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News From Margot

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With all the talk about "to loincloth or not to loincloth", with some for one and some against, (I am "for", but very torn between both camps personally), and with this being such a split and evenly torn issue of taste, might I very humbly suggest that there actually is uniquely in this case a potentially perfect solution. A loincloth can be worn, during the whipping and carrying and nailing, and during the early time on the cross, then removed from the victims after some time crucified so their latter time on the cross is naked. Simple. Just trying to help.
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With all due to respect, you have been arguing that the flogging scenes and blood need to be reduced. And I see Margot very earnestly engaging with your concerns. While I don’t wish dismiss those concerns and also want these crux scenes to be as good as they can possibly be, I would urge you to not conflate “watering down” with not matching your tastes.
My concern on too much blood refers to taking away the beauty of the victims but basically covering then with a coat on red fake blood. Compare the crux scene from Justine to that of Amy crucified in the Crux Romnia flim.
Attached is an excellent drawing of the proper crux positioning. Also provided a possible method of raising the vitcum withou the need for extensive scaffolding,, Addition safety feature would be a rope attached to the top of the crossbeam that also rides in a notch in the top of the post.


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With all the talk about "to loincloth or not to loincloth", with some for one and some against, (I am "for", but very torn between both camps personally), and with this being such a split and evenly torn issue of taste, might I very humbly suggest that there actually is uniquely in this case a potentially perfect solution. A loincloth can be worn, during the whipping and carrying and nailing, and during the early time on the cross, then removed from the victims after some time crucified so their latter time on the cross is naked. Simple. Just trying to help.
I think I too suggested that earlier. Totally agree that wpould be a great way to go. My comment on the loincolth is more focused on the scene not getting too watered down to make the film more "marketable" (read Marytr),.
I think I too suggested that earlier. Totally agree that wpould be a great way to go. My comment on the loincolth is more focused on the scene not getting too watered down to make the film more "marketable" (read Marytr),.
Yes, I understand where you are coming from. Thanks for your clarification. For me, I would really like to see a real and genuine Female Christ crucifixion scene. Genuine and Roman. She undergoes crucifixion like a man would have to, we see everything, boobs whip marks sweat and blood, we hear her involuntary moans when raised, and nailed and hear labored conversation. We get a range of views and it is largely in real time.
The Cycles of Pain


If we were to identify cycles by the impact of the main players who inspired stories and acted in the films, we could say that there’s the Camille Cycle, that began in 1993 with the production of the miniseries The Man From The Moon and ended by 2003 with Martyr or The Death of St Eulalia with over 35 works. But the one film that began this magnificent road was Red Feline On The Cross.


Camille, aka Carmen, was not alone during that cycle, her sister Gabrielle, aka Veronique, joined the team and participated in many of those films, including Red Feline Faces The Inquisition, and many solo films like CruxBride. She had a leading role in Martyr as well.


Another cycle began in 2005 with the production of the NatGeo doc Outbreak, which was the beginning of a very intense career for Amy as an actress, producer and director. But she also made costumes, built props, decorated sets, and a lot more.

That cycle ended in 2015 with the production of Justine with some 25 films in its belt.


As with Camille, Amy was not alone. This time a new teammate appeared, Mila Joya, who became an integral part of that cycle and worked in all of the films made then. And there was a crossover too, with Veronique who worked under Amy in Sirwiñakuy and Barbazul and had a protagonist role in Jac’s Dead But Dreaming. Amy’s leaving for the US to pursue other career goals marked the end of the cycle with two productions, Pygmalion and Justine. A new actress was in both. Bea.


Ironically enough, a new cycle began with another NatGeo financed film about the hunting of jaguars in the protected areas of Bolivia. Soon after Jac returned to civilization he directed beautiful Bea in the two cast and crew production of The Passion of Isabel, which was the first film where Amy was not involved and the first in a series of films where Jac did all the crew work plus acting in them.


Soon after The Passion of Isabel was made, Dani joined the team and Mila, who right after Amy left also moved on to do other things, returned to begin the new series of films until now.

A high point came when Jac produced Monxa Mala, with Mila, Dani and some new faces in our films, the one who shone prominently was Simonne, who is now the chosen one.


