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News From Margot

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Yahel is the biblical Jael who hammered a tent-peg through the head of the Canaanite commander Sisera when he was sleeping off the drink she'd plied him with (Judges chapters 4-5). In Hebrew, the word apparently means a mountain goat, which I think is rather a nice name for a feisty young woman. Not that any of that matters, it's a good name. Maleficarum was just right, at least it rings a bell for anyone who knows of the Malleus Maleficarum - though literally it's genitive plural, 'of witches', MM is 'The Hammer of Witches'.
The Coming Storm


Sometime ago Jac shot a music video for Erix. Lots of green screen work because the character in the clip does a number of things and the background behind her changes a lot, long story. Jac is also working on the editing of that clip and he captured a couple of shots of Simonne, who plays the girl in the clip, and added some background pictures from the series Rome, which I shared with him, and created a weird image using the name of the main character in Seditiosa. The result:


After the amazing sight of those halos around the sun, people began to wait for the coming storm… because it is said that when those halos form around the sun it means a storm is building up… and yet… no storm!

And the same is happening at our HQ, we’re expecting the big storm and it’s not showing up, but as we wait, we know that a lot is happening behind the scenes, behind the big skull… right in the center of those brain cells that keep pumping up ideas and imagining scenes.


Jac got physical again, there were no meetings the week that is ending, a couple of those scheduled meetings were postponed because of various reasons. The main cast of those two movies in pre production had some things to do outside the work and Jac needs to organize too many things, so it was fine to cancel meeting and get physical, at times, drilling holes with a drill bit that is meant for metal, not cement… but I don’t really know how that works, moving all those books, tapes, and all those big and little things that belong on the shelfs, and more.

The set for 69 Année Érotique is almost done, a bit more decorative details and it will all be ready to start the production of A Bizzarre And Quite Erotic Version of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Jac is preparing the scheduling, which is, in itself, time consuming.


Eulalia: Yahel is the biblical Jael who hammered a tent-peg through the head of the Canaanite commander Sisera when he was sleeping off the drink she’d plied him with (Judges chapters 4-5). In Hebrew, the word apparently means a mountain goat, which I think is rather a nice name for a feisty young woman. Not that any of that matters, it’s a good name. Maleficarum was just right, at least it rings a bell for anyone who knows of the Malleus Maleficarum – though literally it’s genitive plural, ‘of witches’, MM is ‘The Hammer of Witches’.

Yah means God, as in Yah, Yahel means Power of God, but Yael has also a couple of other different meanings. Jac loved the name Yael when he first came across it and decided to name the main character in the female christ movie, Yahel.


In Maleficarum, the inquisitor, with his last breath, whispers out Maleficarum! before dying, while pointing with a shaky hand at the two women he had tortured and executed. For the inquisitor, both Marianne and Francisca are witches.


Eulalia: Thinking about the setting – I think a lot of portrayals of the life and crucifixion of Christ tend to overdo the ‘Roman’ aspect. While Jerusalem of course had the Temple, and some grand public buildings, most of the ordinary dwellings even in the city would have been quite simple brick or even adobe type buildings, and in the villages and small towns of Galilee even more so. I think older parts of some towns and villages in your part of the world, Margot, would have the same ‘atmosphere’ – which, as you’ve said, is more important than historical accuracy.

Indeed. I’m watching the series Rome, an oldie from HBO, and I’m getting screen shots when I find some interesting costumes and even locations that are in some ways similar to places we know. There’s an episode set in Egypt, where you can see one reed boat, ONE… and we have hundreds of those at the TitiKaka lake. So now we will have a scene with a boat like that. The lake is a lot bigger than the sea of Galilee and even bigger than the Red Sea… and the reeds at the lake beaches are very much like what you see in biblical settings, like where Moses was found or Cleopatra’s young competitor was drowned.


I’m also looking for costumes, particularly for women and what I see on the big TV screen looks great and simple at the same time. Some costumes are easy to make, easier, a lot easier, than what Amy did for Maleficarum.

And it doesn’t look like finding the right materials will be too hard, in some cases, we might have them. We have tons of materials for costumes.

But for the Roman soldiers, centurion and all those characters that wear very particular costumes, we will have some difficulties. It will cost a lot more to make a Roman soldier uniform, sword and helmet included than what it costs to make a sexy dress, or a simple tunic.


Later on we will be discussing the possible title change at Patreon.

We are still have a SALE!
20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

It will end Tomorrow Sunday!

Join us in making Seditiosa possible, become a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!

