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News From Margot

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Thanks' Margot for yet another extensive and interesting report from your daily life working with 'films that dare'! :)

All your productions are 'daring', dealing with the crux theme, but my guess is that Seditiosa will be the most daring and interesting crux film so far......let's make it a success!

It will be exciting to follow the progress on the Patreon site! I repeat my standard message, fellow CF:ers, please support this unique project, the first female Christ film, * make it possible by becoming a Patreon, and look out for the crowdfunding account!!! (Operational this week?)

' I tried also today to find a complete FC film, no success....
A couple pictures that originally spurred my comment to cut back on the intensity of the fake blood. Same actress, same movie, same crux position, first one before the liberal addition of the red sugar water, the others after. IMHO, a lot of people find a lovely lady hanging naked on a cross very erotic., and would not find it so if the women is covered in fake blood.


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On the topic of blood, I generally agree. Although some blood/cuts should probably be visible in the front to more realistically depict someone who's been lashed 39 times, a happy middle between the above images would make for better visuals. Margot said that they will have makeup people for Seditiosa though, so I have high hopes they'll get it right. Another thing I hope they do in terms of blood though is a couple of streaks of blood running down (up?) the arms from the nails and wounds in the hands or wrists. For some reason the vast majority of crucifixion videos miss that detail, including the above pictures.
The Fires From Hell


I think we are at the stage of “if you build it, they will come” in our campaign for the production of the Big Production Values film about the most intriguing subject of What If Jesus Had Been A Woman?

If we go by the resounding enthusiasm in some quarters to our Patreon page, where you can become a patron for as little as 5 bucks, then I think we’re in our own yellow brick road... and I’m being sarcastic, of course.

You can count the number of patrons in our Patreon page with your fingers and you don’t need to use them all. It’s not a complaint. It is the stating of a fact which we don’t ignore.

We’re going to continue with the page hoping that the number of supporters will grow in time. The undeniable situation we see at Patreon tell us that there are very few enthusiastic supporters for the production of a Female Christ film. Again, it is not a complaint, just stating the obvious to us.


What does it mean?

Like with any faith based religion or cult, it takes time to grow into a full size church, however, the most effective cults are those that go door to door converting people or they have a TV show where they can bring in the believers and the cash, lots of cash, enormous amounts of cash.

So… what do we have to do to turn people into believers of the Female Christ? By the way, Christ is a male noun. For our lady it should be Christa, which although there are some women around the world named Christa, I even know one from Germany, it is not really a recognized proper noun.

Again, what do we have to do to turn people into believers of …. Christa?

The main argument used to turn unbelievers around is the threat of Hell and the big reward for the converted is Heaven.

It is my firm believe that for many people a Christa Big Production Values film would be Heaven and the frustration because such a movie does not exist is definitely Hell.

So, do you want to go to heaven?


This week is a week of rehearsals, working on the set, working on the pitch, and going nuts because some people are simply morons and do the wrong thing at the wrong time and it affects Jac’s mood, which has been awful beginning on Monday evening, but still, he’s managing to do some good work, so far, with the three most likely to be crucified a few times between now and the middle of next year. And I say a few times because Jac has plans after the Christa movie is done.

Because of Jac’s tireless efforts, the set is beginning to look like Dr Jekyll’s living room, kind of dark in an elegant way, appropriate furniture, lots of books that need to be organized properly, and some pictures that need to be framed for the walls… ah, and a carpet that will need to survive the presence of cats.

And that’s where things are now. There will be a big dress rehearsal on next week, and we should be ready to start the production of 69 Anée Érotique.


What does a body looks like after receiving 39 lashes? That’s the theme that we will be exploring at Patreon this week because the issue of blood is a big concern to some… or to all, and we will address it at length.

Ah, and we will set a Movie of the Month, where our patrons will watch one of our movies after their second payment goes through and every month after that.

I will have more news soon!!

We still have a SALE!
20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

Join us in making Seditiosa possible, become a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!

Join Patreon Here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.

A New Via Crucis


When Jac was asked in an interview which film was the most difficult to make he responded, the next one. I agree with him, there’s nothing more difficult in a production than to begin a new one. Once it is done, it no longer can be seen as being difficult… it’s done!

And here we are, at the beginning of a new film, a new adventure, with everything that this huge effort entails.