Thunder33: I follow RFPIX since their beginnings , and undoubtedly their best performer for me was the red feline herself, Camille.
If she were a little bit younger she definitely would’ve made the perfect Female Jesus. I just imagine her with the crown of thrones, gaping for air while they laid her down on the cross, taking the nailing and put on display like the Queen of Jews between two thief. I wish you all the best for this new movie. I hope it fulfill everyone’s wishes, which is the main goal of this effort.

At the beginning there was Camille and Camille was… yes a Goddess. Perhaps it was destiny or the universe, of the forces of some kind of divine design, but all roads led to Camille. And it was so simple, a big smile, those pretty shiny eyes, and being at the right place in the right time of the moving of the events on everyone’s life.

We were all there when we could’ve been somewhere else in the planet. We arrived from New York, she arrived from Tours, and that month, and that year.


And things worked out so she would become Red Feline. And to be totally candid, there was one else that could’ve been Red Feline and as an extension, Camille in The Death of St Eulalia, which, in a way it is a Passion Play where Camille recreates the passion of St Eulalia which, in a great symbolic way is the recreation of the Passion of Christ. I can say that she was there, in a poetic and modern version of a Female Christ. As a matter of fact, at the festival where Martyr had its premiere, someone in the audience commented as the crucifixion scene in the movie was taking place: “this is The Passion of Christ with a woman in his place


wanttoknowmore: Rereading the latest “update”. I am begining to get a bit concerned that the crucifiction scenes are getting watered down for ‘marketablity” – specifically it is not decided if the women will be naked on the cross. At the very least, this should be decided at this point. Whether nailed via hands or wrist a lesser issue, but why still undecided?

Please confirm the ladies are NOT going to “stand” on the cross, or have a repeat of the positioning of the terrible Justine crux scene.

The more specifics you provide, the confidence people will have in the outcome, and the easier it will be to raise funds. Again, the Justine crux scene promises versus results still linger.

It is also hard to contibute to the movie fund without an actual funding page/link.

Iconoclast12: With all due to respect, you have been arguing that the flogging scenes and blood need to be reduced. And I see Margot very earnestly engaging with your concerns. While I don’t wish dismiss those concerns and also want these crux scenes to be as good as they can possibly be, I would urge you to not conflate “watering down” with not matching your tastes.

wanttoknowmore: My concern on too much blood refers to taking away the beauty of the victims but basically covering then with a coat on red fake blood. Compare the crux scene from Justine to that of Amy crucified in the Crux Romnia flim.

I’m intrigued about the comment. Watering down? I don’t know where in my previous comments did I suggest that Jac is watering down the crucifixion scenes. The three women will walk to the Hill of the Skull, wearing their loincloths, which, by the way, will not be in good shape. I think the Female Christ will wear a torn robe of sorts, but I cannot say that for sure. It was a comment I heard or read.

After the nailing and raising up, their loincloths will be removed in a particularly dramatic moment to make a point for the benefit of the curious crowds, which include all the viewers… all of them.

I’m not sure if there will be a cuerno involved, but I also heard that it is possible that one of them will ‘sit‘ on her ‘throne‘. In other words she’ll be impaled on something like a horn, a cruel sedile.

What is certain is that ALL three will be nailed hands and feet, but maybe the feet will be placed in different positions, to add to the spectacle and for visual variety.

And as far as the fundraising campaign, we’re still working on the IndieGoGo campaign materials. It will be set up soon.


LadyKiller: Could you make their moments of death sexual? Like they are having orgasms before they become dead bodies.

Camille taught us, and particularly Jac, that the French have a saying, “every orgasm is a little death“. The expression of Camille suffering on the cross and the expressions she has during orgasm are pretty similar, specially if the pleasure is very high, in one case, or the pain is too intense. When the anointed one and the sisters suffer the agonies of the cross, they will definitely express something like an extremely intense orgasm.


August is nearing its end and with that a change of season is at hand. For those up in the northern parts of the planet, fall will come and for those in the southern hemisphere, Spring!

So, to mark this period of time, where so many things are happening, we’re having a SALE!

20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

And for those who want to join us in making Seditiosa possible you can start by becoming a supporter:

Join Patreon Here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.

Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.
The Cycles of Pain


If we were to identify cycles by the impact of the main players who inspired stories and acted in the films, we could say that there’s the Camille Cycle, that began in 1993 with the production of the miniseries The Man From The Moon and ended by 2003 with Martyr or The Death of St Eulalia with over 35 works. But the one film that began this magnificent road was Red Feline On The Cross.