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Yah means God, as in Yah, Yahel means Power of God,
Oh yes - in fact that would be a combination of the two Divine Names, translated 'God' and 'Lord' in most English Bibles. But I still like the mountain goat idea! :)
But for the Roman soldiers, centurion and all those characters that wear very particular costumes, we will have some difficulties. It will cost a lot more to make a Roman soldier uniform, sword and helmet included than what it costs to make a sexy dress, or a simple tunic.
Again, Roman soldiers on the grim duty of supervising a crucifixion wouldn't have worn full-dress uniform, just 'fatigues'. A lot of portrayals dress them up much more than necessary.
Crucify Me!


We posted a bit of the arguments about the possible change of title for the Female Christ movie at Patreon. It’s a discussion we might as well spread around a bit.

Here it goes.

There’s a movie by Pedro Almodovar that has a suggestive poster and title. The title of the film is Átame! which was translated as Tie Me Up Tie Me down.


There is a scene in Martyr or The Death oF St Eulalia where Camille asks Tadeusz:

Camille: You want to put me on a cross?
Tadeusz: I didn’t mean that
Why not? Crucify me!


Like Martyr, or Atame!, a suggestive title works very well.

In the miniseries that Jac did with Carmen aka Camille in the early 90’s. Genevieve, the character Carmen plays, is sitting at a table smoking a cigarette and thinking. On the wall behind her there’s poster of the Spielberg’s movie Hook, above the title there’s a caption that reads What if Peter Pan Grew Up?

That’s the premise for that movie. The premise for Seditiosa is What if Jesus had been a woman?

We are playing for possible titles if we want to change the current one. Some people like Seditiosa, some people liked Yahel The Nazarene, it could also be Yahel A Nazarene, or we could go out there with something like Crucify Me! or Crucified or Yahel The Crucified.

None of the possible titles listed here are above Seditiosa, at least not for now. But it is possible that whatever title is chosen, the premise could go above or below the title, like in Justine.


A dramatic title could be Yahel The Chosen One, or Yahel The Anointed.

One possible title would be simply YAHEL with the phrase under the title What If Christ Had Been A Woman?


However, Jac had a frank conversation with Erix, who has no particular leaning to the subject of crucifixion and the like, he grew up a New Yorker with no religious teachings, and his likes and dislikes are not of the common denominator in these parts. They were discussing the pitch and Jac brought up the title.

In Erix opinion, Seditiosa is a more engaging title, Yahel does not mean anything to him. That’s his opinion.

Yahel has meaning to Jac and the meaning grows by the day, it doesn’t mean that it is appealing to the world at large and yet, he’s having what he calls a “moment” with Yahel.


And that’s where the brain of our director is at this point in time and his rather distracted behavior is definitely freaking out the cats.

We must decide the title yesterday…

Jimbob: I don’t think you can go wrong with either!

sox: Agree with JB, they are all good! I think having the word ‘Crucified’ included one way or another is good from a commercial point of view. Also a bit ‘provocative’, but RF films is the company that ‘dares’….. This title is too long but maybe something like ‘Yahel – The crucified female Christ’. As JB said, I think all of the above suggestions will work fine! ‘

As we get near to launch our IndieGoGo campaign, the title Seditiosa will remain as the official title. It doesn’t mean that we can’t change it later, like we did with Maleficarum and Sirwiñakuy, but for the purposes of the campaign, Seditiosa it is.


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And, what if we dare make a movie about that incredibly provocative concept?

Be part of this most daring independent film like no other.

We’re about to embark on a new cinematic adventure and we need your help.

Our new Project is titled Seditiosa.

Loosely based on the 2000-year-old story of the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, the story covers the last three days in Yahel’s life.

The story centers around three characters, Yahel, Judith and Magdalena.

Yahel is a healer, a prophet, a teacher, whose followers believe to be the anointed one because she comes straight from the House of David. She doesn’t believe that’s her mission. She sees herself as a healer, she helps people taking care of their ailments, she teaches what she knows to her followers and nothing beyond that.

Judith is the activist of the lot, she wants Yahel to claim her crown, she is sure her people will support her, and what’s more, will join her in her mission to lead them from bondage.

Magdalena, Judith’s sister, is the practical one. She believes that all that talk about claiming the crown and the messianic implications will bring their doom. She fears for both, her sister and Yahel because she knows that there are many who think that they should not even be doing what they do. She heard some people call Yahel a false prophetess and a whore, deserving of a public stoning or worse.https://player.vimeo.com/video/741927835?portrait=0

The people who consider Yahel and her followers as evil are not alone. Those in authority, particularly the religious leaders, want Yahel gone. They see her as a threat to their system and the empire.

