69 Année Érotique, her character, Mina, suffers a bit at the hands of Mr Hyde. In the rehearsal she was put through one scripted scene where she’s stripped and whipped and in a possible scene where she’s suspended from the ceiling and whipped more.


The rehearsals that Thursday afternoon had another purpose. Not long before, Jac set up hooks and chains up in the ceiling, where before there was a post used in all those films where Dani, Mila, Simonne, Bea, Katherine were whipped and crucified … a lot.

The old dungeon went back to be Jac’s and the cats bedroom and to be used as one of the sets for 69 Année Érotique. It is now Dr Jekyll’s bedroom, and where Mr Hyde does his shenanigans.

Jac wanted to try his arrangements to see if those hooks and chains would hold the three women who are going to be suspended and whipped at that spot in that movie and maybe many others.


So, Dani and Mila were suspended and Jac’s set up worked.

When Simonne climbed on the stool to get her wrists attached to the hanging chains, Jac was confident that she would be safe and her body would not fall to the ground after he removed the stool.

Simonne was uncomfortable, in pain, in distress, her arms were killing her, but she was safe.


Jac also worked with a new actress, Geraldine, who is going to play a small role in 69 Année Érotique where she’s stripped. It was the very first time for her to work in front of a camera and to be stripped while doing it. She was great. She might have a good role in Seditiosa as well but that’s part of another story for later.

We really hope things will get better in our campaign to raise funds for Seditiosa. We want the movie to be fantastic and we want and need for others to be part of it.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

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Via Crucis of Seditiosa


As of this moment we have reached 6% of our goal in our IndieGoGo campaign for Seditiosa, mostly from 6 registered backers. I cannot say that it is encouraging, but it’s not disappointing either unless it gets stuck there forever. What I can say is that we have enough cash to hire the make-up artist and buy the make-up supplies. Maybe there will be something left to feed some of the cast and crew for a couple of days and that is it.

It is very revealing to us the stats we get from IndieGoGo, they tell a sad story about the sources of where the backers are coming from. The stats also tell us that we have a couple of very strong supporters, to whom we feel we have a commitment to make this movie happen.


While we wait holding our breath for some better news, The Foursome got together, not at the same time, for some discussions, fun and games and most importantly, to record something akin to a rehearsal for Seditiosa.

Jac wanted to try a bit of dialogue within a context.


The idea was for each of our protagonists to pick up their patibulums and say something during the process of doing it. The bits of dialogue, taken from the script, are from a conversation the three have after their terrible scourging and before they are sent to their doom. The exchange takes place in the dungeon, but Jac wanted them to say their lines as they are getting ready to march to the cross.

The first to say her lines is Magdalena, played by our great leading lady Mila Joya. Her line says:

Magdalena: The Cross? Not for my sister and Yahel, haven’t they been punished enough? I alone killed the Roman, crucify me!


Magdalena walks off and Judith, played by none other than the long suffering Dani, walks in to get her patibulum, she responds to Magdalena’s plea.

Judith: [/b]Be quiet sister, they don’t care about that, they want us crucified to instill fear.


After picking up her patibulum, Judith walks off frame as Yahel enters, she has suffered more than the others, she has more difficulty walking in, but with great resolve says her words of solidarity:

Yahel: You won’t be alone in your suffering, we will be with you and you will be with us.


And off Yahel goes to join the others on the long Via Crucis to the skull hill to be crucified.

The intention of the rehearsal was to put the actresses in touch with their characters within some context. I think it came out very interesting.

Mila and Dani shot their parts Thursday afternoon, Simonne did it that evening.

Simonne had less clothes on because she first worked on a scene for 69 Année Érotique that involved her being suspended from the ceiling to be whipped mercilessly.


Jac decided to do some more intense work with Simonne because he wanted for her to get into the work with ease. She hasn’t work with Jac since Monxa Mala, a while ago and under different circumstances, unlike Dani and Mila who made a good number of movies after that bloody film where 6 women suffer torture and four of them end up crucified.