Camille, aka Carmen, was not alone during that cycle, her sister Gabrielle, aka Veronique, joined the team and participated in many of those films, including Red Feline Faces The Inquisition, and many solo films like CruxBride. She had a leading role in Martyr as well.


Another cycle began in 2005 with the production of the NatGeo doc Outbreak, which was the beginning of a very intense career for Amy as an actress, producer and director. But she also made costumes, built props, decorated sets, and a lot more.

That cycle ended in 2015 with the production of Justine with some 25 films in its belt.


As with Camille, Amy was not alone. This time a new teammate appeared, Mila Joya, who became an integral part of that cycle and worked in all of the films made then. And there was a crossover too, with Veronique who worked under Amy in Sirwiñakuy and Barbazul and had a protagonist role in Jac’s Dead But Dreaming. Amy’s leaving for the US to pursue other career goals marked the end of the cycle with two productions, Pygmalion and Justine. A new actress was in both. Bea.


Ironically enough, a new cycle began with another NatGeo financed film about the hunting of jaguars in the protected areas of Bolivia. Soon after Jac returned to civilization he directed beautiful Bea in the two cast and crew production of The Passion of Isabel, which was the first film where Amy was not involved and the first in a series of films where Jac did all the crew work plus acting in them.


Soon after The Passion of Isabel was made, Dani joined the team and Mila, who right after Amy left also moved on to do other things, returned to begin the new series of films until now.

A high point came when Jac produced Monxa Mala, with Mila, Dani and some new faces in our films, the one who shone prominently was Simonne, who is now the chosen one.


At the beginning there was Camille and Camille was… yes a Goddess. Perhaps it was destiny or the universe, of the forces of some kind of divine design, but all roads led to Camille. And it was so simple, a big smile, those pretty shiny eyes, and being at the right place in the right time of the moving of the events on everyone’s life.

We were all there when we could’ve been somewhere else in the planet. We arrived from New York, she arrived from Tours, and that month, and that year.


And things worked out so she would become Red Feline. And to be totally candid, there was one else that could’ve been Red Feline and as an extension, Camille in The Death of St Eulalia, which, in a way it is a Passion Play where Camille recreates the passion of St Eulalia which, in a great symbolic way is the recreation of the Passion of Christ. I can say that she was there, in a poetic and modern version of a Female Christ. As a matter of fact, at the festival where Martyr had its premiere, someone in the audience commented as the crucifixion scene in the movie was taking place: “this is The Passion of Christ with a woman in his place


I’m intrigued about the comment. Watering down? I don’t know where in my previous comments did I suggest that Jac is watering down the crucifixion scenes. The three women will walk to the Hill of the Skull, wearing their loincloths, which, by the way, will not be in good shape. I think the Female Christ will wear a torn robe of sorts, but I cannot say that for sure. It was a comment I heard or read.

After the nailing and raising up, their loincloths will be removed in a particularly dramatic moment to make a point for the benefit of the curious crowds, which include all the viewers… all of them.

I’m not sure if there will be a cuerno involved, but I also heard that it is possible that one of them will ‘sit‘ on her ‘throne‘. In other words she’ll be impaled on something like a horn, a cruel sedile.

What is certain is that ALL three will be nailed hands and feet, but maybe the feet will be placed in different positions, to add to the spectacle and for visual variety.

And as far as the fundraising campaign, we’re still working on the IndieGoGo campaign materials. It will be set up soon.


Camille taught us, and particularly Jac, that the French have a saying, “every orgasm is a little death“. The expression of Camille suffering on the cross and the expressions she has during orgasm are pretty similar, specially if the pleasure is very high, in one case, or the pain is too intense. When the anointed one and the sisters suffer the agonies of the cross, they will definitely express something like an extremely intense orgasm.


August is nearing its end and with that a change of season is at hand. For those up in the northern parts of the planet, fall will come and for those in the southern hemisphere, Spring!

So, to mark this period of time, where so many things are happening, we’re having a SALE!

20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

And for those who want to join us in making Seditiosa possible you can start by becoming a supporter:

Join Patreon Here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.

Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.
Thanks for the update on the crux scene. My comment on watering down came from an earlier mention that it was still under discussion if the ladies would indeed be naked on their crosses. Aounds like that has been decided, along with a few other items. All of which sounds great.
All sounds good . When I say their moments of death should be sexual I definitely think it should like a sudden physical, uncontrollable release of their souls. Something so powerful that it takes them over. A death scene is like a physical ejaculation. I have done crux videos for private players, and for their deaths I have used my hands and toys off camera to make them cum so their deaths look dramatic. Would you ever discuss that with your cast.?
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Attached is an excellent drawing of the proper crux positioning. Also provided a possible method of raising the vitcum withou the need for extensive scaffolding,, Addition safety feature would be a rope attached to the top of the crossbeam that also rides in a notch in the top of the post.
Very nice drawings !
Do you know where do they come from ?
What is plain and clear is that, early in the story, the two sisters get arrested, soon after our Female Christ is also arrested and taken to face the authorities. All three of them suffer the scourge. One of them gets the crown of thorns, all three of them are pushed, punished and practically naked, before the hostile crowds, all three are condemned to death on the cross, all three painfully walk up to the skull shaped hill (calvary) to be crucified carrying their patibulums.
So glad to hear the two thieves will be receiving their just desserts!

May I make one additional very minor suggestion, and I'll be happy to contribute to the Patreon regardless of whether or not this request makes the final cut? Specifically, it's only been done ONCE before, in all of your films, yet I believe it to be a humiliating and thus (to me, at least) erotically exciting feature of ALL crucifixions. Does anyone know what I'm talking about yet?

Next hint: The actress and film where it was done before was by Amy in the third episode of the Green Inferno. Another hint: "They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink” (Matthew 27:34)." But what of the two thieves? Perhaps they drank greedily, who can really say?

Let's just imagine that they did, so we can then simply let nature take its course? At some point, after being spiked hand-and-foot and raised upon their crosses of suffering and death, while writhing in agony on shameful display before the hostile jeering crowd, our martyred mavens will need to relieve themselves, and all that I'm asking is to please, Please, PLEASE -- KEEP THE CAMERA ROLLING!!!

Keep the camera rolling, while they shower their golden fountains upon the fetid earth of Golgotha, eliciting excited cheers and gleeful mockery from the assembled rabble.
Then if you REALLY want to adhere to biblical accuracy, note that the dehydrated and thirsting Jesusa eventually DOES drink the horrible brew: "Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst (John 19:28)."

Really hope to see our martyred trio glistening with pain-sweat mixed with their own blood dancing in the sweltering sun for another 15 or 20 minutes or more at that point, eventually hanging limp and lifeless and utterly defeated at the end, but its always the directors call and I'm sure Jac will not disappoint. :jump1:
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What is certain is that ALL three will be nailed hands and feet, but maybe the feet will be placed in different positions, to add to the spectacle and for visual variety.
Dani is such a wanton exhibitionist!

Really hoping to see her feet nailed separately, one on either side of the post, in order to spread her legs to the maximum extent practical!

:bdsm-heart:Luv you Dani!
Times Of Crisis


These days, when a season is ending and another is about to begin in the middle of chaos and economic crisis all over the planet, things are getting tougher, casting a shadow on everything we’re doing and planning.

But even in times of crisis, the exciting, excited and stressed Red Feline Team met last week to eat cake, in celebration of Dani’s birthday, and to discuss the up and coming projects.

Dani showed up as if she had be thrown from a mountain. Jac made that comment when he saw her arrive.

She had been in a photoshoot for some campaign of which I have no details. According to her, she played a dead woman inside of a suitcase, half naked and bruised up. She didn’t have time to clean up before going to the meeting, she was in a hurry to make it in time, so the people in charge drove her directly to Jac’s house.

Jac took some pictures of her because he wanted to preserve the moment, it’s not always that you celebrate your birthday all beat up.

He also thought that the make-up person in charge did a pretty good job and he might want to meet her.


The meeting went well, they ate half of the tasty cake, drunk some juice, no one was in the mood for rum, as a matter of fact it’s been a while since they had rum during their meetings.

They will have some intense rehearsals for 69 and they will record a few comments from them all for the promotion of the campaign for Seditiosa. Not necessarily for the pitch, but he might use some of it.

As Amy did for the script 69, when she told Jac to explode it, she did the same for the pitch, she pointed to its flaws and suggested Jac put more work into it, that it would be worthy. So, as the good boy that he is, he’s following her suggestions.

So Jac decided to start the pitch video with the premise, as an introduction to the pitch:


It will be a title and a voice over with some intriguing image.