It is within this atmosphere that Yahel and her followers venture into town and meet their fate.

The story of the chosen one suffering the cross has been brought to the screen a myriad of times before and in too many versions to count, so what’s different about our version?

Our version will have women in the leading roles of those marched to be crucified and it will be the most outrageous, demanding and sadistic adaptation of the 2,000-year-old story that has inspired books, films, religions, cults, holy wars…

Sure, you have all those different versions covering the story of the gospels. From Cecil B DeMille’s 1927 epic The King of Kings, all the way to hippie musicals like Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell, passing by reverential versions like Jesus of Nazareth, almost visceral interpretations like The Passion of The Christ, weirdly conceptualized renditions like The Last Temptation of Christ, even irreverent comedies like Life of Brian… and who can forget Passolini’s neorealist portrayal of The Gospel According To St. Mathew or the surreal and wacky Buñuel film La Via Lactea (The Milky Way) where Mary tells Jesus “You look much better with your beard” There are perhaps hundreds of films about the Chosen One, The Christ, including Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.

When I say, there’s never been a movie quite like Seditiosa, this is not hyperbole, it is a fact. There’s no movie like the one we are envisioning.

The Film is In Good Hands!


The film will be in the expert and truly capable hands of Jac Avila the director of

Maleficarum, the definitive film about the Spanish Inquisition,
Martyr, the eloquent story of the famous Saint Eulalia who was crucified … twice,
Dead But Dreaming, the most exotic vampire story,
Justine, the definitive version of the De Sade’s story,
and many other fantastic, controversial and brutally honest films.


Do we have a cast? Oh yes, we have an amazing cast.

Simonne De La Riva will be playing the lead role Yahel, whose followers believe should be a queen but becomes a sacrificial lamb instead.
Yahel won’t be alone in her trials, bloody tribulations and ultimate fate.
Daniela Borda will be to her right, as Judith, the aggressive troublemaker and instigator of everything that happens to them.
Mila Joya will be to her left, as Magdalena – reasonable and caring, willing to give her life for those she loves.


Many of our experienced repertory players from previous films will be there to participate in and witness the punishments for these young ladies.

We also have a great crew, great equipment, but we could use some more.

We could go out and shoot this movie today.

But, alas, it is a period film, set in the times of the Roman Empire, so, we need costumes for a good number of people and all those props, particularly those nasty crosses.

We also need good sets, a great temple with all those decorations, great locations, and maybe a few horses.


To make this groundbreaking film possible we need to add 25,000 dollars to our Budget. These funds will be used to cover the expenses of the fantastic, ancient locations, the terrifying props, the authentic costumes we need for our terrific cast… and they are a crowd… And not to mention good make-up artists and their endless supplies to cover tattoos, to work on those whip marks and make all those 21st century people look like they are from some time BC. (Before Christ)

We also need to feed our large cast, transport them, pay location expenses and much more.

With your support we will be able to recreate the times of the Roman Empire; and bring about the story the way it must be told.

If you consider that production companies that recreate historic periods spend millions of dollars to accomplish the task, like Mel Gibson, who spent 25,000,000 to produce The Passion Of The Christ, those $ 25,000 we need to raise probably covered his limousine expenses.

We can truly use those $ 25,000 to perform miracles, just like the 5 pieces of bread and the fish that fed hundreds.

We recreated different periods of time in past films. We went to colonial Peru for Maleficarum, we jumped from ancient Greece to ancient pre Inca time and without losing a beat to Colonial Alto Peru for Dead But Dreaming, we were in the middle of the French Revolution era for Le Marquis de la Croix and De Sade’s Justine, we were right in the middle of 18th century Spain for Olalla, and we recreated the 60’s in the rain forest of Bolivia for the NatGeo Docudrama Outbreak, The Curse of The Black Typhus.

We have the experience, the know-how, the talent and the vision to make this film happen. All We Need Is A Bit More Cash.

Not only will you have the satisfaction of helping us produce a great and controversial film the way it should be made, but, depending on your contributions, you will receive great perks as well.

Depending on your level of support, we have some great perks listed in these pages. From getting credits in the film as an Associate Producer, to a nice mug with the portrait of your favorite character in the film. Maybe even a part in the movie!

What’s even more exciting is that if you contribute at the highest level, you can have a say in the content of some of the scenes!

We would love to reach our goal, but if we don’t, we will use every cent to cover the production expenses. And if we surpass our goal, the better for the production!