Simonne walked into the set ready to go through whatever Jac had in mind for her. In 69 Année Érotique, her character, Mina, suffers a bit at the hands of Mr Hyde. In the rehearsal she was put through one scripted scene where she’s stripped and whipped and in a possible scene where she’s suspended from the ceiling and whipped more.


The rehearsals that Thursday afternoon had another purpose. Not long before, Jac set up hooks and chains up in the ceiling, where before there was a post used in all those films where Dani, Mila, Simonne, Bea, Katherine were whipped and crucified … a lot.

The old dungeon went back to be Jac’s and the cats bedroom and to be used as one of the sets for 69 Année Érotique. It is now Dr Jekyll’s bedroom, and where Mr Hyde does his shenanigans.

Jac wanted to try his arrangements to see if those hooks and chains would hold the three women who are going to be suspended and whipped at that spot in that movie and maybe many others.


So, Dani and Mila were suspended and Jac’s set up worked.

When Simonne climbed on the stool to get her wrists attached to the hanging chains, Jac was confident that she would be safe and her body would not fall to the ground after he removed the stool.

Simonne was uncomfortable, in pain, in distress, her arms were killing her, but she was safe.


Jac also worked with a new actress, Geraldine, who is going to play a small role in 69 Année Érotique where she’s stripped. It was the very first time for her to work in front of a camera and to be stripped while doing it. She was great. She might have a good role in Seditiosa as well but that’s part of another story for later.

We really hope things will get better in our campaign to raise funds for Seditiosa. We want the movie to be fantastic and we want and need for others to be part of it.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon Here:

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First of all, thank you for your fantastic commitment! You are doing a great job with limited resources! :)

Fellow CF:ers: This movie, Seditiosa, ought to be of great interest to many CF:ers! Make it happen, show some support! Even 10$ is better than 0$. So far, the support is not good enough. It might be a very long time before a similar film is made, we need to make it possible now!

Struggling Up The Hill


We went up 1% yesterday, October 15, so we are at 7% of our goal. It means that in the next 52 days we have to climb 0.5555% every day. That’s $442 per day. Doable? I don’t think so.

If we get to 10% before the end of next week it will be a nice surprise, but the way people are responding, it will take a miracle worthy of St Paul seeing the light on the road to Damascus. In other words, unless something grandiose shakes the undecided… I don’t see it happening. Sad, indeed.

Jac is concentrating on 69 Année Érotique, a film that only requires a few beautiful ladies having some fun wearing their own clothes, taking them off and fixing their hair in different ways.

He promised his cast and crew that he will have the scheduling for the film by the middle of next week and so he will not have meetings, nor will he whip his actresses, or edit films… nothing but the scheduling for the new movie until he’s done.


I don’t think I’ll have news about Seditiosa except if something interesting happens with our campaign, but our supporters will get good or bad news and updates on the progress of the work at Patreon and our website.

The general feeling at HQ, right now, is to accept the obvious, that we will not have patrons at Patreon except for those wonderful 5. We must also accept that there’s little interest, except for the extremely few, in the forums where I post lengthy updates with huge pictures of beautiful ladies in all sorts of distress, even at the GIMP Forum, the one we are actually financing and keeping alive. Que será, será.

I feel like limiting my efforts in those places and put more of my and our time into our work and websites, including Patreon.


Someone at Patreon commented after watching the little rehearsal video we uploaded.

wanttoknowmore: Also, I hope the actual crossbeam will be a bit more substantial. I doubt a true Roman one would be a simple small log.

We responded:

The cross beams will be built according to the design of the crosses, that’s part of the needed funds. The logs we’re using in the teaser and previous films are left overs from different productions like Le Marquis De La Croix, Justine, and other films. They are relics and maybe we will set them up in a museum dedicated to our films with all the props we accumulated through the years.

When we begin the process of making the costumes and building the props we will show pictures of the progress like we did in Maleficarum and Justine. We built a nice cross for Olalla, and it is now part of the Chapel where we filmed that nice film. It is part of the yearly celebrations at that location. We will talk more about this in future posts.


We’re very grateful for the enthusiasm and support of those extremely few who are supporting the project. We are committed to the make a great and unique film and we would like for more people to get involved, and for what is worth, we’ll keep on asking but without the nice elaborate posts I tend to share everywhere.