He also decided to get physical again, all weekend, to finish fixing the house, it’s a mess. Working on moving the furniture and everything on it will help him think and to have the place ready for the rehearsals and all the planned work next week.

He also had a party, Saturday night, at a club where his son performed with his band… and celebrated his birthday. He joined the party at the club to celebrate the night, long time ago, when he sat at St Vincent Hospital in NY, in the same room where Edgar Alan Poe died, to have his newly born child hold his finger. A truly touching and scary moment in Jac’s young life.

Both, Erix and Dani are Leos. I think we celebrate all of our birthdays in doubles. Erix and Dani, Bea and Mila, Jac and I, Amy and Mireya… Simonne and Jac’s Dad.

The team met again this week, to go over the script for 69 and work on a couple of scenes to establish the characters and all that jazz. All of them have three characters to play, different characters, with extremely opposite personalities. Big task for the actors.


As they were going through all the work to prepare for the production of 69 Année Érotique and the fundraising for Seditiosa, things were not going well in general. A drop in the average monthly sales, that has become a critical issue, added to a perceived lack of real interest in what can be considered our fan base for the new Female Christ project, and a general indifference to my posts is making us consider some drastic changes that could affect how we operate.

I’m a pragmatic person, not leaning to emotional outbursts, in other words, I’m not a cry baby. From a strictly pragmatic position I look at the circumstances surrounding us and I see some clear points.

  • No comments to my posts at GIMP, one a year, maybe, which makes me loose interest in visiting and posting and making any efforts there. That’s a pragmatic point of view, maybe there’s no interest in what I have to say, period.
  • Very little reaction to our plans to produce the first ever big production values feature film about a Female Christ. So I think to myself, why bother?
  • A three month steady drop on our average sales all over, including Vimeo, Amazon and so on, which makes me think that the economy is really bad so people are not eager to get their movies like before. Not even if we put a big sale, so maybe the time to make movies about kitties is at hand. Jac puts a picture of one of his cats in FB and people go nuts. I put a picture of a beautiful naked woman on a cross and not even a wink.


All the above points can me debated, of course, it is possible that I was in a bad mood when I decided to look, objectively, at the issues I’m discussing. But it is also possible that the time is coming to think outside the neat little box we are in.

One example. I spend a good amount of time, every day, checking all the registrations at the GIMP forum to select the legit from the bots, hackers, spammers and so on. Out of 200 registrations I get, one is legit. So, why bother? I waste precious time. If I stop checking, they will just pile up but they wont waste my time and there won’t be any new registrations approved, ever, unless they contact me directly to get approved.

It’s nice to have a place where you can go share your proclivities… but it ain’t free for those maintaining it. There’s money and labor involved in running it and a little appreciation can go a long way… and it should bring in some benefits, I think.

Another example. I put a lot of good time writing my posts and I get one or two beautiful responses… and that’s it. And that’s in ONE forum, in the other not even the time of the day. Why bother?

I think I would get the same response if I post a picture and a couple of lines like.. hey… get our movies… or I simple put a picture with that message in it.


This might be the last extensive post that I’ll share outside of our site. If you want to know about how we’re doing, what we’re doing, how we’re doing it … come over and visit.

And any discussions concerning the new productions will be with people who are supporting the work. I’ll announce the progress from time to time in forums and the like, and you are free to ignore it completely.

It’s very tiring to organize a party for no one to show up. What’s worse, the time I spend keeping a site up and running, I could use to write poetry, that no one will read, like my posts, just for my pleasure, or water the plants, or go feed some pigeons. At least the pigeons will be grateful and the plants won’t die.

Right. The time to put the effort where there are positive results is here. I might be sharing a link to our movies about cats new site soon.

One sure way of knowing the impact of my screaming post is to get a reaction to it… that is if anyone cares to read it.

One comment might help me change my mind. Two comments will go a long way to keep me going, no comments will mark the end of an era.


In case you care:

We are having a SALE!

20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

And for those who want to join us in making Seditiosa possible you can start by becoming a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!:

Join Patreon Here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.

Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.
Times are tough, I certainly empathise with your frustration. I love reading your 'blogs', especially the behind the scenes stores of the wonderful women who take the painful parts in the films. But I appreciate that you need to consider whether the effort you put into them is worthwhile. It's true that this 'Links to Paysites' section is a bit of an 'extra' on CruxForums, I don't see much evidence that many members visit it regularly, or that any of the active threads have a great many active followers. If you do decide to stop posting your 'News' in the way you have been doing, perhaps you could still post more occasional news, especially when new videos are available - and you'd be welcome to start a new thread now and again when there's something exciting to announce - that would probably attract more attention. I'll miss your 'News' - but you'll always be welcome here, I hope you'll feel it's worth keeping in touch!
Times are tough, I certainly empathise with your frustration. I love reading your 'blogs', especially the behind the scenes stores of the wonderful women who take the painful parts in the films. But I appreciate that you need to consider whether the effort you put into them is worthwhile. It's true that this 'Links to Paysites' section is a bit of an 'extra' on CruxForums, I don't see much evidence that many members visit it regularly, or that any of the active threads have a great many active followers. If you do decide to stop posting your 'News' in the way you have been doing, perhaps you could still post more occasional news, especially when new videos are available - and you'd be welcome to start a new thread now and again when there's something exciting to announce - that would probably attract more attention. I'll miss your 'News' - but you'll always be welcome here, I hope you'll feel it's worth keeping in touch!
Keep up your excellent work Margot & team! It can sometimes feel frustrating, but I feel confident that this will be a success! Interest will be there, this is a unique project! :) (Just check for instance on the net how much is written about a film like 'Cactus'.......)
Times Of Crisis


These days, when a season is ending and another is about to begin in the middle of chaos and economic crisis all over the planet, things are getting tougher, casting a shadow on everything we’re doing and planning.

But even in times of crisis, the exciting, excited and stressed Red Feline Team met last week to eat cake, in celebration of Dani’s birthday, and to discuss the up and coming projects.

Dani showed up as if she had be thrown from a mountain. Jac made that comment when he saw her arrive.

She had been in a photoshoot for some campaign of which I have no details. According to her, she played a dead woman inside of a suitcase, half naked and bruised up. She didn’t have time to clean up before going to the meeting, she was in a hurry to make it in time, so the people in charge drove her directly to Jac’s house.

Jac took some pictures of her because he wanted to preserve the moment, it’s not always that you celebrate your birthday all beat up.

He also thought that the make-up person in charge did a pretty good job and he might want to meet her.


The meeting went well, they ate half of the tasty cake, drunk some juice, no one was in the mood for rum, as a matter of fact it’s been a while since they had rum during their meetings.

They will have some intense rehearsals for 69 and they will record a few comments from them all for the promotion of the campaign for Seditiosa. Not necessarily for the pitch, but he might use some of it.

As Amy did for the script 69, when she told Jac to explode it, she did the same for the pitch, she pointed to its flaws and suggested Jac put more work into it, that it would be worthy. So, as the good boy that he is, he’s following her suggestions.

So Jac decided to start the pitch video with the premise, as an introduction to the pitch:


It will be a title and a voice over with some intriguing image.


He also decided to get physical again, all weekend, to finish fixing the house, it’s a mess. Working on moving the furniture and everything on it will help him think and to have the place ready for the rehearsals and all the planned work next week.

He also had a party, Saturday night, at a club where his son performed with his band… and celebrated his birthday. He joined the party at the club to celebrate the night, long time ago, when he sat at St Vincent Hospital in NY, in the same room where Edgar Alan Poe died, to have his newly born child hold his finger. A truly touching and scary moment in Jac’s young life.

Both, Erix and Dani are Leos. I think we celebrate all of our birthdays in doubles. Erix and Dani, Bea and Mila, Jac and I, Amy and Mireya… Simonne and Jac’s Dad.

The team met again this week, to go over the script for 69 and work on a couple of scenes to establish the characters and all that jazz. All of them have three characters to play, different characters, with extremely opposite personalities. Big task for the actors.


As they were going through all the work to prepare for the production of 69 Année Érotique and the fundraising for Seditiosa, things were not going well in general. A drop in the average monthly sales, that has become a critical issue, added to a perceived lack of real interest in what can be considered our fan base for the new Female Christ project, and a general indifference to my posts is making us consider some drastic changes that could affect how we operate.

I’m a pragmatic person, not leaning to emotional outbursts, in other words, I’m not a cry baby. From a strictly pragmatic position I look at the circumstances surrounding us and I see some clear points.