In the coming days Jac will set the date to begin the production of 69 Année Érotique, the first Big Production Values movie since Amy left for the US. We’re in front of the most difficult film to make yet…

It is the beginning of a new cycle, one that has a few projects to be produced between now and next year. The next in line is, of course, the one project that is making some waves, the Female Christ movie that now has a TITLE!


Would any of you like to be part of it?

I bet many of you do, that’s why we are setting up ways in which you can participate and work with us to make these films happen!

One way is to join our Patreon page!

Take a look

As with anything in life, from baking a cake to brain surgery, to throw some examples out there, there’s a method to making a movie. The choosing of a subject can be difficult in itself, to pick up a subject that can cause tremendous waves is an extraordinary move… and to decide to embark on a project that deals with a subject that is part of the soul of the history of western civilization is quite a feat… and if you decide to turn that subject on its head and change the paradigms… that’s a defiant provocation worth a world war.

To top it, to put another face on the most revered person for billions of people can be a daunting task.


Testing… testing…​

Swapping the gender of JC demands not only changing the gender, and with that to give it a feminine name… but also a complete change of the paradigm known to all.

That’s the task.

Will a film like that bring a change? Maybe. Will it cause a debate? Most likely.


Perhaps there are many out there that share that dream, some, with tremulous lips, dare to express the dream, some others might let their imagination roam the landscapes of old, looking for such prophetess, to join her in her path to pain and glory… and maybe now that can happen.


So today the Foursome of Defiance met to discuss more of the project and to rehearse some of the dialogues that will be part of the Pitch Video Jac is working on to start the campaign to raise funds for this film and to make The Dream Come True.


But we already started!

We have a Patreon page, in its infancy right now, where you can start helping this project.

As we move on with two productions, you will be on that path, just behind the three heroines of this story, who will suffer the wrath of that male enclave of chauvinistic passion, the High Priest and the Governor of the Judean province.

Join Our Patreon Page And Be Part of This Adventure

You can also help by buying our films, those films full of crucifixions… and all of them framing the female body in exhausting pain.

Download our films:

Get our DVDs by mail:
I have only 2 wishes for "Seditiosa": 1) The women HANG on their crosses, not stand or sit; 2) The women are naked (without loincloth) by the time they die. There are a million smaller decisions I also feel strongly about (as do we all I'm sure) but those two are the make or break for me.
I have only 2 wishes for "Seditiosa": 1) The women HANG on their crosses, not stand or sit; 2) The women are naked (without loincloth) by the time they die. There are a million smaller decisions I also feel strongly about (as do we all I'm sure) but those two are the make or break for me.
Thanks for the input! :)

Join (also all other CF members! :) ) the Patreon, (if you have not already done so.) There we will have the opportunity to discuss details as this amazing project progresses! :)

The Fires From Hell


I think we are at the stage of “if you build it, they will come” in our campaign for the production of the Big Production Values film about the most intriguing subject of What If Jesus Had Been A Woman?

If we go by the resounding enthusiasm in some quarters to our Patreon page, where you can become a patron for as little as 5 bucks, then I think we’re in our own yellow brick road... and I’m being sarcastic, of course.

You can count the number of patrons in our Patreon page with your fingers and you don’t need to use them all. It’s not a complaint. It is the stating of a fact which we don’t ignore.

We’re going to continue with the page hoping that the number of supporters will grow in time. The undeniable situation we see at Patreon tell us that there are very few enthusiastic supporters for the production of a Female Christ film. Again, it is not a complaint, just stating the obvious to us.


What does it mean?

Like with any faith based religion or cult, it takes time to grow into a full size church, however, the most effective cults are those that go door to door converting people or they have a TV show where they can bring in the believers and the cash, lots of cash, enormous amounts of cash.

So… what do we have to do to turn people into believers of the Female Christ? By the way, Christ is a male noun. For our lady it should be Christa, which although there are some women around the world named Christa, I even know one from Germany, it is not really a recognized proper noun.

Again, what do we have to do to turn people into believers of …. Christa?

The main argument used to turn unbelievers around is the threat of Hell and the big reward for the converted is Heaven.

It is my firm believe that for many people a Christa Big Production Values film would be Heaven and the frustration because such a movie does not exist is definitely Hell.

So, do you want to go to heaven?


This week is a week of rehearsals, working on the set, working on the pitch, and going nuts because some people are simply morons and do the wrong thing at the wrong time and it affects Jac’s mood, which has been awful beginning on Monday evening, but still, he’s managing to do some good work, so far, with the three most likely to be crucified a few times between now and the middle of next year. And I say a few times because Jac has plans after the Christa movie is done.