If 1000 people pre-buy the DVD for 30 bucks or the download for 25… we have the funds! If one person puts 25,000 on the table… we have the funds! It’s that easy.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

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Dear CF'ers, I understand that not everyone has an abounding amount of funds to offer. As for myself, I am financially committed to making this film happen, but I would rather not do it alone. We need to multiply our forces. For that reason, I'd like to propose a deal with you.

Send a contribution to the Indiegogo, message me on CF, and I will match the amount you gave. So if you give $10, you'll effectively be giving $20- if $30, $60, and so on so forth. I hope that can be away to make contributing more financially viable for you, while still allowing us to tap into the excellent number of people we have on this forum. Every little bit helps to make this film of the century!
Dear CF'ers, I understand that not everyone has an abounding amount of funds to offer. As for myself, I am financially committed to making this film happen, but I would rather not do it alone. For that reason, I'd like to propose a deal with you.

Send a contribution to the Indiegogo, message me on CF, and I will match the amount you gave. So if you give $10, you'll effectively be giving $20- if $30, $60, and so on so forth. I hope that can be away to make contributing more financially viable for you, while still allowing us to tap into the excellent number of people we have on this forum. Every little bit helps to make this film of the century!
Well-spoken IC!!! I will follow your example. If you report to me that someone has contributed with for example 10$ i will add 10$, meaning that a 10 $ contribution from a CF:er will mean 30 $ in support for this unique film project! Let's Suprise and support Margot! and team! :)
I am interested as to why there has been such a low reponse to the fundraising effort, even to the level of just pre-ordering the download or DVD.

Is it the female Christ theme versus a staright Roman crux film?

Is the economy that bad that a $25 pre-order is out of the question?

Is there apprehension that the film will be made, made on time, or modified from what is being presented?

Something else?

Would love to hear back from folks. Maybe we can get the concerns addressed and move forward.
By my calculations, they've raised $1,750 so far, which isn't bad going, but they still need $23,750, and it would be very nice to see this film produced.
By my calculations, they've raised $1,750 so far, which isn't bad going, but they still need $23,750, and it would be very nice to see this film produced.
We definitely have a decent foundation! But it's only a small number of people contributing to that $1,750; that base of people needs to expand.

I truly believe we can get there! And witness an incredible outdoor Golgotha scene- three beautiful, naked women suffering in the presence of a large crowd, with compelling dialogue.
By my calculations, they've raised $1,750 so far, which isn't bad going, but they still need $23,750, and it would be very nice to see this film produced.

Today we jumped to 8% of our goal, we have 2,057 to be exact and 52 days to raise the rest.

I am interested as to why there has been such a low reponse to the fundraising effort, even to the level of just pre-ordering the download or DVD.

Is it the female Christ theme versus a staright Roman crux film?

I don't think that is a problem unless people have some religious issue with it. Maybe some people could find the subject offensive, a mockery of Jesus. The film will deal with the subject with taste and respect for religious sensitivities; however, the main characters, Yahel, Judith and Magdalena do question the authorities of the time, are rebellious and do not see the Roman empire with fondness, and Yahel's teachings dwell a lot on the feminine of the divine. She does not refer to the almighty as Father, she calls her Mother, instead, that is an issue that makes the patriarchal leaders really mad. Some would like to drag her and stone her to death right away, but the head wants something far more instructive for the masses, Yahel's death on the cross.

Is the economy that bad that a $25 pre-order is out of the question?

Our records show, with certainty, that the economy is having an effect in general. We have an average of monthly sales which is consistent year after year, taking into account new releases, lack of releases, low months, high months. Well, there has been a steady decline in the average sales this year by 40%. We can only assume that it is the economy.

Is there apprehension that the film will be made, made on time, or modified from what is being presented?

The film will be made. Although we have not reached 10% of our goal yet, we feel that we will pass that minimum to make us greenlight the project, and by that I mean to start working on practical elements like building props and making and or buying costumes. We have a bit over 2,000 of our goal now, which means that we can cover some of those expenses. We have some funds set aside which we will be using as well. In addition, we will be releasing some new movies, which brings in more cash.