Check out our campaign in IndieGoGo and contribute if you can

You can also help us by tweeting and sharing the page, the more we get the Word out, the better chance we get to meet our goal.

When we say that this will be the ultimate, defiant, adaptation of the greatest story ever told we mean it.

With your support we can make it happen in tremendous style!

Visit our IndieGoGo page where you can become part of this amazing movie.

Congrats Margot and team for the campaign finally starting!

Unlike Justine where I was an Associate producer level backer, I can not contribute much this time due to financial issues. I will however pre-buy the film. Is there a way to get a DVD and download copy as a perk. I don't want to buy 2 separate perks to get it.


The week ended with celebrations and new beginnings. Jac’s brother organized a super party for his birthday with lots of guests, an amazing cake, designed by Erix, and thus a month of celebrations began.

Funny enough, it coincided with the launching of our IndieGoGo campaign for Seditiosa, the first ever major motion picture with a most provocative premise, What If The Christ Had Been A Woman?

And when I say this month marks a new beginning for all of us, I mean it.

joek0: Congrats Margot and team for the campaign finally starting!

Unlike Justine where I was an Associate producer level backer, I can not contribute much this time due to financial issues. I will however pre-buy the film. Is there a way to get a DVD and download copy as a perk. I don’t want to buy 2 separate perks to get it.

We would have to set that up, but I don’t know if that is something that will be used a lot. One suggestion is that you make a donation with the amount for both, the DVD and Download, adding a little for shipping and let us know so we can set you up in our records for both. Having said that, I will ask and find out if a new perk can be added with that particular request.


With the work to launch the campaign out of the way, Jac can concentrate in the other pressing matters we have, like the scripts for Seditiosa, complete the pre production and work on the scheduling for 69 Année Érotique, go back to editing the films that are in post, like CruXtreme V, Crux Simplex, Agent Honey Trap, Deep Cover Mole… and more!


The scheduling for 69 Année Érotique will be completed sometime next week, the date of production for that film will be set and we will know when we the cameras will start rolling in this most violently romantic new film where Dani, Mila, Simonne and Jac play multiple characters and they all have naughty games where there are chains and whips involved.

There are another couple of characters who will also suffer at the hands of Mr Hyde. One of them will be played by a newbie, Geraldine. Jac will have some camera tests with the potential new cast member during the coming week. She’s a beautiful woman, who Jac met some years ago while walking his dog. The first time he saw her, climbing on a motorcycle, he was impressed by her looks, she reminded him of Camille. Jac was sure she was French.


All the up and coming activities will not distract us from the big picture, the work on Seditiosa. We’ll be updating the development of our campaign, pressuring our fans to contribute to the big cause. We are somewhat disappointed by the little interest in our Patreon page. We’ll see how it goes.

However, we appreciate the loyal support of our patrons, so, we uploaded a nice clip of Simonne during her first test for Monxa Mala. Our VIP patrons received a password to watch it.

There will be more video clips at Patreon in the future, including clips from the shooting of 69, the location, props and scene tests for Seditiosa, stuff from the past like an exclusive little video with Camille during her training, and much, much more.


I mentioned a new beginning. Well, the intention is to return to the big production values movies and the steps taken now are setting the road for the future.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon Here:

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Waiting To Be Crucified… Again


Simonne is a very busy lady, she is a singer in a band, she is a model and she has a couple of other jobs, and yet, she’s committed to work in our films, she has a role that Dani described as Delicious in 69 Année Érotique, but most importantly, she will play the lead character of Yahel in Seditiosa. She is very excited about that possibility and more than intrigued.

She suffered the cross in Monxa Mala, crown of thorns and all, it was a hard, painful role to play and she remembers it well. She commented to Jac not long ago that she’s sure that Seditiosa will be a lot harder and more painful for all three crucified women. She’s right and she can’t wait. She deserves more enthusiasm, I think.


We launched the campaign for Seditiosa and we’re up to 2% of our ambitious goal. We have to raise 25,000 by the end of the IndieGoGo Campaign, which is in exactly 57 days as of today, October 11. We plan to start shooting the film within a month of that date if we raised sufficient funds. Our estimated time for the release of the film is August 2023, less than a year from now.

If, by any freaking chance someone decides to be the Executive Producer and puts on the table the 25,000 right now, we would stop the presses and jump into the work for the production this week. If two people decide to be executive producers with 25,000 each and one of them wants to be put on a cross, then we would start this week too and hire two editors so they can start cutting the film while we shoot so we could have a rough cut of the film a week after we finished shooting it… and so on…


However, we’re not foreseen any of those scenarios, so we will begin production after the campaign is over unless we have not reached past 10% of our goal. In which case we would have to go out in the world looking for cash hat in hand and hope for the best.