Because of Jac’s tireless efforts, the set is beginning to look like Dr Jekyll’s living room, kind of dark in an elegant way, appropriate furniture, lots of books that need to be organized properly, and some pictures that need to be framed for the walls… ah, and a carpet that will need to survive the presence of cats.

And that’s where things are now. There will be a big dress rehearsal on next week, and we should be ready to start the production of 69 Anée Érotique.


What does a body looks like after receiving 39 lashes? That’s the theme that we will be exploring at Patreon this week because the issue of blood is a big concern to some… or to all, and we will address it at length.

Ah, and we will set a Movie of the Month, where our patrons will watch one of our movies after their second payment goes through and every month after that.

I will have more news soon!!

We still have a SALE!
20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

Join us in making Seditiosa possible, become a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!

Join Patreon Here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.

You are making an assumption for support for the Christa film based on the Patreon subscriptions, which i believe is a completely flawed premise. Better evaluation will be when you actually get the Indegogo link up AND give some previews.

Of course, you might actually ASK why folks seem to be less than overhelmed by the prospect. I know my concerns are that you will turn it into a bloody mess and the cruciifiction scene will be like the one in Justine versus a true Roman event. In any case, why not just ask.
You are making an assumption for support for the Christa film based on the Patreon subscriptions, which i believe is a completely flawed premise. Better evaluation will be when you actually get the Indegogo link up AND give some previews.

Of course, you might actually ASK why folks seem to be less than overhelmed by the prospect. I know my concerns are that you will turn it into a bloody mess and the cruciifiction scene will be like the one in Justine versus a true Roman event. In any case, why not just ask.
I'll start by saying I celebrate that this project has been proposed, and I don't want to add to any negativity here. I didn't realize there was negativity until after I had written my earlier reply, sorry.

Maybe some of these things would be helpful? I would be more likely to support the project financially if the Patreon page was about the film I'm excited about. Also, if I knew more about it. For example, if I knew whether Jac and Co. feel as I do about the 2 points I mentioned previously. Maybe some sort of description of the project would be helpful? With some details about the crucifixion scene itself, since that's what most of us are probably most concerned about?

Trying to be helpful. I wish Jac, Margot, and everyone working on this project the very best success!
I'll start by saying I celebrate that this project has been proposed, and I don't want to add to any negativity here. I didn't realize there was negativity until after I had written my earlier reply, sorry.

Maybe some of these things would be helpful? I would be more likely to support the project financially if the Patreon page was about the film I'm excited about. Also, if I knew more about it. For example, if I knew whether Jac and Co. feel as I do about the 2 points I mentioned previously. Maybe some sort of description of the project would be helpful? With some details about the crucifixion scene itself, since that's what most of us are probably most concerned about?

Trying to be helpful. I wish Jac, Margot, and everyone working on this project the very best success!
Thank's for your positive input Juan! The Patreon is a general support, but it will help to realize the female Christ film, and also give the opportunity to discuss details as I understand it, so please join if you have the opportunity! :) (I have.....) Look out for the fundraising page as well! This is a one time opportunity, we don't know when the next opportunity will arise, if ever..........

I also don't want to bring any negativity to this thread and I'm excited about the prospect of Seditiosa. But a theory as to why the Patreon page is not doing better is that it has more content about 69 Annee Erotique than Seditiosa at the moment. Not to put down the other movie, but to me personally it is not as interesting. I understand that it's further along in production and the main focus right now, but most of us are more interested in the crucifixion film.

I think as the focus shifts more toward that and some of the concerns are addressed the Patreon will start picking up.
I think it would probably get off the ground flying if it had blood and nudity to the maximum level. An absolute orgasm like death scene would really be profitable.
Just have the girls in their underwear telling us how they are going to die would help to fund it. Also set up accounts on onlyfans or fansly where the nude rehearsals can bring in money. Also take their dead bodies from the cross and slowly move the camera up and down their corpses. Spread their legs so we can see their shaved wet pussies as well as the shock on their wide eyed dead faces .Snuff porn studios do that, which is what I think crux movies are. Very arty Snuff porn
I also don't want to bring any negativity to this thread and I'm excited about the prospect of Seditiosa. But a theory as to why the Patreon page is not doing better is that it has more content about 69 Annee Erotique than Seditiosa at the moment. Not to put down the other movie, but to me personally it is not as interesting. I understand that it's further along in production and the main focus right now, but most of us are more interested in the crucifixion film.