  • No comments to my posts at GIMP, one a year, maybe, which makes me loose interest in visiting and posting and making any efforts there. That’s a pragmatic point of view, maybe there’s no interest in what I have to say, period.
  • Very little reaction to our plans to produce the first ever big production values feature film about a Female Christ. So I think to myself, why bother?
  • A three month steady drop on our average sales all over, including Vimeo, Amazon and so on, which makes me think that the economy is really bad so people are not eager to get their movies like before. Not even if we put a big sale, so maybe the time to make movies about kitties is at hand. Jac puts a picture of one of his cats in FB and people go nuts. I put a picture of a beautiful naked woman on a cross and not even a wink.


All the above points can me debated, of course, it is possible that I was in a bad mood when I decided to look, objectively, at the issues I’m discussing. But it is also possible that the time is coming to think outside the neat little box we are in.

One example. I spend a good amount of time, every day, checking all the registrations at the GIMP forum to select the legit from the bots, hackers, spammers and so on. Out of 200 registrations I get, one is legit. So, why bother? I waste precious time. If I stop checking, they will just pile up but they wont waste my time and there won’t be any new registrations approved, ever, unless they contact me directly to get approved.

It’s nice to have a place where you can go share your proclivities… but it ain’t free for those maintaining it. There’s money and labor involved in running it and a little appreciation can go a long way… and it should bring in some benefits, I think.

Another example. I put a lot of good time writing my posts and I get one or two beautiful responses… and that’s it. And that’s in ONE forum, in the other not even the time of the day. Why bother?

I think I would get the same response if I post a picture and a couple of lines like.. hey… get our movies… or I simple put a picture with that message in it.


This might be the last extensive post that I’ll share outside of our site. If you want to know about how we’re doing, what we’re doing, how we’re doing it … come over and visit.

And any discussions concerning the new productions will be with people who are supporting the work. I’ll announce the progress from time to time in forums and the like, and you are free to ignore it completely.

It’s very tiring to organize a party for no one to show up. What’s worse, the time I spend keeping a site up and running, I could use to write poetry, that no one will read, like my posts, just for my pleasure, or water the plants, or go feed some pigeons. At least the pigeons will be grateful and the plants won’t die.

Right. The time to put the effort where there are positive results is here. I might be sharing a link to our movies about cats new site soon.

One sure way of knowing the impact of my screaming post is to get a reaction to it… that is if anyone cares to read it.

One comment might help me change my mind. Two comments will go a long way to keep me going, no comments will mark the end of an era.


In case you care:

We are having a SALE!

20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

And for those who want to join us in making Seditiosa possible you can start by becoming a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!:

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Ok, let's take a look at a few things regrding your comments on "interest" and "support" for the Female Christ movie and other "support: in general-

Have you set up a funding page for the Female Christ movie? - No Yet you are questioning support for the project.

Have you released any FC promo vids - NO. Want to develop interest, show a few pics of what the women will look like during the carrying and crux scenes.

Has any timeline been established for the FC filming and release? I haven't seen any, Funding an issue to finalize - see comments above. Nobody is going to contribute to a film they may never see.

Has there been a number of posts on this site in support of the movie - Yes Compare that to the feedback for the 69 movie that you are hell bent on putting your efforts toward.

In short, maybe your FC marketing and your project priorities need a reset.

You are upset about the Patreon sign-up. What are you posting on that venue that make that worthwhile?

As for sales being down - maybe add trailers to the film descrription/ order page so folks have a better idea what the flim looks like.
Ok, let's take a look at a few things regrding your comments on "interest" and "support" for the Female Christ movie and other "support: in general-

Have you set up a funding page for the Female Christ movie? - No Yet you are questioning support for the project.

Have you released any FC promo vids - NO. Want to develop interest, show a few pics of what the women will look like during the carrying and crux scenes.

Has any timeline been established for the FC filming and release? I haven't seen any, Funding an issue to finalize - see comments above. Nobody is going to contribute to a film they may never see.

Has there been a number of posts on this site in support of the movie - Yes Compare that to the feedback for the 69 movie that you are hell bent on putting your efforts toward.

In short, maybe your FC marketing and your project priorities need a reset.

You are upset about the Patreon sign-up. What are you posting on that venue that make that worthwhile?

As for sales being down - maybe add trailers to the film descrription/ order page so folks have a better idea what the flim looks like.
Who are you? The Spanish Inquisition? Give Margot a break.
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