We are planning to release a couple of titles, CruXtreme V and Crux Simplex (For Two) between now and the end of the year and that will actually bring in some cash that we can use for the production as well.


After launching the IndieGoGo campaign, we are back to basics, and in the case of Seditiosa, it means we’re back to the script.

We are discussing the story’s structure, which is crucial to the film. A good structure is necessary but, at the same time, it cannot be an inspiration squasher.

In the case of Seditiosa is not so much how it ends, we all know exactly what will happen and to whom and even why; but the story is how the protagonists get to where they are going, knowing full well that the ending is inevitable.

Jac was thinking of using part of a powerful scene from the ending to open the film. A few close-up shots of Yahel on the cross as she dies. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to open Seditiosa that way, even though the scene he has in mind is amazing and symbolic in many ways.

That subject and it’s possible alternatives is now under discussion at our Patreon site with different suggestions.


We are presently hanging there, holding our breath, as we wait to see what happens with our efforts to get the show going. Simonne, Dani and Mila are waiting to be crucified again… and again… and again…

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

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Waiting To Be Crucified… Again


Simonne is a very busy lady, she is a singer in a band, she is a model and she has a couple of other jobs, and yet, she’s committed to work in our films, she has a role that Dani described as Delicious in 69 Année Érotique, but most importantly, she will play the lead character of Yahel in Seditiosa. She is very excited about that possibility and more than intrigued.

She suffered the cross in Monxa Mala, crown of thorns and all, it was a hard, painful role to play and she remembers it well. She commented to Jac not long ago that she’s sure that Seditiosa will be a lot harder and more painful for all three crucified women. She’s right and she can’t wait. She deserves more enthusiasm, I think.


We launched the campaign for Seditiosa and we’re up to 2% of our ambitious goal. We have to raise 25,000 by the end of the IndieGoGo Campaign, which is in exactly 57 days as of today, October 11. We plan to start shooting the film within a month of that date if we raised sufficient funds. Our estimated time for the release of the film is August 2023, less than a year from now.

If, by any freaking chance someone decides to be the Executive Producer and puts on the table the 25,000 right now, we would stop the presses and jump into the work for the production this week. If two people decide to be executive producers with 25,000 each and one of them wants to be put on a cross, then we would start this week too and hire two editors so they can start cutting the film while we shoot so we could have a rough cut of the film a week after we finished shooting it… and so on…


However, we’re not foreseen any of those scenarios, so we will begin production after the campaign is over unless we have not reached past 10% of our goal. In which case we would have to go out in the world looking for cash hat in hand and hope for the best.

We are planning to release a couple of titles, CruXtreme V and Crux Simplex (For Two) between now and the end of the year and that will actually bring in some cash that we can use for the production as well.


After launching the IndieGoGo campaign, we are back to basics, and in the case of Seditiosa, it means we’re back to the script.

We are discussing the story’s structure, which is crucial to the film. A good structure is necessary but, at the same time, it cannot be an inspiration squasher.

In the case of Seditiosa is not so much how it ends, we all know exactly what will happen and to whom and even why; but the story is how the protagonists get to where they are going, knowing full well that the ending is inevitable.

Jac was thinking of using part of a powerful scene from the ending to open the film. A few close-up shots of Yahel on the cross as she dies. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to open Seditiosa that way, even though the scene he has in mind is amazing and symbolic in many ways.

That subject and it’s possible alternatives is now under discussion at our Patreon site with different suggestions.


We are presently hanging there, holding our breath, as we wait to see what happens with our efforts to get the show going. Simonne, Dani and Mila are waiting to be crucified again… and again… and again…

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon Here:

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HView attachment 1242514Hi, ........I tried to buy one of your films online but this stops me, why?
Good intention, I am convinced that the RF team can help you.

Now over to more serious matters, the crowdfunding campaign for the first female Christ film ever in history, Seditiosa!
We have one shot, one opportunity to make this unique production become a reality, and that is the coming 55 days, the remaining time for the crowdfunding campaign.

Every $ counts, please show Margot and team more support. Skip the next Pizza (s) and contribute!!!!!! As per today only 6 backers, lets make that a 1000 backers instead!!!! This film ought to be of great interest to this community but it is up to us CF:ers to make it happen!!!

So please, use this link!

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