I think as the focus shifts more toward that and some of the concerns are addressed the Patreon will start picking up.
Correct. I am not part of the RF team, I just want the Seditiosa to be a success! :) As i understand it, the Seditiosa will soon dominate the Patreon site, as that film progresses!

It is however up to us Patreons to be engaged and comment and discuss the Seditiosa project with Margot and her team on the Patreon site! The Patreons will be the ones who will make it a vivid place, who will contribute to make this a success. So I urge you all fellow crux lovers, join Patreon, show Margot and team our support! :)

Shreded Skin After 39 Lashes


We started a discussion at Patreon’s about the famous 39 Lashes.

I believe it might be engaging and rewarding for all involved. Here’s a tiny bit of what we posted:

I’m going to share a little of a proposed conversation in the script of Seditiosa, bear in mind that this is a draft and it is presented here without the context of previous scenes.

PILATE: Why have you stopped with 13 remaining?

LICTOR: My Lord, her back is smaller than a man’s. 26 ravages it the same as 39 would a man’s.

The discussion centers on the effects of those 39 lashes with a flagelum of 5 thongs with metal shards in those thongs. Multiply those 39 lashes by 5 and think of what would those nasty lashes do to a body like Simonne’s


Simonne during the testing of the cross for Monxa Mala.

The 39 lashes post initiated a very engaging exchange of ideas and opinions that continues now and entices us to post more on the subject with what I can describe as a well researched article on what could happen to our dear Simonne and her two faithful companions in misery before, during and after their crucifixion.

The up and coming dissertation will have interesting quotes, like the one below:

Cicero called crucifixion extremum summumque supplicium (the extreme and ultimate punishment).

There will be some pictures, of course, and if I’m not mistaken, the announcement of the sneak preview of a video, which will be visible for a limited time to paying VIP Patrons only.


stepnash: Take it from me, if you can’t or won’t remove the tattooists and decorations. Then she is not the right image for your female Christ. Believe me.

xso: Believe me.Tattoos will be removed…..please support this project!! :)

Oh the tattoos.

is a story that takes place in the times of the Roman empire… and the times of those biblical stories about Messiahs and such. Did women have tattoos during that period of time? Apparently yes. In the famous film The Last Temptation of Christ, Mary Magdalene, played by a very sexy Barbara Heshley, has huge tattoos on her arms, hands, back, face and I don’t remember where else.

For Scorcese it was a way of making that character not only aggressive and sexy but exotic and perhaps defiantly liberal for her times.


The actress that will play the Christa in Seditiosa is Simonne, who suffered intense flogging on her back and front, had her skin burned with hot irons, her flesh pricked with stilettos and was finally crucified in Monxa Mala, ah, not to mention a nasty crown of thorns was pressed on her head.

She does not have tattoos, not even a tiny one.


Mila and Dani do have tattoos and the entire universe is aware of that fact and I’m afraid that the process of removing tattoos is almost impossible. It requires a long, painful, risky treatment with some kind of laser beams, I picture them Goldfinger style, and even if that torture is applied to the tattooed flesh, there’s no way of actually totally removing them.

But, alas! there’s something called Make Up which can be very effectively used to cover those tattoos and render them invisible to the naked eye. It was done on Mila for Justine and Pymalion to great and aesthetic effect.


The make up was also used in Dead But Dreaming, where a beautiful Mila is nailed up and then her body is exposed to all…. and the body does not show tattoos.


And in a film made after Dead But Dreaming, Olalla, Mila’s tattoos were left alone because her character was a beautiful girl who loved tattoos.


In the highly anticipated film Seditiosa, Mila’s and Dani’s tattoos will be covered nicely by our expert make up artists. Although the film is in its early stages of development and pre-production, it is creating an uproar of comments and it is the center of attention at our Patreon’s page.

I will have more news soon!!

We are still have a SALE!
20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

Join us in making Seditiosa possible, become a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!

Join Patreon Here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.

I know most people here are more interested in the Seditiosa project, including myself. I am also however excited for Pygmalion and have waited since it's production back in 2016 to watch the movie. I hope the movie premier goes well and I can't wait to buy the film myself.
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