It doesn't mean that we don't need support, we do. If we don't sell our films and if we don't raise funds, we can go broke and we would not be able to pay the salaries to our cast and crew. The cast is on a payroll basis, the principal cast, that is, on a weekly basis. They are in for the ride.

Once the script is completed, it will be 'closed', it means no changes will be made and all the work will be done to make the film as the script demands.

The basic story line is as it's been described. Yahel and her disciples go about healing people, Yahel teaches her companions about life. They become involved in a conflict that results in their arrest. They are scourged, condemned to die on the cross, they carry their patibulums, they are nailed to them, raised to their crosses and left to agonize and die in front of many people. Which is basically the story of the gospels.

Something else?

Would love to hear back from folks. Maybe we can get the concerns addressed and move forward.

We would love to find out what is making people hesitant. 25 for a Download of such a magnificent movie is not too much. Is it?. As a matter of fact, I heard from people up high in the business that because of the economic crisis and the fluctuations in the exchange rate with the Euro and Pound, the prices of the downloads and DVDs will go higher beginning next month.

When we first started this, with Red Feline On The Cross, the cost of the VHS tape was 70 dollars and it sold well.

Just saying.

I definitely wonder this!
Nah. It's just the economy. This (CF) is the home of the Christ as female theme. There would be no person here who has a problem with that. But there are people suffering for lack of money, job redundancies, disease, climate change and war. I believe we can make the goal with time. But this is a tough time the world is going through right now. But that is all the more reason why us here on CF need this film. Crucifixion is part of our souls. It is part of us and what makes us who we are. And this film could really make a difference out there too. Of Jesus films, we have had the traditional versions, the comedy, the Black male version, the womanizer version, the extreme gore version but never the female version. It could be an enlightenment threshold for religious attitudes in the world. I have pre-ordered the download already and will pre-order the DVD later. I will try to give more if I can. Meantime some hope and optimism will do more for this goal than despair. We can do this.
Thanks for this wonderful comment! English is not my native language, but I found your words beautiful and touching!

"Crucifixion is part of our souls. It is part of us and what makes us who we are. And this film could really make a difference out there too."

Thanks for the optimism! I will make an extra contribution this evening. Hope others will follow my example! (Ok, you don't have to wait until the evening.....)

Nah. It's just the economy. This (CF) is the home of the Christ as female theme. There would be no person here who has a problem with that. But there are people suffering for lack of money, job redundancies, disease, climate change and war. I believe we can make the goal with time. But this is a tough time the world is going through right now. But that is all the more reason why us here on CF need this film. Crucifixion is part of our souls. It is part of us and what makes us who we are. And this film could really make a difference out there too. Of Jesus films, we have had the traditional versions, the comedy, the Black male version, the womanizer version, the extreme gore version but never the female version. It could be an enlightenment threshold for religious attitudes in the world. I have pre-ordered the download already and will pre-order the DVD later. I will try to give more if I can. Meantime some hope and optimism will do more for this goal than despair. We can do this.
I get the economy slant regarding large contributions, but the low amount of pre-order levels for the download or DVD ($25, $35) suggests something else. As Margot said, if we get 1000 pre-orders, we will reach the target. How eceryone on this site will re-consider the pre-order option and help get this made.
Maybe ....Is Simonne underage? selling or buying movies with minors (in a quasi-porn context) is a crime in EUROPE !
In case this helps anyone, Margot has confirmed some things for me that help me feel good about the direction of the Seditiosa film:

1. The women will be completely naked on their crosses. They may have loincloths part of the time, but they will end up nude.
2. They won't appear to be standing on anything or sitting on anything when they are crucified, but rather hanging from the nails.
3. One of them will suffer with a cornu penetrating her body (!!)

This sounds amazing!

Also, I don't know if others have been concerned with the anonymity of contributions to IndieGoGo, as I have. If so, the IGG process sounds like it can be anonymous, and I may also try buying a prepaid "gift card" to use for payment, so that it won't be linked to my credit card number. Ideas, in case any of these concerns are holding people back.
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